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Chapter 4: ×Chapter 4×Date In Disguise/The Last Day


*Earth*( Year 3910)

Southern Region(18th Ave)

*Whitney's Mansion*

~Time Skip~ *3 Months & 12 Days Later*

Behind Whitney's house where there were trees, the wind blew gently rustling the leaves, the soft scent of nature enough to calm even the raging heat of a bull.

Though usually undisturbed since the passing of it's first owner, it was now not alone as it reveled in the energy of it newest resident, but just maybe, the trees are masochist.




Violently violating the hard trees of mother nature was a bareback young man, long black hair whipped in the air and beautifully dark green eyes lit up the dull shade.

A body lean and small yet packed with compressed muscle, though riddled with scars all over it only stood to fuel a magnificent image of a warrior.

.""Navir, come inside for a snack, I have your favorite treat"".

A voice sounded from inside the mansion reminiscent with familiarity, the young man was indeed Navir, who four months ago was nothing but bones and skin.

But now he was an entirely different person, his hollowed face smoothed out, his dull green eyes now a little brighter, his dying skin younger than it has ever been and most importantly, his voice, it has returned.

."Strawberry Yogurt."Navir whispered to himself as he paused his fist inches away from the tree who seemed to have almost sighed in relief but it was probably just the wind.

Navir picked up his towel from the bench to wipe himself off as he entered the house, quickly arriving to the kitchen he saw Whitney taking a tray of ice out of the freezer.

."Oh look, there you are, I always know how to get you to stop training so much, look over there, you just received a package from the Arcane Citadel Academy."Whitney said rolling her eyes pointing in the corner at a box.

Navir glanced around calmly ignoring the box, he looked at her hands then the table."No yogurt?."He ask tilting his head, he was deceived so brutally."I will now have trust issues, so I have to write a book about it."

."...Ag..Alright I give in here."Whitney said with a sigh, she can't ever lie or say no to him, she really spoiled him too rotten.

Reaching into the fridge Whitney pulled out a bowl of freshly made strawberry yogurt, Navir's eyes lit up as he got up and snatched it away from her.

He grabbed a spoon and began gorging his face in the yogurt, his expression glowed brightly, Whitney sat down at the table and watched him eat it all, she smiled resting her head on her hands.

In just 2 minutes the large bowl had disappeared into Navir's seemingly infinite stomach."Strawberry Yogurt, nothing better, wonder why I didn't know about it before."He said with satisfaction.

."Hahaha, Navir if you don't be careful you'll turn into a planet."Whitney said jokingly, then her eyes drupped down to his chest.'Maybe then, they'll be enough of you for me, not only that woman.'

Navir lift his arm and squeezed his muscles."That will never happen, yogurt is strength."He said calmly."Also what's In it?."

He pointed to the box in the corner, Whitney looked over also curious, she wanted to open it every since but it was for Navir so she resisted.

."If you insist."Whitney said with an excited twinkle in her eyes, she walked over to the box taking it up."Let's see."

She opened it and inside she saw a set of clothes."Hm, a uniform."She said continuing her search, she saw a triangular disk at the bottom."Wow they even sent you a phone, an expensive one at that, that's like 4 thousand DC."

."Really now?."Navir asked plainly, he didn't really care about some phone, he never had one and will never need one so why should he care.

Whitney looked at Navir strangely then she appeared almost frightened."Navir don't tell me you've never had a phone before, that's impossible."She said in disbelief.

."No, my parents never bothered to get me anything and I never bothered to ask, from there I was on the battlefield fighting for my life."Navir said as he glanced at the wall, then before he could get another flashback he felt a poke on his cheek.

Whitney was by his side already."No you don't, not on my watch, *sigh* too bad I can't come with you to the academy."She said as she pulled gently on his cheeks.

."Ry(Why) rot(not?."Navir asked looking up at her, as for what she told him before there are other ways besides the academies to enter the realm of NineEther.

Whitney held Navir's face and kissed his forehead."You're very expensive Navir, I'm broker than a shaken can of Pringles."She said with a chuckled, she wasn't really bothered, she will be paid at the end of the week.

."How much to go to NineEther?."Navir asked looking at her confused, how much could it possibly be."Alot of money?."

Whitney smirked and whispered in his hear, Navir's eyes widened."Really now, that much."He said with surprise, that would only fuel to create a bigger division in the world.

."Yup, even then the only ways I know of to NineEther are through the academy which is mostly about talent, money and connections, or through the world council, but you have to join them, which has alot of limitations."Whitney said casually taking a cup of water.

The world council even though protected the people and try to keep the world as balanced as possible, in the end they are still a government ran by people.

The world council has a guild also called the World Council Guild in NineEther, even in game they still stand as one of the most powerful forces in the realm.

In exchange for allowing guaranteed entry to NineEther you have to join them with varying conditions and contracts, if you are high enough then up to 30% of everything you get goes to the the world council.

So that only leaves the question, how much does the little guys below them have to pay, 50% maybe 60 or 70%, possibly more.

But when one is poor you can only do so much, there have been rumors of other ways to get to NineEther but that information has not yet been divulged to the public.

."But you know what, you are lucky Navir, I don't know who you know or what you did but you got free entry to the academy, tomorrow is your day, so I'm happy for you."Whitney said with a warm smile, she looked down at his face, how can she every be unhappy or sad when looking at him.

Navir on the other hand gently clenched some of his inside lip in his teeth nibbling on it, his expression was the furthest thing from happy, how could he be when he had yet to repay Whitney for anything.

."Navir don't even think of anything, I am happy when you are, if you became sad I will also be sad."Whitney said as though she could read his mind."Do you want to see me cry?."

Navir shook his head, Whitney smiled at that."Then smile for me, if you smile then I can remain smiling."She said gently.

Navir gazed at her for a bit before a small smile took form on his face, If only he never met his wife, then his heart could've been for her, it's unfortunate, really unfortunate.

."Anyway, don't let us get all sappy, Navir do you want to go out and do some shopping for tomorrow, I should still have enough money to buy you a few things."Whitney said checking her account, seeing only five zero she could almost cry.

Did she spend alot of money, yes, too much also yes but did she regret it, not at all, if she had to pay it all again she would in a heartbeat.

Navir thought about it then nodded, eventually he will pay it back to her, even though she said not to he can't allow it.

."Great, go get ready, I'll call a taxi, public transport doesn't travel to this side of the world, no one catches them."Whitney said making the call.


*Southern Region*

*Inner City Town*


Inner City Town was a vibrant and bustling town, also very expensive, tall buildings stood to create impressive landscapes of wealth and prosperity.

Not only rich people bought here, it was also a popular location to bring dates and whatnot, for people ok with spending more money than they had.

In the streets passing by it would be weird to not see an expensive car of vehicle every other minute.

There was though, one thing that stood out in the city, there were alot of stores, it seems that the entire town was just a massive consumer cooperation, with one large mall at the center.


By the sidewalk to the entrance to the mall up pulled a blue BMW with a taxi sign on top of it, bystanders being bystander watched on curiously.

.""Woah, that's a BMW V12 3909, who could that be?"".

.""Whoever it is they must be stinking rich"".

.""Mama, can you buy me one of them?"".

.""Didn't I tell not to look at nothing when we came here, do I look rich to you"'.

A few people spoke amongst themselves, after all not everyone could afford to ride around in a fancy BMW, it cost about 150 DC a KM.

Opening the car and stepping out first was Navir, he glanced around seeing a few people looking at him but his face remained calm.

He was a fairly handsome man so it was only natural, a few young ladies and even older women through some glances his direction, which prompted a few boyfriends to have mixed feelings.

Navir's hair swung gently in the cool breeze as it was placed back in a ponytail, he wore a casual long jeans pants, a plain black shirt and some soft white shoes Whitney had bought for him when his feet used to hurt.

Navir ignoring everyone walked over to Whitney's side and opened the door for her, she got out and like she sucked up all the light began to almost sparkle with beauty.

Her hair blowing gently in the wind appeared like rippling waves, gorgeous blue eyes reflecting the sky's like water and donning a green dress with lowcut heels, she was the definition of a Goddess on earth.

Several on lookers were mesmerized as even a man could not conform his thoughts to the gutter, it almost seemed blasphemous in nature.

."Thank you Navir."Whitney said smiling brightly, in her mind she was giddy, though it may not be real, she felt like she was on a real date with him.

She may not admit it but she was the main cause for all her previous break up, she just couldn't find herself loving anyone, just wanting to take care of Navir.

Navir was sleeping most the time and it left her kinda lonely, so she gave dating a try and it failed leaving her nothing but a beautiful virgin woman destined to be alone.

At least that was how she felt till four months ago, then it happened, she doesn't know what he was feeling at that time but her words had somehow reached Navir's heart and he decided to give life a second chance.

She was overjoyed till she cried, she thought maybe her dream wasn't over yet, she still had a chance, as long as he was up and alive, she had a chance.

."So where are we going."Navir asked as he gazed at the grand structures, it was all new to him, they did not exist 20 years ago.

Whitney came to his side after having paid the taxi man."There's something I really want you to try, come with with me."She said happily as she grabbed his hand and led him into the mall.

Navir glanced down at her hand holding his but he didn't make a reaction, he already knew what she was about, but he went along with it anyway because he didn't want to seem selfish or make her unhappy.

Walking through the mall it was so large that Navir's mind was blown, he immediately saw four escalator going up and four going down, plus at each side was an elevator.

Clothing storefronts littered the entrance of the mall already and going down a straight line in the middle were small vendors who rented their spots.

The mall was filled with people shopping and enjoying themselves, mostly people that came together like couples or just for business.

Whitney pulled Navir along till she entered the foodcourt and saw a store called the Eye Scream Surprise."Here it is, you've got to taste the icecream from here, it's so good."She said delightfully.

An old lady behind the store counter smiled at them as they approached her store."Hello there, what can I get for you today."She said to them, she glanced at their hand holding smiling even brighter as it brought back memories.

."Hi ma'am, can I have two icecreams pleases."Whitney asked enthusiastically as she looked at the icecream.

The old lady nodded."Sure dear, what flavors would you like, we have 3 new mixtures, Lime and coconut, Pineapple and apple and strawberry and chocolate."She said listing the new flavors.

."I'll take the lime and coconut, Navir what about you?."Whitney asked him, she saw him staring intently at strawberry and chocolate, probably because of the strawberry.

Navir pointed."That one, the strawberry one, please."He said with eager eyes, he licked his lips almost salivating, he wiped his mouth realizing the look he got from the old lady."Oh, sorry."

."He's just excited, this is his first time in the mall please forgive him."Whitney said with a smile as she pat Navir's shoulder gently.

The old lady nodded in understanding.'He must have been home school, sad sad, the children don't know what they're missing out on.'She thought as she scooped out the icecream.

Resting the icecream on an icecream holding the old lady rung up the bill."That would be 4 DC my dear."She said sliding her a device to cash the items.

Whitney took out her phone and touched it on the device, hearing a beep she took it off."Thank you Ma'am, see you again."She said holding Navir's hand again.

Navir gently allowed himself to be lead as he reveled in the strange taste of that concoction he is eating, it was so delicious.

From then on Navir gained a new obsession, strawberry and chocolate Icecream, with that in mind Navir and Whitney traveled all throughout the mall having fun and eating stuff.

Completely forgetting the reason they came here for, at the end of the day they remembered and got him some stuff.

Now it was dark out and they were outside behind the mall sitting on a bench as they enjoyed themselves a pizza.

."Hahaha I had so much fun today Navir, my favorite part was that fire eating man, what about you?."Whitney asked with joy, she took a bite of her pizza.

Navir nodded his head obviously wasn't listening, he was instead looking off in the distance, Whitney followed his gaze and her face paled.

A bit away from them a group of 7 large men were harassing and surrounding a young woman no older than 20, she was obvious scared as she backed away being driven into a corner.

.""Please, I-I don't want to go with you, let m-me pass, please I'm begging you, don't touch me"".

The young lady pleaded as her knees shook in fear, tears came from her eyes as she glanced around for a way out but saw nothing.

.""Come on girly, we don't want to hurt you, haha, we just want to have a little fun, just let me and my boys have a few minutes each and you'll be fine and dandy"".

One of the men spoke, he stood in front, he had spikey hair and wore sun glasses with a black leader jacket that matched the people behind him, tattoos also littered their bodies.

.""Please I don't want this, let me be, please let me be, I-I have money, I'll give you money, I'm begging you"".

Navir and Whitney witnessed this scene, Whitney grit her teeth getting up but then she froze, she glanced back to Navir, then back to the girl.

Eventually having a bit of internal struggle Whitney shook her head violently, she took Navir's hand."Let's leave Navir, this has nothing to do with us."She tried to pull him up but realized she couldn't.

Navir was gazing at the scene happening."I don't like it, forcing someone against their wills, I don't like it, at all."He said calmly as his green eyes glowed slightly, his mind floated to the past remembering the military.

."No Navir, come on let's go, I don't want you getting injured, you worked so hard to get better please just let's go."Whitney said hurriedly beginning to panic."I'm begging you Navir, don't save that woman."

Navir glanced at Whitney looking so terrified, all for his sake, his lips curled up in a smile, he rubbed her head gently."Believe me."He said as he turned around pulling away from her.

Whitney's knees got weak as she sat down on the bench watching Navir walk into danger, her arms out stretched, yet she could no longer call his name.

In the end, he was his own man, no matter what he will only listen to something he accepts, if he doesn't then he will rebel, plus, he was not just any random man, he was and still is, a warrior.

Navir though walking calmly quickly arrived gaining the attention of the 7 men and the young woman.

."Hey boy, pretend you saw nothing and continue to live in peace, you don't want none of this, so move along smartly."The leader of the group said with a smile of disdain, it showed he wasn't even bothered with Navir.

The other six men grin menacingly taking a few steps to Navir."Yeah boy, don't try to be a hero, leave that to the fairytale."One of them said mockingly getting a chuckle from his boys.

The young lady pleaded to Navir with her eyes, her lips trembled as she became so overwhelmed with fear that her mouth was taped shut.

Navir ignored the men around him and only focused on the girl."Would you like for me to save you?."He asked her remaining calm.

Both the wrong lady and the 7 men were stunned upon hearing that, they all shared confused but the young lady just nodded her head violently as she cried more.

."Good, stay where you are and don't more or you will die."Navir said as his voice slowly gained a cold tinge, his green eyes almost darkened as though the light ran away from them.

The leader of the group stepped forward to Navir instantly towering over even him who was 6 feet."Boy, didn't you hear what I just said, go home or be buried here."He said with an Intimidating glare.


Navir didn't even hesitate, he swung with force smacking him in the face and stunning him."Only the strong has the right to speak, if you are weak you die."He said calmly repeating exactly what he heard when he was younger.

.""You, how dare you!!!"".

The other 6 men reacted before their leader rushing at Navir, one of them punched at Navir's head but he dodged with easy kicking that man in the balls.



The big tall scary man screamed like a school girl and fell to his knees hold his sacred jewelry, his eyes rolled into his head as he became unconscious.


The leader who had recovered from his shock roared out with rage, his men further surrounded Navir furious trying to enclosed him and seal off his escape.




Navir duck down making himself small as he kicked one of their kneecaps snapping it in two, he held another by the pants pulling him infront blocking a punch for him getting knocked out.

Using a small space to escape he jumped out their encirclement with a dive roll, he glanced around then ran at another.

Navir continued to beat them violently with minimal resistance and soon only one of them was standing, he and the leader of the gang stood in shock as they couldn't believe their eyes.

Navir now stood over the unconscious men with bloody hands and a few bruises on his chest, back and face from some unlucky blows he got.

He looked down at his clothing and frowned."Whitney bought these clothes for me and you destroyed them, you will pay her back."He said to the "corpses" on the ground and looked at the one infront of him.

The leader was so furious and also a bit scared, some scrawny kid is beating up his men, he gritted his teeth and reached into his pockets."You damn brat, not wanting to listen."He said drawing a gun and firing off a shot with the only bullet he had.


In the night sky the gun fire echoed like a bomb, Navir's eyes constricted like needles as he felt a heat by his cheek, on pure instinct alone he opened his mouth wide and flattened his tongue.





With a burning sensation the dull silver bullet pierced the skin and traveled directly through Navir's right cheek passing out the other side hitting the last of the leaders own men and killing him.

."No way, impossible!?."The leader dropped his gun and backed away in fear."How could this be, how could this be, no no."

The leader shook his head in denial as he turned around darting off into the night, Navir seeing this tried to run after him but suddenly he felt his heart skip a beat and he got dizzy.




."Huh???."Navir before he knew it was on one knee kneeling in a pool of his own blood that poured from his mouth, he was experiencing blood lost.

Navir glanced up and all he saw was the panicked girl he saved standing over him and a crying Whitney running towards him in the fuzzy background.

.'Oh, I guess I failed again.'He thought as his eyes closed down for possibly the last time.

.""Navir, don't leave me!!!!"".

infinityGod infinityGod

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