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Chapter 12: Norn The Explorer!

Next day came.

To Norn's surprise he didn't "visit" his... main body, i guess, again.

It was unexpected to him, but still didn't disprove his previous theory.

He didn't know if there was any time-difference between the two worlds.

If there were any, how would he know them exactly?

It was too big of a thing to think about for now.

He couldn't even be sure that those portals in his world were connected to this one.

As such, he didn't think too much about it, it could just be a dream of his, after all.

He wasn't unfamiliar with seeing strange dreams that didn't make any sense at all.

After he did the usual stuff, which was sitting infront of the campfire, he ventured out.

It was due to the fact that it was insanely boring to sit in one place.

He couldn't get stronger by doing just that, as such he decided to see whatever was outside.

He didn't ask any goblins on Erika to follow him, as he wasn't planning to go too far anyway.

It was just a simple stroll to see what could be used around this place.

As for his magic lessons? He overused his head yesterday without gaining any great achievements, he could use any of the spells Erika tried to teach him.

It was an obvious thing since a person needed just a "little" bit more than a day to be able to cast a spell.

Even if one is a genius they still neede to crack their brains to succesfully imprint a spell in it.

As such, Norn decided to take a day off. In his eyes his head needed time to rest as well as his body.

Several minutes later after exiting the cave and walking by side of the mountain it was in, he found a river.

It wasn't a big one, could even be called a stream.

He didn't mind it at all, as the water was clear and he couldn't see anything inside.

If so, why bother about it?

Even if there were fish there, so what? He didn't like it anyway.

After crossing it, however, he found a peculiar stone that was glowing.

It looked fancy, so he decided to take it with him.

He did have pockets in his pants, but since he had nothing to carry they were empty, until now.

As for his sword? It was in his hands, he wasn't that stupid to go out without it.

After some more walking he stumbled on the road.

It was just a normal road that could be seen in any village, it didn't have anything but dirt.

Obviously, Norn didn't follow it as it was practically the fastest way to die for him.

What if he stumbled upon some random group of adventurers or merchants?

The latter would have guards, that's for sure, the first one?

They wouldn't even need to bother with a goblin, their archer or a mage would just oneshot him or something.

At least that's what he thought.

In reality, he wasn't that weak to be one-shotted and could live even after several serious hits.

He didn't know that, however. He didn't get hit, so how would he?

Norn decided to follow the road closely so he wouldn't just lose his way back.

It was easy and effective, as he would just need to find the river by following it when he wants to go back.

As such, several dozen of minutes later he arrived to a plain.

It wasn't anything fancy, as it was just a plain, obviously.

However, he could see some buildings not too far away.

He assumed that the read went straight to it, but he didn't want to come close.

It was stupid, even by his own judgement.

However, curiousity got the best of him.

How could he not want to see how people of this world lived?

Of course, he already knew one person, but she wasn't a human.

Just an elf who was banished from her own settlement or whatever.

He didn't care about such things and asking about it would surely bring out some bad memories.

As such, he needed a "safer" way to see how the world is like.

If it was just a normal magical world he read about in the novels...

It wouldn't be too hard to rise above the other.

Of course, he couldn't just do that since he didn't have a cheat or whatever bullshit ability MC's of isekais usually have.

Well, he did have one, but could that even be considered a cheat?

He simply had two bodies, both of which were complete and utter garbage.

As such, he needed a proper way to gain power.

In his mind, the easiest would be simply learning magic.

Of course, since he was a goblin he would better be a warrior or something, but it wasn't that important to him.

He was sure that learning how to use the sword and such things was much harder.

More than that, since he had a peculiar this in his status he assumed that it was the way to do it.

His "Race" changed with his training.

When he trained in magic he became more of an elf than of a goblin.

When he did more physical training it "broke" and became unidentified.

As such, he assumed that this could be his real cheat - evolution!

If it did work like that, if he trained in magic he would sooner or later become one with it!

Of course, that was just wishful thinking.

If it was the case... It would be too easy, nothing could be too easy in such situations.


After coming closer to a village Norn noticed that there were some children playing around.

Of course, they weren't exactly children and looked more like they were 10-12 years old, but he felt like calling them just that.

He didn't approach them as he didn't even know how strong people were in this world.

He could assume that they weren't that dangerous to him since goblins could raid random caravans that passed by...

But if it was the opposite?

What if it was just a lucky encounter and he will lose to those kids?

That was too shameful, he wasn't willing to risk it.

Even if he was wrong in his judgement, it's not like he was a cold blood murderer and wanted to kill them badly.

This whole "operation" was just to check if the world was advanced or not.

After observing those kids for a while Norn understood that it wasn't the case.

At least the "lower" class of people wasn't any good.

A certain kid who looked like he was 12-13 years old simply waved around his sword.

Where did he get it?

Anyway, there was nothing special about it. Norn could see that he didn't have any training.

That could mean that normal people in this world did get it.

As such, raiding this village in the future wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Why would he raid it?

He needed some recources to prosper, just like any other person.

The best decision would be to simply massacre the village and take whatever they have.

He had enough goblins to do such a thing, but unless he was certain that it'll be a success he wouldn't even think about it.

So, he vent deeper, closer to the village to see some adults.

His eye wasn't that great and it's not like he would be able to discern a knight from a farmer, but he could guess.

"It's not that hard, is it?"

Was Norn's answer to his question about his own ability to do such a thing.

After safely getting closer to the village Norn didn't really see anything.

It was morning, but he couldn't see any people working in the field.

The village itself wasn't big at all, Norn counted 12 houses in total, there could be more but they were too far from him.

If that was a case, where were all the people?

Was it not the time for them to work?

He didn't know the current time, and as he looked above to use the sun to check it...

"Oh, that's a bit early... or late?"

It was around midday. The sun was above him, but not exactly in the "center" of the sky.

As such, Norn assumed that it was around 11-12 in the day, obviously.

"Where the fuck are they, then?"

As he was thinking, he heard rustling beside him, was he spotted!?

He quickly prepared to defend or attack, but did it silently, so in case it was just wind or something he wont give away his position...

Thankfuly, whatever it was went right past him, as he was currently in the middle of a bush.

He couldn't hear any more footsteps, but since it was a bit risky staying here he decided to leave after a while.

But, since some random person just went by, he wont walk around recklessly.

He decided to wait some more to see at least somebody from the village.

After god knows how much time his wish finally became true.

However, the person he saw was a female.

She was walking on the road, and since she had some sort of a basket with her...

"Is she going to wash the clothes?"

It was the only thing he could think, what else would she do?

Throw them away? Camp? Donate it to goblins?

Norn, as a proper goblin, decided to follow a defenceless female.

It wasn't that big of a deal for him, he did that in his previous life once...

Yeah, he was a damn stalker for a period of time... But hey, it was done for a reason!

It was all due to her owing him money! She was a nice girl (in his eyes) and asked him for money from time to time.

Since he was a nice guy too, he gave some to her!

She never gave anything back, and it upset Norn greatly!

He wanted revenge! Nothing happened, of course, after some stalking he found out that she met with some tall and rude guy...

So he decided to drop that idea. He never talked to her again after it, it was his loss.

But, a good thing is a good thing, since he learned that giving money to random people wasn't a good idea.

Following them, however, was. It helped him to see who she truly was, so what's so bad about it?

Thus, following that logic and the random woman Norn was now near the river.

Guess what, she really was washing some clothes.

Since Norn was a proper man, he decided to ambush her.

What if she had a weapon or something? That could be dangerous.

But, after he did that, what to do next?

Just toss her back to goblins or something? That was too wasteful, what if she was pretty?

He wont be able to "help" her become a member of his harem...

Ah, so what?

Norn decided that the best course of actions would be to simply get as close as possible, and then run towards her, screaming.

He made a bet, he assumed that she would get scared since it was a goblin in pants and with a sword...

As such, he did just that...

However, due to his "perfect" sneak he managed to get too close to her, he was basically stranding right behind her back.

After a brief pause he decided to simply put his sword towards her neck and say:

"Hello, beautiful, mind answering some of my questions for a chance to win your life?"

He acted like a bandit-gentleman, it was a type of a person he liked the most.

The woman, however, was scared shitless and couldn't muster a word for a solid minute...

"Sweetie, if you dont talk i'm afraid i'll be forced to make you scream..."

He said with a somewhat mocking tone, why not?

"W-who are you?.."

Norn could her that her voice was shacking, she really was scared!

Then, on the other hand, who wouldn't be?

"I dont remember giving you a permission to ask questions... How many people live in the village?"

It was the question that he wanted to get an answer for the most.

He wasn't stupid enough to attack a place he didn't know shit about.

It was the same as going to a new raid in an MMO without even reading anything about it.

Just a gamble, nothing more.

Sadly, Norn only had one live... Technically.

As such, he couldn't afford to act recklessly.

"I... Around 50, why are you asking?.."

Were all women somewhat obedient in this world of something?

It was obvious that he was a bandit...

Ah, what am i thinking, she's clearly just scared...

"Good, how many men, women and children? Any warriors or mages?"

He didn't stop there, what if she somehow found out that he was just a weak ass goblin?

"I dont know, a-around 10 families... We dont have that much kids here... We are just a small village..."

He didn't know if she was honest or not, since she didn't change since the beginning.

She was shacking, even her voice was.

He was surprised that she didn't cry yet.

"Good, i would advise you to put something red on your door, consider this an act of kindness"

After saying so he paused for a second...

"Oh, and also, if you dare to look back i will kill you. Hold your wrist with all your strength and when you cant take it anymore you can go."

Norn assumed that telling her to count to a 100 was a stupid idea, how would she know how to do that?

Well, even if she did, he wasn't sure, so it was easier for him to use that method.

Since she wasn't that weak-looking it would take her some time to get tired.

Before turning back, however:w

"Boys, let her live, she did tell us some interesting stuff after all..."

He said half-laughingly as he slowly went back to the closest bush.

Why did he make that up? To make her think that he was some sort of a leader.

Well, he indeed was, but his subordinates were goblins.

After he hid himself in the bush he quickly followed the river back to the mountain.

"I guess i'm gonna become a killer today, hehe..."

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