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Chapter 14: First kiss

After everyone got settled down and started cleaning everything up, Captain America finally came back.

he told us the news that the hydra agent died and that he broke the vile.

Shortly after that, the military went and collected the submarine and had me and start look at it.

Phillips "what do we have?"

Stark "speaking modestly me and Nathan are the best mechanical engineers in the country, but we don't know what's inside this thing or how it works we don't have the technology."

Phillips told us "pack your bags we are flying to London tonight."

I did go to London, but I sent a clone to London in my stead. I want to see Steve do his man with a plan shows.

I plan on using Raphael to later print pictures and send videos to Steve to make fun of him, I just have to.

For the next couple of months I've followed behind Steve's group and watched every one of his shows.

I even invited Rebekah to a few, I had a absolute blast, I laughed at every one of then.

his first couple where the best he had to read his lines from his shield.

His last show was on a military base of the 107 infantry group.

After he left the stage, and Peggy told him about what happened to the group. He instantly ran to Colonel asking for Bucky's name.

When he didn't get the news he wanted, He decided to go and rescue them himself since the military wouldn't.

That's when Peggy called Stark and me to help him fly over to drop captain off to rescue the 107.

When no one was looking, I got rid of my clone I retook its place to go with the group.

I plan on going down with the captain, for one to make sure nothing happens. You never know and two I want to get my hands on their technology to see if I can reverse engineer it without the cube.

(In the plane moments before getting shot at.)

"The hydra camp is in crossburge between two mountain ranges." Peggy tells captain

Stark yells. "We should be able to drop you right on there doorstep."

Captain yells back "just give me as close as you can."

Quieter he tells Peggy " you three are going to be in a lot of trouble when you land."

Peggy "and you won't be."

"well, where I'm going if someone yells at me, I can shoot at them." Captain says with a smile.

I yell back there " I wouldn't be worried about me and stark we are untouchable to them."

I whisper "I might worry for Peggy though."

We start to get shot at, so captain put on his parachute and jumped out of the plane.

Once he left our view I got up and changed, then I looked at Stark and Peggy and use compulsion to make them think that I was never there. I stayed at my house today.

I don't plan on using a parachute or anything of that sort's. I'm using the fabric that I found in Kamar-Taj that has the flying properties, same as Doctor Strange.

I used it to make my own fabric that can do such a thing.

I made a simple skin tight black suit as a prototype to help me fly down to the base.

I stand at the edge of the door, feeling the breeze on my face excited for my first flight, I take a deep breath, turn around and fall backwards. Might I tell you just soaring through the air with nothing holding me back is exhilarating I definitely will enjoy doing this more often.

When I landed, I see that I landed just a little ways back where the captain is.

when he jumped in the back of the truck I ran in the shadows with them close enough to keep an eye on it.

To make sure that no one will see me I used the incantation (Invisique) to make me invisible.

I watched him make his way to the prisons, once he got there I left a clone to keep watch and have Raphael inform me if anything should change or my help is needed.

After leaving him I made my way to there weapon vault to grab some toys to look at later.

I opened a portal to my house lab so I can put my new toys away and ready for me to look at later in my free time.

Once I was satisfied with what I grabbed I went outside to have some fun in the Chaos as my cover.

(Note to self do this more often I miss fighting, I've grown to love fighting even if they don't give me a challenge, the action of fighting and the blood makes it worth it.)

After a bit the factory we are located at started to blow up, i didn't care I was having fun.

As I'm fighting, Raphael Informs me that Bucky (Steve's best-friend) and the captain can't make it across to safety because the red skull broke the beam they originally used and let it fall before he made his exit.

I run through the building looking for the two, when I found them they are right above me so I flew upwards.

As I stand in front of them I say "we need to get out of here, hold on."

Captain asked Nathan how are you flying and why are you here. You where in the plane with Peggy and stark."

Bucky looking at Steve asked "the billionaire Nathan Mikealson."

"Long story I'll tell you later" captain dismisses

I smile a little "why I'm here and how is not important, let's just say your not the weirdest thing there is."

I waved my hands to indicate to come near.

"Let's go before this place falls apart." I flew them down to the ground outside and speed them close to the group of freed soldiers.

Before I leave I make them look into my eyes and use compulsion to make them forget I was ever here and saved them, they will think that they made it across without my help.

I watched them leave as they made there way back to base.

Afterwards I made a portal to my house and disappeared.

The day after everyone came back we where told to make equipment for captain America.

So me and Howard made special shields since he likes them.

even though I know he'll pick the plain round one, it's still the best in durability and it's shock absorption so I can't say much.

In the morning Howard was messing with the ammo that captain grabbed on his way to the prisoners

He's now informing Phillips on his findings.

While he's doing that I'm waiting to watch Steve do a horrible job at saying no and get caught.

"excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Stark." Steve says looking at a blonde.

Blonde "he's in with Colonel Phillips."

As Steve looks around awkwardly the blond tells him "of course your welcome to wait"

She smiles then shows him the newspaper in her hands with the title reading "400 prisoners liberated"

"I read what you did over there."

Steve slightly smile while saying "I only did what was need to be done."

"It seems like more then that you save nearly 400 men" she says while staring at him.

I'm internally laughing at how Steve doesn't see how she is clearly flirting with him.

He's seeing it as a normal conversation, while she wants to date him or at least get him in trouble.

"Really it wasn't a big deal" he says while looks a little uncomfortable.

"Tell that to the men's wives." She says while slowly walking to him.

While scratching his head he stutters out "I don't think they where all married."

"You're a hero,"

"The women of America owe you there thanks." As she finishes saying thanks she slowly wraps her hands around his tie pulls him to his feet and walks back to cover.

"And since they are here." While finishing her words she pulls him into a kiss, and he doesn't pull away he enjoys it.

While he's enjoying the kiss Peggy the women he's been crushing on and she isn't denying him, comes around the corner and sees exactly what's going on.

with a little hurt in her eyes she yells "CAPTAIN, we are ready for you if your not otherwise occupied!"

As he realized what's going on he pulls away but before he could leave, I come next to him and hit him on his shoulder.

"Very smooth, I bet you'll have Peggy in no time at this rate."

He looks shocked to see me and realized I seen it all.

"Why are you here? never mind we'll talk later. PEGGY!"

As he runs after her I only think I can't believe he will actually get her in the end.

As I walk into the lab where all the toys we plan on showing to Steve.

When I walk close, I hear that I came in towards the end of Steve's and Howard's conversation and he already has his iconic round shield.

Peggy rounds the corner and asks Howard.

"Are you finished Mr. Stark, I'm sure the captain has unfinished business he needs to get back to."

Steve looks at Peggy and hold up his shield and asks.

"what do you think?"

I quickly yell "cover your face!"

He looks at me weirdly before he sees Peggy pick up a gun and aim it at Steve.


Steve slowly lowers it to see Peggy put the gun down and sigh.

"Yes, I think it works."

After saying that she walks away.

As He hands Howard a piece of paper with a costume design.

I say "You deserve that after kissing that blonde earlier right in front of her, she has a fire that I wouldn't even play with."

Shuddering at first he replies "I didn't kiss her she kissed me."

With a smirk I tease "but you didn't stop her if I remember you leaned into it a little."

Howard laughs "you didn't tell me that part that makes it even better."

"will you quit it you guys." Steve asks while walking away.

Busy_Driver Busy_Driver

Here is Fridays chapter

Like last week there won’t be chapters coming out on the weekend

If there is any mistake please understand I did this on my phone it’s hard to find every mistake

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