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52.02% Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me / Chapter 141: Chapter 142: Who Became a 200-Pound Fatty

Chapter 141: Chapter 142: Who Became a 200-Pound Fatty

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"I'll take another look." Steve Rogers tore open the train carriage and walked in.

Beep beep beep!

The familiar sound kept ringing.

There was no one inside the carriage, only timed bombs all over.

"Oh no, Peggy! Get out of here! Quick!" Steve Rogers' expression changed instantly.

On top of the train, Peggy Carter didn't hear Steve Rogers' words; instead, she heard the booming sound of explosions.

Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos quickly jumped off the train. They had barely finished evacuating when the entire train was engulfed in flames and thick smoke.

Everyone was stunned.

It was actually a trap!

Moreover, the flying Steve Rogers didn't come out of it.

Peggy Carter's eyes turned red. She ran to the edge of the cliff where the railway had been blown away, shouting, "Steve!"

A large number of snowflakes floated down below, creating a vast white barrier that obscured everyone's vision. It was impossible to see what was happening down there.

Peggy Carter wanted to search for Steve, but the earlier explosion triggered an avalanche. Large amounts of snow from the mountaintop were already collapsing downward. Helplessly, Peggy Carter could only retreat with Bucky Barnes.

The scene shifted to a conference room where Peggy Carter stood in the center. She spoke with a heavy tone, "According to our German guest, the Red Skull believes he can unleash a cross-dimensional power that will lead Hydra towards world domination. If he fails, the world will be destroyed."

"Just like missing a can of sardines," Bucky Barnes remarked.

"The Red Skull has found shelter in a castle in the Black Forest." Peggy Carter pointed to the map.

"No wonder Hydra targeted Rogers," Colonel Flynn understood, speaking to Peggy Carter, "You need the Howling Commandos to get close to him."

The scene shifted again, showing the Red Skull placing the Tesseract into a complex machine made up of various pipes and mechanical arms, then pulling the switch.

The Tesseract began to rotate and emitted a dazzling blue light. Then, a massive portal appeared.

The Red Skull looked at the portal with fanaticism. Slowly, several enormously huge octopus tentacles extended from the portal.

These tentacles were too large, each one several stories high. Undoubtedly, it was an enormous and monstrous creature.

"So this is the cross-dimensional power that Captain Carter mentioned before," Bruce Banner marveled, "Hydra is truly insane, summoning such a creature."

"Our world's portal exit seems much handsomer," Tony Stark couldn't help saying, "I used to think Loki looked hideous, but compared to what's coming out of that portal, Loki seems like a cute girl."

"I feel that Agent Carter might not be able to handle this creature," Thor said, "It's simply too massive."

"Hydra's kingdom is about to arrive!" In the video, the Red Skull, seeing the massive creature, laughed manically.


Peggy Carter burst through the door and rushed in, accompanied by Howard Stark.

"What the bloody hell!" Peggy Carter saw the giant tentacles extending from the portal and was instantly shocked.

"A monster?" Howard Stark exclaimed, "No one prepared me to face real monsters!"

"You're too late, Captain Carter." The Red Skull stood on a high platform, looking somewhat smug, "I've already summoned Hydra's crow..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a massive tentacle reached out and dragged the Red Skull away.


In a long, miserable scream, the Red Skull was directly crushed into a pile of minced meat by the tentacle.

"Well, maybe we need a plan." Peggy Carter looked at the scene and said.

The scene shifted again to show Bucky Barnes and the Howling Commandos surprisingly finding Steve Rogers and his armor. Steve Rogers was lying on the ground, looking very weak.

"Steve! Steve! Please, don't leave me!" Bucky Barnes ran to Steve Rogers' side, checked his condition, then turned to shout at the Howling Commandos, "Hey! I need help! Hurry, help me get him out of here!"

"No, you need to let me put on the armor," Steve Rogers said.

How could you refuse such a request from your best friend when he asked you with such affectionate eyes? Bucky Barnes immediately helped Steve Rogers into the armor.

"The generator should provide enough power," Steve Rogers said.

"Indeed, but how long can it hold out?" Bucky Barnes asked.

"Long enough. Maybe," Steve Rogers closed the armor and gave the order, "Flip the switch!"

A guy wearing a hat pulled the switch down, and a crackling sound of electricity started, with currents converging at the chest of the armor.

"I'm willing to do anything, but this is too crazy," the bearded teammate said, looking up.

"Yes, Steve Rogers is equally crazy," Bucky Barnes said.

After the charging was complete, the bulky armor collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.

"Are you okay?" Bucky Barnes asked.

"I'm fine," Steve Rogers replied.

"Great, because we don't have a day to spare," Bucky Barnes said.

"Where's Peggy?" Steve Rogers stood up.

"She drew a big card," Bucky Barnes pointed up.


Steve Rogers soared into the sky with the armor.

"The Hydra Stomper isn't dead. Now, he's teaming up with Captain Carter. They should be able to handle that huge monster," Sam Wilson said, eyes glued to the video.

"Even with the Hydra Stomper, I'm still not optimistic," Tony Stark said, "And now the armor doesn't have the Tesseract. Relying on electricity, I wonder how long it can last."

"Even if the Tesseract provided a continuous power source, I think the odds of the Hydra Stomper and Captain Carter winning are quite slim," Bruce Banner remained skeptical.

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner's concerns were valid. In the video, the monster had become even more terrifying, with more tentacles and growing even larger than before.

"It seems like its tentacles are growing," Peggy Carter watched as a tentacle flung a person up in the air. "At this rate, it could consume all of Europe."

"If I can reach the control console, I can swap the polarity, reversing the suction," Howard Stark said.

"You mean reverse the polarity and change the suction?" Peggy Carter understood Howard Stark's idea.

"Hey, being a genius is my expertise," Howard Stark said.

With one hand on Howard Stark's shoulder, Peggy Carter jumped over a distance of more than ten meters, sending Howard Stark to the control console.

"Come on, come on!" Howard Stark studied the all-German console and pushed a lever forward.

Whether Howard Stark truly understood it or stumbled upon it like a blind cat catching a dead mouse, the polarity of the portal was indeed reversed, turning it into a suction force. The tentacles began to be gradually sucked into the portal.

Unfortunately, Peggy Carter was tightly entangled by the tentacles, and the tentacle monster was gradually being "devoured" by the portal. Peggy Carter was also getting closer and closer to the portal. Even with her sword planted in the ground, it was useless.

Just then, all the tentacles entangling Peggy Carter suddenly broke off. A suit of armor descended from the sky and hovered there.

"Steve?" Peggy Carter was overjoyed.

"Missed me?" Steve Rogers, the show-off, asked.

"Every moment," Peggy Carter replied.

"I told you it's invincible!" Howard Stark pointed at the armor triumphantly, looking excited.


But the next moment, a massive tentacle reached out and pressed Steve Rogers against the wall, rubbing him.

A sword flashed, Peggy Carter leaped high, and with one stroke, she cut off the tentacle.

At this moment, the Howling Commandos arrived. When they saw the enormous tentacles swirling in the air, they were all dumbfounded.

"Who ordered the calamari?" Bucky Barnes said.

Clang clang clang clang!

Then, the Howling Commandos began shooting at the tentacles.

But the bullets seemed to have no effect on the monstrous creature; they didn't even scratch it.

However, it enraged the creature.

The creature opened its tooth-filled mouth, and a powerful soundwave erupted from it. The impact was so intense that the walls cracked, and the Howling Commandos were left holding their heads in pain, losing their ability to move.

"Steve!" Peggy Carter shouted.

"Got it!" Steve Rogers flew up into the air, evacuating everyone and then flying back.

At this point, the tentacles became even more massive, destroying the entire building. Halfway up the mountain, the place was filled with the wildly thrashing tentacles, as if demons had descended upon the earth.

"I can't close it!" Howard Stark anxiously yelled from the control console, "This thing has forced it open!"

"Then I'll push it back to hell!" Peggy Carter yelled and rushed toward the creature, using her shield to push it toward the portal with all her might.

"Peggy!" Steve Rogers also flew over, but halfway through, the armor ran out of power and crashed to the ground.

"Peggy!" Steve Rogers crawled out of the armor and knelt on the ground, shouting in distress, "No!"

"I have to do this!" Peggy Carter pushed the creature desperately and turned to Steve Rogers, "I have to do this; I can end everything!"

"You owe me a dance lesson," Steve Rogers said.

"Yes, Saturday night," Peggy Carter replied. Then, step by step, she pushed the creature into the portal and walked in together with it.

A dazzling blue light flashed, and the portal vanished, the monster disappeared, and Peggy Carter was gone too.

In the same spot, there was only a blue Tesseract lying quietly on the ground.

Steve Rogers walked over, feeling lost, and knelt in front of the Tesseract.

"Even though they were both superheroes, they both had the same quality - willing to sacrifice themselves for others, which is why they both left regrets," Sam Wilson couldn't help but say.

"Whether it's Steve Rogers or Peggy Carter, they have a similar life trajectory in the general sense. Captain Rogers slept for 70 years and woke up in the present, while Captain Carter skipped the sleep and came directly to the present," Bruce Banner said.

"I wonder what happened to Captain Carter?" Thor said, "The monster came from another dimension, and she personally pushed it into the portal. Could she have ended up in the monster's world as well?"

"Perhaps, this ending is better than our captain freezing in the ocean for 70 years. At least Steve Rogers didn't have to watch his beloved die, and he still has hope," Tony Stark said.

Everyone thought the video was about to end, but it didn't. The camera shifted to show the Tesseract being installed in a machine, emitting a blue energy outward.

Then, with a swooshing sound, an energy beam shot out, and a spatial portal appeared in the air.

"Steve Rogers is going to the monster's world to find Peggy Carter?" T'Challa couldn't help but say, "It truly is a great love."

"I hope this won't cause another disaster," Bruce Banner expressed his concern.

But the plot didn't unfold that way. Instead, a person wearing the stars and stripes, holding a shield, jumped out of the portal. Who else could it be but Captain Carter?

Everyone was stunned. Could it be that Captain Carter returned to the present from another dimension?

However, Captain Carter clearly didn't know where she was. She held a sword and shield, cautiously observing her surroundings.

"Ma'am, please put the sword down," a voice suddenly came, and Peggy Carter turned around to see two figures standing behind her.

These two figures were familiar to everyone present: Nick Fury and Hawkeye Clint Barton.

"Sir, that's Captain Carter," Clint Barton recognized her and said in surprise to Nick Fury.

"Captain Carter came out of the portal and arrived in the present, 70 years later," Tony Stark said, "This is unexpected."

"The life paths of Captain Rogers and Captain Carter are quite similar in the general direction," Bruce Banner said, "Captain Rogers slept for 70 years and woke up in the present, while Captain Carter skipped the sleep and came directly to the present."

"That dance was destined never to happen," Thor said, "The two are separated not only by space but also by time."

"Where's Steve Rogers?" Peggy Carter asked in the video.

"The war ended 70 years ago," Nick Fury said.

Peggy Carter stood there, completely stunned. She had actually traveled 70 years into the future. But where was Steve Rogers?

"Are you okay?" Nick Fury asked.

"Nothing." Peggy Carter said with mixed feelings, "We won the war."

The screen dimmed, and the video ended there.

"Regardless of the timeline or whether he received the serum, Steve Rogers is a person worthy of admiration." Sam Wilson said.

"It's just that luck wasn't on his side." James Rhodes said, "He couldn't even finish that dance with the girl he loved."

"Captain, now that you have the chance, why don't you find someone to dance with?" Tony Stark said, "Loki is about to descend, followed by Ultron, Thanos, and Hela. Our enemies are increasing in number and getting stronger. I feel that if you don't dance now, you might not have the chance later."

"Stark, I actually don't feel like dancing that much," Steve Rogers said.

"Stark, don't you understand? It's not about the dance; it's about who you dance with," Sam Wilson said, "Captain and Peggy Carter can never return to the past."

"That's what I mean." Tony Stark said, "Peggy Carter is a good woman, but there are plenty of good women in the world. Captain doesn't have to focus solely on Peggy Carter."

With that, Tony Stark walked over to Steve Rogers and winked at him. "Captain, I know many girls. Should I introduce you to some?"

"Thanks for the offer, but do you really think now is a good time to consider this?" Steve Rogers said.

"For love, there's no difference between a good time and a bad time," Tony Stark said, "The best time for a romance is ten years ago, the second-best is now."

"That phrase sounds so familiar," T'Challa said.

"Ten years ago?" Thor said, "Stark, have you gone crazy? Ten years ago, Captain was still at the bottom of the sea. Who could he have dated?"

[The sixth question begins, please be prepared.]

[Among the following characters, who becomes overweight?]

[A. Thor, the God of Thunder]

[B. Tony Stark, Iron Man]

[C. Steve Rogers, Captain America]

[D. T'Challa, Black Panther]

[For answering this question correctly, you will be rewarded with the one-centimeter levitation spell, which allows you to levitate one centimeter above the ground. For answering incorrectly, one year of life will be deducted.]

As this question was revealed, the gazes of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Steve Rogers all fell on Thor.

"What are you all looking at me for?" Thor called out, "You don't think I, Thor, would become overweight, do you? Let me tell you, the Asgardians' physique is different from humans. Even if I indulge in eating and drinking all day long, I won't get fat!"

"Thor, you're so confident again, it makes me want to apply 'Thor's Law'," Tony Stark said.

"Thor's Law?" James Rhodes asked, "What's that?"

"It's a rule we deduced based on previous answering patterns," Tony Stark explained patiently. "Whenever Thor is extremely certain about something, the answer tends to be the opposite. Just like now, Thor is absolutely sure that he won't get fat, so we can be sure that he will indeed get fat!"

"How many questions did Thor have to answer incorrectly for you to come up with this rule?" James Rhodes asked in shock.

"Stark, stop talking nonsense." Thor said, "Do you all think I, Thor, would become fat? Let me tell you, I'm confident I won't!"

"First of all, about your past indulgences, that was in the past. Now, I only indulge in my armor," Tony Stark said, "Secondly, ever since I got a hole in my chest, I've been taking good care of my body. Although I often stay up late, I also pay attention to my health. So you can rest assured I won't get fat."

"I think there's only one person who can confidently say they won't get fat, and that's Captain," Bruce Banner said.

"T'Challa, what about you? Do you think you'll get fat in the future?" Steve Rogers asked.

This was the first time Black Panther T'Challa participated in the quiz, and he had never appeared in the videos before. As a result, nobody knew much about him, so they preferred to ask him directly about himself.

"No." T'Challa replied in a very certain tone.

"Then it seems this question should be Thor." Steve Rogers said.

"Captain, are you saying the same thing?" Thor looked hurt, "I thought you were different from them."

"Thor, I say the answer is you, not because of any 'Thor's Law'," Steve Rogers said, "Previously, the question-maker played a video of the three of us fighting Thanos. In that video, although you were wearing armor, we couldn't see your physique clearly. But just now, after your reminder, upon careful consideration, I do feel that you seem a bit more robust than before."

"Maybe I'm just more muscular!" Thor said.

"What about your beard? How do you explain that? It's so messy, Thor, tell me, would you keep that kind of beard?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Absolutely not!" Thor shook his head vigorously.

"It seems 'Thor's Law' is true after all," James Rhodes said on the side.

"Thor, in my opinion, you must have experienced some major setback, feeling lost, which is why you've let your beard grow like that," Steve Rogers said, "You have the same body as before, yet you don't even care about your beard growing like that. Would you still pay attention to your physique? So, I say it's you who has gained weight."

(End of this chapter)

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