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77.96% THOR : THE GOD OF THUNDER / Chapter 46: Chaoter 46

Chapter 46: Chaoter 46

Donald who turns into thor fly his way to his apartment after his fight between him and Jin Chul, appreantly Many S-Rank hunters want to approach thor whether they are korean or japenese.

But none of them are coming to him and they just keep their distance away from him, fortunetaly Jin Chul didn't die and immedeatly brought to the association medical to get healed by the healers.

Thor sense Jin Woo didn't put his shadow soldier inside his shadow, he began to think whether he should help the S-Rank hunters raid jeju island or not.

He will probably just going to destroy the entire island of jeju with his lightning powers, many of the S-Rank hunterd from japan will die in this raid, so he is still deciding whether he will help them or not.

He also waiting for the final fight between the Monarchs and Jin woo, he would definetly involved fighting the monarchs because he wants to test their strength.

Donald decided that he won't return to his apartment making his way to america with unimaginable speed. Five minutes later, he is at america land on an alleyway turning himself into donald blake and walk to his home.

Thor arrive at his home begin to ring the door bell. The door begin to open revealing diana weating a business suit. "Thor." Diana surprise to see her husband stand in front of him.

"Hello, diana." Thor begin to hig diana and she hug him back.

They begin to look at each other then they kiss, they miss each other so much that they really don't want to be separated. "I miss you so much." They seperated the kiss as diana spoke.

"I miss you too my love." Thor said.

"How about we get in first the talk?" Diana suggested.

"I agree." Thor said.

They begin to get in their house and diana closed the door behind them. "Hey diana, where is kate and theo?" Thor ask diana about his daughters.

"As usual, they are at the training facility of asgard guild!" Diana said, her two children usually go to train or raid dungeons.

"Hm, that is good but sometimes they need some relaxing time and do other things other than training." Thor said.

"I already told them that they should at least take a break for two days every week to do other things rather than training." Diana said.

Thor nod his head as he sit down on the couch leaning back, thor can feel someone on his right, he see diana sit down next to him leaning her head on his shoulder.

This makes thor happy as they didn't move from their position enjoying eachvother presence, times flew as night come. Thor and diana is preparing dinner for them and the kids.

"You sure they would be home anytime now diana?" Thor ask, as he cook the food.

"Of course, I alread told them If they are late to dinner they will grounded except if there is anything important to do then they pass." Diana ask, as he preparing the food and help thor cook.

Thor and diana resume their dinner cooking until they heard a sound of the door opening. "Mom, we're home!" A girl shout.

The girl is katerina and the other girl follow her from behind is her sister, Theodora. They just got home from the guild because they are training and raid two dungeons in one day.

Kate and Theo usually raid one dungeon but today they raid two dungeons and got good rewards. They walk their way to the living room, they look around for their mother but they didn't see her. "Mom, where are you?" Theo shout.

"Here, in the kitchen." Diana shout.

Both of the thunder daughters walk their way to the kitchen, they are stunned and wide eyed because they see their father who is nit at home in a few months because he has important job in korea.

"Hello, my princesses, welcome home." Thor look at both of them with warm and father smile.

Kate and Theo froze for a minute then they ran to thor and hug him tightly, thor see both of his daughters action began lowering the fire as to not burn the food.

Thor began to hug his daughters and smile to both of them. "I miss both of you too!" Thor said with gentle tone.

Diana see this scene felt warm and smile, both thor and his two children seperated from their hug. "Dad, why are going to korea without us?" Kate ask, she is curious of why her father going to korea.

"Yeah dad, we want to go to korea too with mom." Theo said, complain.

"I'm sorry but dad goes to korea because dad have important business to do there." Thor said.

"What important bussiness?" Theo tilted her head.

"Well... let's juts say it's a secret!" Thor said.

"What, why is it a secret, can you tell us father, I want to know!" Theo said.

"Yes, me too dad, you can tell both of us, we will keep it a secret!" Kate said. "If possible, we can keep it the secret too from mom."

"Hey!" Diana said, she is stunned at her both of her daughters action.

They look at their father with pleading and puppy faces, thor look both of their faces make his heart melt, he can't say no to both of them especially with both of them making those puppy faces.

Thor didn't even budge when he see they make those puppy faces, he has strong will to endure their cute facial expression and stay strong, diana see her husband is going isnt' going to tell them but she know they will keep bothering thor, so she step forward to stop both of her daughters action.

"Now, Now children, why don't you two leave your father alone and get wash up first, we are going to eat dinner." Diana said, she interfire because she see thor seem troubled.

They look at their mom and nod at her, they immedeatly go wash up first because all those training in the guild and raid makes both of them starve.

Thor sigh in relief because he see they have gone. "Thank you diana!" He look at diana with a thankful look and smile relief at her.

"You're welcome." She kiss his cheek. "I also know you can't handle them making those puppy faces." She giggle at him.

"U-Um yeah, you're right." Thor blush embarrased because what she said is true.

When both of her daughters makes those facial expressions to caught off thor's guard, this trick work on thor when they were kids but over the years he practice to became immune to those faces and he succeded.

Later, when kate and theo finished washing up, they begin to eat their dinner as they begin to talk and laugh at the table dinner enjoying the night.


Heimdall is at the bifrost watching and hearing everything across the nine realms and the entire universe, his glowing golden eyes are looking at midgard or more specifically at korea.

He see many hunters at korea are preparing and training for their raid to jeju island to exterminate the ant colony and retake the island back from the ants.

Heimdall know that the hunters will mostly die because they are not strong enough to exterminate them not even the queen but there is one man that make heimdall intrigued.

A man name Sung Jinwoo is particular because he once see him dissapear out of knowhere then suddenly he appeared again but he becomes more stronger.

He make much progress of becoming more stronger than the other hunters on midgard, Heimdall also see there are many dark beings inside Sung JinWoo shadow, which makes him assumed this may be related to his dissapareance out of knowhere.

And heimdall was right, every single time Sung JinWoo dissapear, he appeared again but much more stronger tha before and the dark creatures inside his shadow began to increase.

So, he assuming to whenever Sung Jin Woo go, he must be go to some kind of place that make him much stronger than before also increasing the number of these creatures inside his shadow.

Heimdall is surprise when Sung JinWoo summon these creatures out of his shadow, heimdall became interested because he see the creatures JinWoo summon are made out of shadow and magic.

He assume Sung Jin Woo must be some kind of necromancer because these creatures didn't have any soul in them, they are just living shadows he can command whenever he wants.

He heard and see the name of the shadow knight thta is taller and stronger than the other shadows, Igris. From time to time he look at the man become much more stronger and increasing his shadow army also having much more stronger shadow creatures just like Igris.

Of course, he reported this to the All-Father about this man, when Odin heard this he became intrigued and he have no fear. He use his powers to search JinWoo and track where he goes.

He see JinWoo in somekind of place where there is tower covered in flames, he see JinWoo gets into the tower. He walk through the dark hallway reaching a door at the edge of the hallway.

Odin is surprise to see an entire different dimension with the entire city on fire, red moon, red clouds, and many demons reside in this realm, this makes him intrigued about this realm because this realm is similiar to the muspleheim but this realm is very weak and the fire demons resides in this realm is very weak, the same goes on the upper floors of the fire tower.

He became interested when heimdall said that JinWoo sometimes dissapeared and appeared coming back becoming more stronger than before, odin think that JinWoo must be teleport to another dimension similiar like the fire tower place.

Odin is certain Sung JinWoo must have something or a tool that makes him stronger... and he was right, because everytime JinWoo kill a lot of demons he change and his magic become much stronger than before.

He also think JinWoo must need somekind of requierments before he can make himself stronger again, he see JinWoo teleported home ans suddenly a black box appeared on his hand which odin raised an eyebrow.

The box open revealing some sort of black key similoar to the key JinWoo used in the fire tower before he enter, now odin know and certain about JinWoo's power.

JinWoo must have somekind of tool or something If he want to enter another dimension, If he want to come to a different dimension or like that fire tower, he must have this key or other tools so he can enter the dimension he goes to, If not he can't go to that dimension to slay monsters to become stronger and make shadow army from those dead corpses as his subordinates.

Odin know he can beat JinWoo, even his son, thor can beat him and his army alone not to mention diana. He knows Sung JinWoo can't ressurect the creatures across the nine realms into shadows and become a part of his shadow army because all the creatures across the nine realms except midgard are too powerful for him and his tool to use to ressurect them as shadows.

He see the humans are preparing for an invasion against this ant colony in an island near a nation name south korea, he became intrigued of these hunters and keep watching them from his throne.

Unknown to him all the nine realms are watching midgard and observing Sung JinWoo.

Meanwhile, Malekith who is at the svartalfheim is at his throne room with a holoscreen floating in front of him. He is observing the new midgard and it's people, but what he observe more is the hunters and the portals.

He is intrigued by these portals and planning to conquer them to take the resources from the other side of these portals called dungeons. He send his spies to earth to gain any information regarding these portals and hunters.

First, he is fascinated when the information about this world, dungeons, and hunters were spread through the nine realms from asgard.

Asgard give them information about the new midgard, dungeons and hunters. He became interested by these portals and he wants study these portals and create them with their technology and magic.

The reason why he want to make these portals is because he wanted the resources from the other side of the portals to make and research mew technology and magic.

If there are another species or monsters on the dungeons, he and the dark elves can take care of them. He also want to research them and If there are wild animals in the dungeons, he will tried to subjugate them and train them to become obidient so they can become a part of dark elves army.

He is planning to use the sacred gears they have obtained from the previous universe and the sacred gears they have created with the same amount of power just like the original sacred gears.

Of course malekith put self destruct mode in the sacred gears, If the user of the sacred gears die then the sacred gear will be self detruct and turn into ashes.

He also planned to rob the guilds resources and hunters equipments, he didn't see them as a threat but only people who are stringer than average humans.

He just need to quickly invade and return immedeatly, he also see and know Sung JinWoo abilities and he is not worried about him and his kind being ressurected as shadows because Sung JinWoo can't ressurect them as shadows.

'Now, I need to wait for the right moment to strike!' Malekith keep watching midgard.

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