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While they were sailing smoothly to the Gecko Islands, Nami was explaining the layout and locations of the Gecko Islands to Luffy and Zoro.

The Gecko Islands is an archipelago. The Gecko Islands have two sloped hills, a forest and a hilly landmark.

It seems to be a large island judging when seen in the distance. Nami wasn't sure about how many towns there are in the Gecko Islands, but there is at least one major town there.

"So Zoro? Where did you get that katana? It looks magnificent." Nami pointed at one of Zoro's katanas.

The sword has a pure-white hilt with a circular handguard. The sheath is painted white, and the hardening line is suguha or straight blade.

"This is Wado Ichimonji, it is also one of the 21 Great Grade swords. It is of great personal importance to me." Zoro explained. Nami had money signs shining in her eyes. Luffy hummed.

'It's a Meito. ' He thought to himself. Meito is a term for a blade which has been given a name. These blades are typically quite famous and powerful and are ranked by the grade of their quality.

While most Meito are swords, a great variety of blades fall under this term, as well as non-bladed melee weapons including polearms and clubs.

While the term 'Meito' only really indicates that a blade has a name, it generally appears that a blade being recognized by a name is indicative of its high quality and prestige, resulting in them being quite valuable, with Wado Ichimonji is valued at 10,000,000 Belly.

"And no. I will not be giving this to you. It is my treasure and no one else could have it." Zoro glared at her. Nami giggled and scratched her head.

"Hehe. Sorry, Zoro." Nami apologized which Zoro hummed as his reply. Luffy sat up straight.

"Can you explain why Wado Ichimonji is important to you, Zoro?" Luffy asked his vice captain. Zoro sighed and sat up.

" After I finish this story. I do not want any pity from you all as I have already gotten over it. " Zoro looked at them seriously. Luffy and Nami nodded.

"Wado Ichimonji used to belong to my childhood friend and rival, Kuina." Zoro revealed.

" What happened to her? " Nami asked.

" She's dead. " Zoro replied, making Nami gasped.

" Zoro I—

"Don't be sorry. She's still alive. Her memory is right here. A person is truly dead when everyone's forgotten who they were." Zoro patted the place where his heart was located in. Nami nodded a little. Luffy looked at her. She looked too troubled for someone she didn't even know.

'Perhaps it's for someone else. ' Luffy guessed in his mind.

"After she died, I asked for Wado Ichimonji from her father, who then gave the sword to me. That day, I swore I would continue our shared dream, which was to become the strongest swordswoman in the whole world. And now we're here." Zoro explained while looking at Wado Ichimonji.

There was silence that followed. No one was uncomfortable with it. They were all in their own thoughts.

"We need a better ship." Luffy suddenly said, gaining their attention.

"Have you guys ever heard of the Oro Jackson?" Luffy asked them.

"That's the ship of the Pirate King, right?" Nami asked which Luffy nodded at her question.

"Yes, it was. It is also the only known ship that has sailed to the end of the Grand Line. It is also made from wood hewn from the treasure tree 'Adam'. " Luffy explained.

" What's this treasure tree Adam? " Zoro asked him.

" Treasure Tree Adam is a type of tree whose wood is considered the strongest, highest-quality wood in the world. Its immense rarity makes it highly valuable, being considered a great treasure." Luffy explained. Zoro and Nami nodded, understanding his explanation.

"Back to the main point. We need a ship that's as strong as the Oro Jackson. We need a ship that can handle the stupid weather of the Grand Line and not get damaged by it. " Luffy declared seriously.

" You planned for this for a long time didn't you? " Nami commented. Luffy smiled.

" For a decade, Nami. I've trained, studied and mentally prepared myself for this journey. It's my goal, and if I die, well at least I tried." Luffy replied with a calm smile.

" How can you talk about dying so casually?" Nami asked while looking down.

" It's because he's prepared to die, Nami. Being a pirate isn't all adventures and games, there's always a dark side to everything. When we get into this life, we need to be ready to die and not look back. There's nothing escaping this life no matter how hard you try. " Zoro muttered.

" If I am to die, then I wanna go out with a bang. A simple death is too boring for someone like me. " Luffy added. But then he grinned at them.

" But enough about death, let's talk about our favorite and least favorite foods!" Luffy shouted excitedly. Zoro and Nami looked at him weirdly.

" I've never met someone who can change their moods within a millisecond. " Zoro commented. Nami nodded, agreeing with her. Luffy laughed.

"C'mon, share about your favorite food with me!" Luffy suggested. Nami sighed and smiled.

"Alright, my favorite foods are mikans and and other kinds of fruits. I like fried egg, sunny side up, coddled with orange sauce. My least favorite food is orangette because if I want fruit, I will just eat regular fruit. " Nami explained. Luffy nodded and looked at Zoro.

"My favorite foods are white rice, Sea Beast meat, and stuff that goes with sake. I also like fried egg, but over easy, slow cooked with shoyu. My least favorite food is chocolate because it is too sweet. " Zoro explained. The two looked at Luffy who grinned.

"My favorite food is all kinds of meat , but Sea Beast meat is my utmost favorite. Like you guys I also like fried eggs, but sunny side up, almost raw with mayonnaise. My least favorite food is cherry pie but I'm trying to get over my hate for it by eating it whenever I can. " Luffy explained. He then clapped his hands.

" Alright! Now that we're done with that, let's tell each other our birthdays! " Luffy shouted happily. Nami tilted her head.

" Why'd you wanna know that? " She asked him. Luffy grinned.

" Because I can surprise you when it's your birthday." Luffy replied.

" I bet you'll forget it as soon as we say it. " Zoro smirked at him.

" Zoro!! Don't be like that! I'll definitely remember for you guys! I promise!" Luffy promised them with a serious expression. Zoro giggled.

"Alright, my birthday is November 11th. What about yours, Nami?" Zori asked.

"It's July 3rd for me. " Nami replied. They looked at Luffy again.

"It's May 5th. Alright! Now that we're done memorizing each other's birthdays, let's discuss about what flower we resemble the most!"

" Oh come on. We don't need to do that. "

" Captain's orders! Zoro!!"

" Tch! "

To be continued...

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