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12.12% Summertime Loving / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

With that short talk after weeks of being apart they began to walk towards the school, Travis and Erik are basically childhood friends, yet they didn't spend that much time together, unless they were at the Tree house behind their houses of course, other than that, they would rarely see each other.

They soon reached the school building as they stood infront of the hell house, Travis saw many characters, who were just normal people here. Well they still had problems and he wanted to solve them. He and Erik walked inside the building and were met with the bustling school of kids walking around or just hanging together around their lockers.

' I hate crowds honestly. But let's forget about that, if I'm correct I'll meet Mrs. Smith right now.' He thought.

Travis walked forward, Erik left saying that he needed to go get something in his locker, while Travis explored a bit, he suddenly saw Mrs. Smith standing by the stairs. She saw him as well and signaled for him to come closer. Which he did.

" Travis! You're back. Do you know how low your marks are? I need you to come to my office " She said. He nodded and didn't bother arguing with her, She turned back and walked up the stairs. She would always make sure that no kids would hang around these stairs, especially dudes. Because, well Travis found out why. He saw her beautiful thick ass as she walked up. Her purple panties tightly held her assest in the most sexiest way.

' Damn she thick' he thought.

They got to the second floor, which had a couple of club rooms, the teachers lounge, cafeteria, computer room and some bathrooms. Not stopping they went to the third floor which had all the teachers offices, separated. Hella weird but convenient for Travis. Her office was at the end of the hall. She entered the room and closed the door behind him.

" Now we'll discuss your low grades Travis. You have zero marks for anything in this school, From Gym Class, Math, English etc. You're failing everything. I don't know why you didn't come to school for such a long time but I'd like you to know that there's still a chance for you to pass. Just pull your socks up. Now go, when you see Annie tell her to give you your locker key"

" Alright "

After that Travis left the office and went back to the first floor, he didn't know where the hell he had to go. Luckily a sign came to him, he saw Mia walking into Mrs. Bissette, Travis walked towards the door and walked in, seeing the class filled with students, most of them were characters and others just Nps. Travis stared at the class for a couple seconds then walked in, he sat on an empty seat by the window like a protagonist.

' I can already see all the people I'll fuck in a couple weeks if not a month. This is kinda putting pressure on me, but I don't have the time for that, also I plan on getting the girls who don't have a route, like Ronda, Annie etc.' He thought .

Mrs. Bissette walked in the room and looked at the whole class with her seductive gaze, even among the students she's been known for being very close and personal. The dudes didn't really care since it was most of thems only chance to get female contact. Which is sad.

" Class quiet down." She said, as the chatter minimized, she smiled the began to speak again." I'll be doing role call okay"

She began to call everyone's names, when calling Travis's he responded which surprised her a lot, she stared at his direction and saw him sitting there.

" Travis your finally came to school. Well we're happy that you've returned, also could you stay behind when the class leave for the first period "

He nodded which made her smile and continue the role call. Travis looked around class and found an interesting individual who also happened to be his first target staring at him. Judith the beautiful loner girl in the school, well she's not necessarily a loner it's just that girls here outcast her, for her large breasts and timid behavior. They even call her a cow, which is sad.

Unlike these blinded mfs Travis saw a gem in her, he thought she would make a great girlfriend. So why not try to rizz her up, also today's events if they even happen would honestly make her even closer to him. So he had to play his cards right, and up his rizz game.

Judith saw that Travis was looking at her which made her blush and quickly avert her eyes. He smirked then looked back to Mrs. Bissette who had just finished with the role call.

" Alright, you may leave "

They all got up and began to slowly walk out the class except Travis who stayed behind with Mrs. Bissette.

" Travis, I'm happy to see that you've finally came to school. You missed alot of things and you need go check up to everything. There's assignment you need to write, so you'll need a dictionary for this, so I'd recommend you go check the library for books about that, if you do so when you finally get an A+ I'll reward you" She said.

" Alright, so I need a dictionary right?" He asked.

" Yes, the library probably has a dictionary so you should check there. Now here's a time table, it has all the your classes and the rooms of those classes. You should hurry up before your teacher complains"

After that Travis left the room, he checked the time table and saw that his next class was Math. The subject he didn't hate, but honestly didn't like. He was being taught by some random dude name Mr. Tickles.

' He must fuck school kids. No doubt about it' he thought.

He walked towards the class and saw that they were already learning, he looked for a place to sit, and saw someone besides him, the emo girl Eve. Travis never understood why her arc was so long, maybe the producers had a thing for her or something. He sat next to her and smiled.

" Yo Eve, been a while hasn't it?" He said as he greeted her. Eve smiled back and nodded. " Yeah, it's been a like 3 weeks since we came to college and I haven't seen you in lie 2 months. " She said.

" True, so why don't we catch up later on. If you're not busy of course " He said.

" Sure, in fact you should come visit me at the park at night. I normally hang there to clear my thoughts "

" Well then expect me to be there at 9 since I'll be busy before that"

" No problem, bring a jacket too, it gets chilly sometimes and i can't predict it, so be prepared " She said with a chuckle.

" Will do" He replied shortly, they then returned their focus to the teacher who was talking about things that Travis didn't care for. But needed to or he'd fail.

'I should also make a study time table or I'm doomed ' he thought.

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