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81.35% THOR : THE GOD OF THUNDER / Chapter 48: Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Chapter 48

The city is being bombared by missiles and energy lasers destroying the buildings and killing the humans without mercy, there are people who are dead buried by chunks of parts of destroyed buildings.

People are screaming for help and the hunters all over america began to dispatch securing the civilians to safety area and blocking the attacks coming from the spaceships.

The only people who can attack the spaceships are the hunters who have long range attacks, although they attack the spaceships with all their might they still can't damage the spaceships because they can't penetrate their force fields.

"This is breaking news Live, I am now at the location where the city is on the process being destroyed by five massive black color spaceships floating on the sky firing red lasers!" A reporter women said, she was recording the event suddenly a huge explosion happened behind her.

"KYAAHH!" The reporter women scream and quickly take cover with the cameramen still recording.

"I-I don't know who they are, I think they sre magical beasts coming out from the gates but..." The reporter women words suddenly cut out when a loud sound can be heard from the sky.

The camera recorded multiple pods coming out of the spaceships with twice the size of a human, the pods landed on the surface. The reporter and the hunters near the area are nervous, no one is approaching the pid because they are scared.

"W-What is that?" The reporter women said.

The door of the pod opened, the hunters began to draw their weapons and be ready for anything that came out from the pods.

Suddenly, a purple laser shot from the pod and headed towards a hunter, the hunter see the purple laser comings towards him didn't react fast enough until the purple laser shot through his head killing him.

The other pods are do the same thing as the previous pod, the purple lasers begin to kill the nearby hunters while some hunters who have defense magic begin to use them.

Unfortunately, the purple lasers succeed to penetrate the defense magic killing them in the process. The purple lasers are keep coming out of the pod and suddenly humanoid people wearing advance suit of armor are firing purple lasers from their guns that are very futuristic and advance.

"Wh-What! Who are they?" The reporter women said.

She never seen people like them before, nor she have seen people killing humans wearing an advance armor and weapons. "W-Who the fuck are they?" The cameramen said, stuttered and drop cold sweat.

"I-I don't know!" She didn't even have an answer for his question.

More pods coming from the sky scattered all over the city, they begin to kill the civilians and the hunters without care.

Inside the middle spaceship that was floating on the sky, the commander is watching the invasion on the bridge through the floating big and wide holoscreen. "Sir, the invasion is succesful!" A dark elf soldier suddenly appeared on a holoscreen on the left.

"Good, keep up the progress!" The commander said. "What is the situation on the ground and have you gather all the gates resources?"

"We have no casualties for now sir, we have collected some ores and mana crystals from the nearby guilds." The dark elf soldier said. "We are still raiding the other guilds and plunger more of their resources they got from the gates."

"Excellent, and the hunters equipments?" The commander ask.

"We take them from the hunters who are already dead and those that are stashed in the guilds." The dark elf soldier said.

"Good, keep up the good work and let me know if something goes wrong!" The coomander said.

"Yes, sir!" The dark elf soldier began to cut the commuunication and proceed to plunder more resources gates and equipments with the other darl elves.

The commander is satisfied with the invasion but he know sooner or later the asgardians or thor will intervine on this matter. 'We will be ready!' The commander will not fail his majesty.

Meanwhile, on the ground the hunters are trying their best to fight back but the dark elves are too strong for them, many civilians and hunters are dead on the streets.

Blood flowing through the streets, children are dead, buildings are destroyed, explosions can be heard everywhere around the city.

The hunters began to feel despair, they see all their friends are dead fighting these unknown enemy, no matter how hard they tried, they just keep coming and kill them.

"W-We can't win this battle!" A hunter said stuttered, he is tired and despair looking all the deaths and destruction infront of him, he think all of them fighting back will be pointless because they will all die.

It's like see the massacre of the first S-Rank gate all over again, where all the strong hunters all over nation are gathered together to defeat the red dragon of calamity, Kamish.

"AAAGGGHHH!" A hunter shout in pain.

He see a hunter got shot on the shoulder. "P-Please, spare my life please, I beg you." A hunter shout, he is crying and plead with the man in front of him.

The man wearing an advance armor just keep silent, he shot the man's head killing him and he begin to look around for hunters or survivors.

The armored man begin to lock his eyes on the nearby hunters, this bring chills to all of them and accepting their fate to die. He raised his guns at them ready to shoot them but suddenly he got thrown away to the back and got injured.

"Hey, you guys really are trying so hard!" A man voice come from behind.

They look back to see an extremely large and muscular man with long blond hair, red eyes, a toothy smile, an overgrown blonde goatee, and black tattoos. He is dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, beach shorts and sandals. This man is Thomas Andre.

"T-Thomas Andre!" A hunter shout surorised to see one of the six national rank hunters.

"Sup, you guys seems to have some problems here!" He tool off his sunglasses.

His eyes began to glow bright yellow and golden vein-like patterns appear across his body, he see many humanoid people wearing advance armor are pointed their guns, spears, swords, and daggers at thomas with the hunters.

Thomas grinning madly and crack his knuckles. "This is going to be fun!" There is a strong yellow aura began to emits around Thomas.

The dark elves and thomas are begin to clash with each other. Meanwhile, thor is at the asgard guild preparing to fight the dark elves with diana.

He told ashley to secure as many civilians as possible to safety area and help the other hunters fighting the dark elves.


Thor and diana look to the five massive black spacehsips firing all over the city killing the civilians. "Thor, what do we do?" Diana ask with a drop of sweat, she look at thor and surprised.

Thor is glaring at the dark elves, grit his teeth, and clench his fists. "It's obvious what are we going to do diana." He look at diana on the eyes. "We will kill all the dark elves." He said with deep voice.

Diana face becmae serious and nod, they quikcly walk their way to the door and kill the dark elves. "Wait!" Ashley shout stopping diana and thor on their tracks.

"What's going on outside? Why the hell suddenly there are explosion sounds outside?" Ashley hear people shouting outside. "And why are the people are shouting?"

"Ashley listen to me." Thor said, with his serious tone. "The dark elves are attacking the city!"

"What, The Dark Elves!" Ashley shout, she begin to stand because she is shocked and amanda slowly begin to stand up although she is a little bit in pain.

"Why the dark elves attack earth?" Ashley ask, she knows about the dark elves because she read the norse mythology.

"I don't know but... they must have an objective if they attack midgard." Thor said.

"So... what are we going to do?" Amanda ask.

"I need you and ashley to assemble all asgard guild members to save civilians and help the other hunters to repel back the black elves!" Thor said.

"What about you two?" Ashley ask.

"Me and diana will go to fight the dark elves and destroy the spaceships that was flying on the sky above the city." Thor tell his plan. 'And possibly killing the ones who is in charge of this invasion.' He thought.

"What! Are you serious, there are probably thousands of dark elves out there in the city, I can't let the two of you do that, let us help you!" Ashley said and amanda agree with ashley, they can't just watch thor and diana fighting the dark elves alone while they secure the civilians.

"Don't worry we will be fine, remember both of us are gods!" Thor said.

Ashley and amanda are silent because what thor said is true, thor and diana are gods, both of them are not mortals like them so they can take care of themselves and kill the dark elves invader.

Ashley is surprised a hand touch her shoulder, she look at diana who is smiling at her signalling their gonna be okay. "Like my husband said ashley, we are gonna be okay." Diana said.

Ashley look at diana and smile weakly at her. "Okay, i trust both of you." Ashley said.

Thor look at amanda. "Amanda take care of ashley and the others, will you?"

"Don't worry i will protect her and the other hunters." Amanda said.

"Good!" Thor nod then open the door to go out, he look at diana. "Come on diana, we have to go!" Diana let go of her hand on ashley's shoulder then walk out of the office following thor.

"Oh yeah, i forget about one thing." Thor stop at the door and turnes around. "Tell kate and theo to secure the civilians to safety and join us fighting the dark elves once all the civilians are safe."

"Sure, no problem, I will tell them both!" Ashley said.

"Thank you!" Thor said, as he and diana walk quickly to the elevator to reach the first floor so they can go out and fight the dark elves.

"Husband, what do you think the dark elves want until they came to earth?" Diana ask.

"I don't know diana." Thor shook his head. "But they must have an objective if they came to earth!" Thor said.

"And that is?" Diana ask.

"We are going to find out!" Thor said, both of them are going to find out what re the dark elves objectives.

Flashback end

Thor in his asgardian armor and wonder women in her wonder woman outfit, she's fully covered, as well, as her red and white-striped boots reach her thighs that are enveloped in blue pants. Her top half is similarly shielded; gold guards protect her shoulders, matching her gold tiara, gold belt, and gold bracers.

They finally arrive at the scene, they see many hunters are laying down on ths streets dead, the dark elves began to salvage their equipments.

Thor begin to summons thunder from the sky, the sky begin to covered with dakr clouds and rumble with lightning, this caught the attention of the dark elves.

The dark elves looking at the sky filled with dark clouds and thunder suddenly they quickly ran way with carrying hunters equipments.

The thunder on the sky begin to strike the dark elves who are trying to escape killing them all. "Diana, we need to quickly help the hunters to repel back the dark elves." Thor said.

"Yes." Diana nod her head.

"Let's go." They fly to the next location where the real battle occured.

There was a big explosion happened at the center of the city, where there are five floating black ships keep firing the entire city.

[There is a big explosion at the center of the city, the real battle must be there. I can feel the dark and evil energy is more potent in there.]

Diana agree with thor, she also feel dark and evil energy are spreading through the entire city at the center of the city. She felt something bad was happening there.

Meanwhile The commander see diana and thor are flying to his location. 'Finally, you two have come!' The commander's visor turn red.

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