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Chapter 3: ×Chapter 3×It Haunts Him


*Earth*(Year 3910)

*Southern Region*(18th Ave)

*Whitney's House*

Whitney's house was much different than one would expect of a nurse, she actually lived in a large mansion in one of the top 20 riches Avenues in the southern region of Mandasa City.

She inherited the mansion from her late great grandfather, out of everyone in the family she was the only one that payed him visits regularly and not just so gramps would remember their faces for his will.

Before he died and without her knowing he placed everything that he owned in her name, his mansion, his private plane, his three self serving businesses and every penny that belonged to him.

But under one condition, she could only gain access to the mansion which the bills will be payed automatically, for the other's she had to wait till she is 25 year old, seems granddad thought that she was not responsible enough.

She was currently 24, one year older than Navir, yet here she was the youngest land owner in the top 20 Aves of the Southern Region.

It was all in the numbers, from Ave 1 to 20 was the riches people of the southern region, from 21 and back people were still relatively off well but that's because the southern region is a fairly prosperous area.

The houses in her Ave were far and apart giving great breathing space to each individual as she even has a large amount of tree behind her house almost a forest giving fresh air and a beautiful scenery.

Out back behind the mansion on a long bench tied to two trees Navir and Whitney sat in silence, Navir was observing everything as though seeing it for the first time.

Whitney, she was observing Navir, how the wind blew his hair in gentle streams to how his eyes squint went the dust flow in.

."Navir, can I ask you something, I don't know if I should ask but I just can't help it."Whitney said as she looked up at the tree, she gazed at the bits of sunlight squeezing through.

.""Do you still love your wife"".


Navir eyes constricted like a needle and his heart clenched skipping several beats, he slowly turned his head facing Whitney who continued looking up.

."I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories, I hope you can forgive me but years ago, I did some digging and found out about your wife and kid who died in the war back then."Whitney said with slightly trembling lips, she was afraid but she can't pull back, it was too late.

Navir just stared at her in silence, his body didn't move, his eyes didn't move, it was like he was frozen in time, maybe not even in the current time.

."I assume you also know,"Whitney paused as she finally got the courage to look at Navir and noticed his gaze, her heart tremble seeing him dazed."*....Sigh* nevermind Navir, come."

Whitney scoot around closer to him and hugged him in her arms.'I was too selfish, he is now healing, he's not ready to hear the truth yet.'She thought in sadness as she rest her chin on his head.

From the house a man walked out with a tray carrying two smoothies, he paused his steps as he caught sight of this scene, he wondered if he should disturbed them.

."Hm, Walter, oh you brought the smoothies for us, thank you."Whitney said noticing Walter who was Navir's personal dietitian, the second most expensive person she bought for him.

Walter smiled awkwardly."Yeah, I'm sorry for disturbing, here, this is the banana, lime, strawberry and mango smoothie, Mr Blackthorn here is yours."He said giving them out.

Whitney took hers and also took Navir's, she placed it in his hands gently as Navir was still a bit shaken up, his eyes were wide and his pupils now expanded.

She knew what that was, those symptoms were the result of shell-shocked or PTSD, something that soldiers experienced after coming from war, it's a trauma.

."Is he alright miss Basel, he doesn't look too right."Walter asked curiously as he saw Navir's eyes, they were weird, almost scary even.

Whitney glanced at Navir before nodding."He'll be find, he just needs some rest, 9 years ago was the first time he was given freedom."She said calmly.

."Mm.."Walter was confused for a moment before a thought crossed his mind and his eyes widened also."Ohh, he was there, he was one of those in the Shadow wa-, my God."

Whitney looked at Walter with red eyes."Yes, my Navir had suffered through all that and yet people like you who had rich parents or having gone into hiding came out unscathed."She said with frustration, it wasn't fair, it wasn't fair at all.

Walter gained an awkward look on his face."Um i-i, I have to be gone, Mr Blackthorn will need some blood building drinks, I'll also prepare dinner."He said as he hurriedly scurried off.

Navir in his mind was experiencing flashbacks of the past, he saw his wife remembering her beautiful and innocent face, the sky's were bright and the white cloud gently drift amongst the blue waters of the heavens.

Here, he was at peace, at peace with himself and at peace with the world, it was all so great, so joyful, then seconds late he was standing in a pit of fire scorching the bottom of his feet.


Navir suddenly screamed out loudly frightening Whitney making her drop her smoothie, he dropped down to the ground holding his head.

."NAVIR, WHAT'S HAPPENING!?!?."Whitney exclaimed scared, she rushed to him holding his arm."Navir don't scare me, pleas-Ahh!."

Whitney holding Navir's arm was flung away by him with immense force as she hit her head on the bench causing bleeding.

."Navir..please."Whitney squeezed through her lips as her vision was now blurry."Stop, someone, help him, PLEASE HELP HIM!".


Navir rolled around on the ground as he clawed at his own body and slammed his boney fist violently into the ground causing small decent in the dirt.

.""What's going on here!?"".

From the house Walter rushed out hearing screams, he saw Navir freaking out and Whitney laying on the ground with blood dripping down her face.

."Miss Basel, what happened?!."Walter asked hurriedly as he held her up gently, he checked her and thankfully it was just a small cut so she'll be fine.

Whitney stretched her hand out to Navir."It's my fault, *sob* It's my fault, please help him, please!."She cried, she felt so regretful that she brought back those bad memories to him, it was her selfishness.

."Dammit, this was not in the description."Walter curse, he gently picked Whitney up and placed her to sit down on the bench, he then turned to Navir.

Walter walked carefully and cautiously to Navir."Navir, calm down, it doesn't have to be this way, look what you did."He said in a calming voice sneaking up behind him."You hurt someone precious to you, do you want to suffer more."

Navir on the ground suddenly lift his head and looked back at Walter with pure white eyes, what he saw from them was not Walter his dietitian but a person in military uniform carrying a gun ready to take his life.


Navir got up at a speed seemingly impossible for someone in a state as weak as he was, but in this berserk mentality his body ignored all warning.

Rushing to Walter Navir threw a punch at him which he dodge by a hair, Walter twisted his body going under Navir's arm and behind locking off his neck along with his arms.


Walter allowed himself to fall backward slamming onto the ground painfully, he wrapped his feet around Navir's legs pinning him down completely.

.""AgHhhg NAVIR, CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN, YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!!."Walter shouted, his forehead bulged with veins.'What the hell is this kid, how could he have such strength!.'

Navir continued to struggle to break free, all in his mind was fire, smoke and gun shots, if he doesn't break free now he was dead is what he believed."AghhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHH!."He screamed as he twisted his own hand.


Navir twisted and broke his own hand, using that as a chance he pulled away and bit Walter on his shoulder prompting him to release his gripped.

."Ahhh!."Walter pulled away holding his bleeding shoulder, he was in shock."I'm bleeding, this asshole bit me!."

Navir proceeded to run off aiming for the trees but stopped as Whitney walked out infront of him, Whitney was washed in blood as she held piece of her dress on her cut.

."Navir, please don't do this, I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry I did this to you, please forgive me, I can't bear to see you like this!."Whitney shook her head as she cried, her own pain was out of her mind, all she saw was Navir.

Navir now walked slowly to her as he groaned like a zombie, his broken arms swaying back and forth, he stopped infront of her and raised his uninjured hand to her face.

Whitney closed her eyes ready for whatever was to come.



Hearing a hard thud Whitney snapped open her eyes to see Navir being knocked out by Walter with a stick."Navir!."She panicked as she tried to pick him up.

."Haa haa he'll be fine miss Basel haa haa I think you should haa haa haa phew be more worry haa about what you have to say to my agency, this is beyond my pay range."Walter spoke as he breathed heavily, he gripped his bleeding shoulder with gritted teeth.

Whitney didn't even look at him, she checked on Navir sighing in relief that it's only a dislocated elbow."I apologize Walter, I will take full responsibility, how much to settle this out of court."She said calmly."Please have a heart, I can't afford to leave Navir alone if I go to jail."

Walter gritted his teeth hearing her."Way to play on an oldman's guilty conscience, but fine, give me 500,000 DC, I know you're good for it so don't dare say that's too much, if I take this to court I'm sure I can get a million off your hands."He said compromising.

."Ok that's fine, I want a contract and I'll send 700 to you, so from here you are dismissed and I want nothing to do with you ever again."Whitney said as her blue eyes carried a piercing coldness.

Walter crumpled his lips."Ok then."He confirmed, he turned around pausing, then glanced back at the two."I'll give some recipes that you could make for his arm and help build his body back faster."

With that Walter left going into the house to make the contract and write down the recipes.

Whitney by herself lift Navir hugging his waist and pulled his good arm around her neck to support some of his weight."*Mgm* come Navir, I'll get you fixed up."She said now smiling as blood run down her face from stress and strain.

With great effort she managed to take him inside the house where she put him to rest in the bed for now as she tended to his minor injuries.

She took up a small triangular disk from the table placed it on her forehead where it attached magnetically, she then saw several images, if a person from the ancient past were here, they'd recognize it as phone apps.

The year 3910 was so advanced that they now used virtual reality items in their everyday life where they can control all technology with their minds.

Whitney called the emergency number for her hospital which was the closest hospital to the 18th Avenue, the Doraian Hospital named after it's founder and first director.





.""Good day, Doraian Hospital emergency hotline how may I help you"".

."Hello my name is Whitney Basel, a Doctor trainee of the Doraian Hospital, someone I'm looking after dislocated his elbow could I get an ambulance please."Whitney said calmly as she wiped her cut forehead with some peroxide.

.""Um oh yes Dr Basel, we can send in an ambulance, can you explain what happened?"".

."I was to supervise a past patient who is a veteran in the Shadow War, he had a small incident where he fell because of his weak body and almost broke his arm."Whitney said plainly, she closed her eyes having lied, but if she didn't he might be taken away.

.""Oh I see, alright no problem, an ambulance is already on the way, your location has not changed correct?"".

."No, thank you very much."Whitney said and pressed close the call, she sighed silently, once again she was selfish and she doesn't truly know why.

She sat down on the stool by counter scrolling through the "On High", like the past world's social media.

.""Miss Basel"".

Whitney glanced up seeing Walter standing by the counter with a signed copy of the contract in hand and a notebook marked with recipes.

."Here, follow this book to the letter and here is the contract."Walter said giving them to her, he showed her the times at which to use them.

Whitney nodded slowly, she opened her virtual device and transferred the money to him."Thank you Walter, it was just an accident and I'm truly sorry."She said bowing her head, she honestly felt so bad.

."You've already paid me for it so don't take it to heart, I was just taking my health as priority, if I get an infection from this bite then I'll have to pay a hefty sum, in the end I come first."Walter said and left not even checking the payments, just taking her word for it.

In the bedroom a little bit away Navir's eyes were opened, he stared blankly at the ceiling as his hand layed lifelessly on his chest.'What did I do?.'He thought, in his mind were several images, one of which was where he had hurt Whitney.

If that image Is true then even one with a heart as shattered as his felt bad, in his entire life the only one who had looked out for him was his wife and Whitney.

Even his own parents abandoned him in exchange for profit and to not join the war, that was seemingly his entire reason for existing.

The reason he was birthed was so he could go to war in the stead of his parents, when he had first found that out he wasn't even upset.

He instead felt relieved as it all finally came together in his mind as for why he was never loved by them, he was disposable as they could just have another child.

So one should know how bad he felt, to hurt one of the only two people that ever cared for him, yet he could never repay her.



."Navir, are you up."Whitney came in the room quietly, she gazed at Navir gently, his head was turned away from the door looking at the walls.

She sat down on the bed next to him."Navir, I know you're up, haha, you may not realize it but when you are sleeping and someone enters the room, your index finger twitches, it's so cute."She said with a beautiful smile on her face.

Navir turned on his side to face her, he stared at her for a bit." sorry...I apologize, I*cough* *cough* *cough* didn't mean to.."He said with a croaking voice, his screaming earlier further destroyed his voice.

."I'm not blaming you Navir, it was my selfishness that did this, I've..I've...I've called the ambulance for your arm."Whitney said chickening out of what she really wanted to say.'I've fallen in love with you, so I was jealous of your wife.'

Navir looked down at his hand."Oh.., it hurts."He said calmly as he rest back his head on the pillow, but the pain was nothing compared to what he felt before.

Whitney felt sad watching him, he was so bruised and broken, even his emotions were so dull, it hurts her heart so much, slowly tears fell down her faces.



Navir glanced up at Whitney crying, yet again he felt it was for his sake and yet he cannot express how bad it hurt.'It's a sin to be so weak, everything dies including the soul.'He thought as his mind floated to the past seeing his wife.

infinityGod infinityGod

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