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95.31% The King of Knights Returns with the Gods / Chapter 224: Koo Dae-sung (3)

Chapter 224: Koo Dae-sung (3)

Grail Knight Georgic.

Because of the machinations of demons and beast gods, his soul spent many years in a Gate, repeating death and history.

But for all those years, he never fell, never gave in, and in the end, he left behind his holy relic for Leon and the pantheon.

[Georgic One-Handed Hammer]

This Epic-level item he left behind is kept in the Great Shrine and is open to all.

[A person who is loyal to the Lionheart King and has been recognized by Demera! Through this hammer, will inherit the power of Georgic!!]

A miracle wrought by the noble souls of Georgic and his soldiers. Their sacred offerings were accepted by Demera, the Goddess of Life and Fertility, and she perfected the artifact that would carry on his power.

There were many challengers to the hammer who sought to claim it, but none were recognized by the it.

Even now, when the war against the demons has begun, no one worthy has emerged.

But now

[This king expects the best from you]

One knight, common, universal, and stupid, has forced his way through all recklessness, overcome all odds, and taken up the hammer.

'Well done, my child.'

He raised the hammer.

The knight who had shown his courage had been chosen by the goddess for his miracles, his good fortune, and his indomitable will.


Fountains of Life appeared and a light rose from the flesh of the fertility-giving goddess.

The light enveloped Koo Dae-sung and pierced the heavens, announcing his birth to the world.

[Koo Dae-sung, my child.]

In that blue light, the goddess's jade voice reached Koo Dae-sung.

"De, Goddess Demera?!"

He recognized her at once.

Koo Dae-sung was stunned to see Demera staring at him with a benevolent smile.

[My brave child, who stood up for yourself in the midst of the muddle, your indomitable will has led you to take up the hammer.]

Koo Dae-sung looked at the hammer in his hand and couldn't believe his eyes.

He couldn't believe that a hammer that was so heavy--a hammer that even the geniuses of the world couldn't lift--was in his hands.

"Uh, how------?"

I am not good enough, such a weak and untalented, such an ordinary being, too ordinary to be a hero------

Demera shook her head, when Koo Dae-sung doubted his qualifications.

[My dear, a hero is not one who does not fall.]

She knows the indomitability of the Holy Knights who have sustained the kingdom.

They were geniuses, superhumans, men of great souls. But geniuses with such gifts have existed in every age, in every generation.

They were not "untouchables", not even Leon Dragonia Lionheart, the greatest Grail Keeper of all time.

[A hero is one who stands up. One who falls again and again, but rises again with an indomitable will. They are those who possess the strength of spirit to move the gods and live their lives.]

The goddess's eyes grew even more dignified, and her slender hand was now stroking Koo Dae-sung's head.

[Child of indomitable will, you are more than worthy to inherit the power and hammer of Georgic].

The moment the goddess said that, Koo Dae-sung changed.

His severed arms and ears grew back, and his armor turned rust-colored.

Roots grew from the earth and intertwined with his arms, forming a round oak shield.

[Koo Dae-sung, Holy Knight of Life and Abundance, Demera's will's representative.]

At those words, Koo Dae-sung fell to his knees. He accepted her signature, grateful for the goddess's blessing and grace.

[You shall go and help your companions and the Lionheart King, and my body, which governs life, shall help you wherever you go.]

"At your command!"

The next moment, the light that had pierced the sky faded, and two knights emerged from it: Jerea and Georgic.

The new Holy Knight of this age was forged through time and space by the virtue and will of two great knights.

Koo Dae-sung steps forward.

* * * * *

His appearance caused everyone on the battlefield to stare in fascination.

Georgic's one-handed hammer radiated intense green holy power.

The Star Armor of Life, blessed by the Goddess Demera, and the Earth Shield, a gift from her.

Each one of these epic items changed the tide of battle, and Koo Dae-sung changed the air of the battlefield.

[System Message: The entire Legion is under the protection of Koo Dae-sung, Holy Knight of Life and Abundance.]

-[Blessing of the Living Saint], [Blessing of Life and Abundance], [Blessing of the Earth], [Unrivaled]────

Bold traits apply to allies across the battlefield and energized all the Hunters who had lost more than half their combat strength to the Chaos Curse.

"I'm breathing easier."

"What happened?"

Hunters regained their senses, and others rejoiced at the return of their strong bodies.

This was not the only favor the Holy Knight of Life and Abundance knight had bestowed upon them.

"Eh, eh?"

"The poison---is it gone?"

Chun So-yeon, dizzy from the poison, realized that her vision had cleared, while Han Ha-ri, mortally wounded, sputtered in disbelief but they're not the only ones.

Han Soo-ho, Kim Jae-hyuk, and everyone else who had suffered minor injuries on the battlefield--even the severely wounded who had lost limbs.

"The wound has regenerated------"

"What the------"

They were stunned by the overwhelming miraculous effects comparable to those of the Holy Grail, which protected legions and worked miracles.

The mere presence of a Holy Knight changes the air of the battlefield.


Koo Dae-sung looked at the miracles he had wrought with a dumbfounded face, and then looked down at the hammer that had given him the power to do so.

The core of faith, the perfect vitality, the blessing of the goddess, the sainthood--these and countless other powers were as clear as if they had been his from the beginning so he instinctively raised the hammer.

Not at a distance where he could swing it at someone, he just held it high, and the intangible energy swarms around it.

"Oh, here they come!"

Yong-wan and Ha Yu-ri of the Firebird Guild, Golden Chul and Huang Yeon-ha of the Golden Lion Guild, and the members of their guilds sensed that the tragedy they had seen was about to repeat itself.


A hammer that viciously devours the air around it. A frenzied concentration of power that would turn demons and even allies blue.

The moment it struck down──


The world was silenced.

The ground crushed and shook, creating a massive earthquake, a phenomenon so destructive that the Hunters could barely stand and it's a terrible destruction for monsters with malicious intent.


Shockwaves explode and the city crumbles. Buildings are demolished, and the asphalted streets are torn apart, leaving giant craters everywhere.

The ground is devastated.

A single hammer blow changed the landscape.

"Eek? Eek?"

In the center of the crater Captain Kim Dohan and countless other Man-At-Arms, Knights, and Hunters lay on the ground, dumbfounded.

In the face of such devastation, none of the allies Koo Dae-Sung recognizes are hurt. As long as the saint wishes, he can willfully distinguish which beings he will hurt.

Meanwhile, the demons and monsters around him are swept away.

Allies and enemies alike are overwhelmed and look up to him.

Koo Dae-sung, who had unleashed such a tremendous power------

"Wow, wow------"

He made a dumbfounded face as if he couldn't believe it himself.

[This guy---!]

It was the Pleasure Demon wielding six sharp blades that charged in with a roar.

He fiercely swung his cursed blades through the air and rushed at Koo Dae-sung, but Koo Dae-sung blocked them all with his shield.


Unaccustomed to the power he had inherited, Koo Dae-sung was pushed back by the Archdemon's onslaught. If it weren't for the earth shield gifted by the goddess, he would have been cut down long ago.

'Damn it, take it easy!'

Koo Dae-sung's casual thought was manifested as a miracle.


The Archdemon of Pleasure narrowed his eyes. The earth shield that had been steadfastly blocking his onslaught suddenly spilled out its roots and entangled his body.

The roots wrapped around his six arms and his entire body, growing thicker and thicker until they completely enveloped him.


Koo Dae-sung was not stupid enough to miss this moment. He leaped at the Archdemon, and the hammer was thrown backwards.

[Now, wait---!]


Georgic hammer smashes into his skull and the Archdemon's head snapped back under his shoulders.

[You, you---! How dare you---!?]

Just as the Wisdom Demon was about to shoot magic at Koo Dae-sung, dozens of blades slammed into his back.


Kang Jin-sung cloned Star Iron Swords had stabbed into the Archdemon. And------

"You one-eyed fool!"

Chun Jin-soo's greatsword slashed at the Archdemon's neck. Now that it was slashed to death by the Star Iron Sword, its mighty soul could not escape annihilation.


The two Archdemons were annihilated. It brought great chaos to the battlefield and meant that one side of the battlefield had collapsed.

* * * * *

"You're amazing, Holy Knight!"

"You're awesome! Should I call you Holy Knight now?"

Knights and Hunters flocked to Koo Dae-sung as his awakening caused the battle lines to collapse.

They stared in awe and reverence at the saint as he emerged from the clouded battlefield, which was very awkward for Koo Dae-sung.

"Hey, there------"

"Thank you, Mr. Koo!"

"Thanks to you, I don't have to get disability benefits!"

They, as well as the North Korean soldiers and some Hunters who had witnessed the miracle he had performed, fell to their knees in tears.

"You're amazing, Uncle Koo Dae-sung!"


Koo Dae-sung was overcome with a strange feeling when he saw Han Ha-ri looking at him with respect.

The genius of her generation, a goddess favored by two gods, she was an existence that Koo Dae-sung couldn't help but feel inferior to.

Was she the only one? The knights of the Ten Thousand Gods Temple were all geniuses, and Koo Dae-sung had been a junior knight even while they were knighted and active.

It's a sight he's always dreamed of, but now that it's here, he can't believe how awkward it is.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, we should be thanking you!"

"Wow, Uncle Koo Dae-sung--- No, no, no, Holy Knight Koo Dae-sung!"

Koo Dae-sung was stunned by Kim Jae-hyuk's big bow. Even though he became a Holy Knight, he was still not used to his new stature.

"Oh, that's right, this is not the time! Goddess Demera told me to help His Majesty!"


In the midst of witnessing such an amazing miracle, he had forgotten.

The reason why they were falling so rapidly was because they lost the Lionheart King and Holy Knights protection.

Needless to say, the incident occurred in the World Tree where the Holy Grail Knights infiltrated. This is where the Liu Jing Hotel is located. 

"Come on, let's hurry!"

Koo Dae-sung hurried to join the main force.

The situation of the war could not be said to be good, even if it were empty words, because even though Koo Dae-sung had completely destroyed one side, waves were still constantly crashing in from the front and left side of the Liu Jing Hotel. 

The only saving grace was that Koo Dae-sung's protection offset the chaos curse to some extent, keeping the front line intact, but that was hardly enough to overcome the situation.

"Damn it! No matter how many I kill, it never ends!"

"Archdemons appeared! S-class Hunters must respond!"

"They're swarming the front again, reinforce this side!"

Millions of enemies is not an empty phrase.

This was the reason why the Lionheart King wanted to use a special attack to take down the enemy's beasts.

Even if Holy Knights were perfectly energized beings who could never tire, that was not the case for everyone else.

Non-saintly humans had a finite amount of stamina, and exhaustion on the battlefield meant death.

"We must support His Majesty, we need the strength of the Holy Knights to overcome this battlefield!"

"But how, I can barely hold on right now------"

Even though the Holy Knight Koo Dae-sung had joined them, he was still just an individual and he alone would not be able to overcome this crisis.

Only Leon, the agent of all gods, the all-powerful Grail Guardian, can do it.


The thought flashed through his mind and Koo Dae-sung looked at the knights gathered around him.

"I have no choice but to do it."

It's not a question of if you can or can't, but what you must do.

"From now on, I'm calling for everyone to join us."

A moment later, the front lines of the battlefield.

There, barely holding the line against a terrifyingly large number of demons, Koo Dae-sung reached them.


And beside him

Han Ha-ri, goddess of war and flame & sea and waves.

Han Su-ho, Knight of Light and Justice.

Kim Jae-hyuk, Knight of the Sky and Thunder.

Chun So-yeon, Knight of Darkness and Vengeance.

And there are others.

Oh Kang-hyuk, President of the Korean Hunter Association.

Lee Yong-wan and Ha Yu-ri of the Firebird Guild.

Golden Chul and Hwang Yeon-ha of the Golden Lion Guild.

Chun Jin-soo of the Divine Sword Guild and Kang Jin-sung of the Blue Star Guild.

Park Yong-shin of the Hanbit Palace and Takeda, President of the New Japan Hunter Association and other S-class Hunters from Japan.

Allen Taylor and the Minutemen of the Maverick Guild of the United States of America.

Countess-class pilots, the elite warriors of the Kikiruk.

All of them are considered to be S-class power, or the equivalent.

All of them were knighted by Leon in the Great Hall and blessed by the gods, in other words, Holy Law users.

Koo Dae-sung, who stood at the head of the pack, said.

"I'll lead the charge, Han Ha-ri and Kim Jae-hyuk will create a gap with their Holy Law, while Chun So-yeon and Han Soo-ho will support the formation one step behind."

They didn't ride horses, instead replacing the crashing power of horses with the power of the Holy Law, with himself and Ha-ri at the center of it all.

"You don't have to be omnipotent, you have to use your strength to the best of your ability and move as one body at a time. If you don't do that, it's going to be hard."

How much can he do? Unlike him, the others are not "agents of the gods," but rather use the "power of the gods."

There are limits to the size of the vessel in which the power is stored, and the faucet from which it pours out is small. But------

"I believe you are geniuses. You are knights recognized by the gods and by the king, so at this moment──"

Koo Dae-sung raised his hammer, his voice carrying a boundless vitality and determination unlike any other.

"We will recreate the Lionheart King."

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