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42.3% DxD: Shattered Legacy / Chapter 6: Attack on Lilith

Chapter 6: Attack on Lilith

2 uneventful days have passed by. The only thing that happened was soldiers being organized.

At this time Kaiser was currently used as a dress-up doll by Grayfia. Surprisingly Grayfia had him wear the same outfit as he did during the meeting after the first attack.

Kaiser was wearing a black shirt with a golden tie and a black double-breasted suit jacket with golden accents. He was also wearing black gloves and fitted suit pants and a pair of black dress shoes. Over his shoulders, he wore a red overcoat.

"Are we ready to head out Grayfia?" asked Kaiser.

The maid fixed Kaiser's tie before answering.

"Yes master." replied Grayfia.

"Then let's go, I still have the barrier up so try to stay close to me for as long as possible." said Kaiser as he opened the door and they left the room towards the meeting room.

After a short walk, Kaiser and Grayfia arrived at the meeting room's door. Grayfia knocked and then opened the door for Kaiser then after he entered she entered the room as well and closed the door.

"Greetings everyone." said Kaiser as he looked around the room.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Serafall Sitri, but you can call me Sera. What is your name?" an energetic woman greeted Kaiser instantly

"My name is Kaiser Vesperion. It is a pleasure to meet you as well." replied Kaiser.

"Will you be fighting alongside us?" she asked with a bright smile on her face.

'How can someone be so happy in moments like this? This whole thing will decimate Lilith and everything around it. Many people who had nothing to do with this rebellion will also die, yet she looks like we are about to celebrate her birthday.' though Kaiser.

"Yes, I will." answered Kaiser and the girl nodded and went back to her father's side.

"Alright everyone listen up. Today is the day we will commence an attack on the Underworld's capital, Lilith. I kindly ask everyone to fight with caution and try to avoid causing mass destruction and genocide." said Zeoticus.

'Is he fucking serious? In these situations, people getting caught up in the crossfire is kinda inevitable.' thought Kaiser.

"We know that the four main fighters will be fighting the four Satans once they come out. Kaiser could I ask you to please secure the library and keep defending it until the chaos is over?" asked Zeoticus.

"No, you can't." replied Kaiser instantly.

"And why is that?" asked Zekram with a questioning tone.

"Because I have my own objectives to achieve." said Kaiser while narrowing his eyes at Zekram.

"But this is very important for the devils as a whole to keep that place." Zeoticus tried to reason but Kaiser instantly shot him down.

"It certainly is and someone who cares about the devils will certainly see it that way, but I don't care about the devils and I'm not fighting in order the secure a good future for the devil race." said Kaiser.

"What do you mean you don't care about the devil race's future?" questioned Zekram.

"For fucks sake try to fucking think for a second. What reason do I have to care for the devils? I'm only participating in this conflict to increase my reputation and strength. You can do your last-minute planning but leave me out of it. Once we arrive I'll break off from the main force and go do my own thing." stated Kaiser.

"Alright, we understand. As long as you are killing our enemies it's fine. We will come up with another plan." said Zeoticus.

Kaiser sat down on a chair and waited for the meeting to finish. After 15 minutes of last-minute planning, they were done. Kaiser stood up as well and was approached by Ajuka.

"What do you estimate your chances of winning to be if faced with a satan-class?" asked Ajuka.

"As long as it's not a peak-level I can win for sure." said Kaiser.

"Alright then. You will go do your thing and we will let you be, but in turn you will need to kill a Satan and assist against Lucifer in order to make sure he doesn't escape." said Ajuka.

"That I can do. When are we teleporting?" asked Kaiser.

"In five minutes, the forces have already been notified in advance so they are ready. Just some last-minute adjustments." replied Ajuka.

"Are we teleporting from the training grounds?" asked Kaiser.

"Yes." answered Ajuka.

"Then see you on the battlefield." said Kaiser and he left the room followed by Grayfia. After a 2-minute walk, they arrived at the training grounds and entered. They saw thousands upon thousands of soldiers and teleporters ready. Everyone was wearing armor and carrying weapons. Suddenly there was a loud shouting.


Sirzechs waved Kaiser and Grayfia over to him. He was standing next to a teleporter.

"Good luck on the battlefield." said Sirzechs.

"You too." replied Kaiser.

After their conversation finished a bright light covered them and they disappeared from the room and appeared not far from Lilith. Then the same person suddenly began shouting again.


People began shouting war cries and started storming towards Lilith. The battle had officially begun.

'Grayfia, lead the way.' said Kaiser to Grayfia through a mental message. The maid nodded and took off in a direction. Kaiser followed her for about 5 minutes while killing everyone who tried to get in their way with either his lightning or fire Grayfia stopped and kept looking at a medium-sized building.

"Is that the place?" asked Kaiser as he summoned his <Annihilation Blade> and cut a few high-class devils in half.

"Yes, master." replied Grayfia.

"Then let's move." said Kaiser as he took off with Grayfia following him.

As Kaiser kept approaching the building more and more people tried to attack him without success. He kept burning anyone who approached to ashes. Everyone who saw this scene was mortified because not just the high-class devils but the ultimate-class devil who tried to get too close to Kaiser was also burnt like paper.

They arrived in front of the building and Kaiser release a spark of his lightning towards the door and it was blown off from its hinges and Kaiser entered the building followed by Grayfia.

Inside the building, there were some trembling maids, who were immensely surprised once they saw Grayfia.

"Where to?" asked Kaiser.

"Up the stairs master." replied the maid and Kaiser did as she said.

Once they arrived upstairs Grayfia pointed at a door at the end of the hallway. And Kaiser approached the door and placed his hand on the handle and looked back at Grayfia for a second who nodded and Kaiser opened the door and they entered the room.

Inside the room, there was a silver-haired woman sitting in a chair behind a desk who was sobbing and had tears in her eyes. Once Kaiser and Grayfia entered she looked up only to be surprised to see her daughter.

"Fia!" shouted the woman and tried to stand up, but she was instantly pushed back down by the person standing behind her. There was another person standing beside the one who pushed the woman down.

'The one who pushed her down is a high-class, but the one next to him is calamity-class. Could this be any more perfect?' thought Kaiser.

Grayfia lost her composure and shouted at the figure.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my mother!"

"We wouldn't be here if you didn't run away." said the figure.

While this conversation was going what they failed to notice were the void-purple-like portals below them. Once Kaiser observed the situation he activated his ability called <Annihilation's Grasp>.

"Playtime's over." said Kaiser as tendrils shot out from the portals wrapping the high-class devil's body completely and erasing it from existence. Tendrils also shot out at the calamity-class devil but only aiming for his legs and arms. Once they attached to him his limbs were disintegrated and his upper body fell to the floor.

Kaiser approached the body and placed his hand on it. A small light emerged from the body and entered Kaisers. He looked back up only to see Grayfia being hugged by her mother.

"Dear where were you I was worried sick for you." said the woman to Grayfia.

"I was employed by the Vesperion family to become their heir's personal maid." replied Grayfia while holding onto her mother tightly.

"Master, this is my mother Morgana Lucifuge." said Grayfia towards Kaiser.

"It is a pleasure to meet the heir of house Vesperion." Morgana said while bowing.

"Nice to meet you as well, but if you would excuse me I have a tea party scheduled to attend with Beelzebub." said Kaiser as he started walking to the door.

"I will await your victory master. In the meanwhile, I'll take care of my mother." said Grayfia.

"Alright, see you later." said Kaiser as he left the room and soon after he left the building.

'I have made a mistake. I have no clue where the mansion or whatever of Beelzebub is. Whatever I can just ask someone.' thought Kaiser as he looked around and spotted a few soldiers eyeing him cautiously.

"Excellent timing." said Kaiser confusing the soldiers, but they didn't have a long time to think about anything because all but one was burned to ashes. The last one watched terrified as Kaiser kept approaching him until they stood face-to-face.

"Where does Beelzebub reside?" asked Kaiser the soldier.

The soldier pointed towards Kaiser's left side.

"Thank you for your cooperation." said Kaiser as he left the soldier there. The soldier thought that he had been spared but a few moments later a black lightning struck him and killed him on the spot.

Kaiser release his wings and started flying in the direction where the soldier pointed. He kept flying until he saw a huge mansion. He approached the mansion and landed in front of it. He looked around surprised at the lack of guards. He entered the mansion and was met by a butler who motioned for Kaiser to follow him. Kaiser did as he was asked while being utterly confused. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived in front of a double door and the butler bowed again and left. Kaiser didn't bother knocking and just opened the door. In front of him was a man sitting in a chair behind a desk sipping on wine and several flies around him.

"Welcome young warrior." greeted the man and stoop up from the chair.

"This whole set up was decent until you said that line." said Kaiser.

"I apologize. Let me introduce myself, I'm the current Beelzebub." said the man.

"Did you ditch your name and took just Beelzebub?" asked Kaiser.

"Yes, this is what most of the current Satans did as well." replied Beelzebub.

"You do you I guess. But let's not waste any more time, because I think you know why I came here." said Kaiser.

"As you wish." said Beelzebub as he sent a swarm of flies towards Kaiser who released a controlled <Eradication Wave> to get rid of the flies. Both Kaiser and Beelzebub released their wings and they shot up into the sky through the roof and faced each other.

Kaiser raised his hand and shot an orb of annihilation energy towards Beelzebub who shielded himself by summoning venomous insects and surrounded himself with them. This intercepted the orb of annihilation. The orb disintegrated the insects, but the shield managed to weaken the attack enough to save Beelzebub from immediate annihilation. With a wicked grin, Beelzebub retaliated by commanding a swarm of venomous insects to attack Kaiser. Kaiser defended against the attack again by using <Eradication Wave>, but he failed to notice the swarm of flies below him. The swarm started rotation at high-speed effectively creating a beam and hitting Kaiser.

Kaiser was knocked out of the sky and landed on a building, but it didn't take long for him to recover and sent out a <Annihilating Tempest> conjuring a devastating storm of annihilation energy that roared through the battlefield. The tempest reached Beelzebub at record speed and reduced his insects to nothingness before blowing him away. Kaiser took flight again and dashed towards the direction where Beelzebub was blown. He managed to catch up thanks to him applying lightning to his wings and delivered a devastating punch imbued with his purple fire to the chin of Beelzebub which sent Beelzebub flying through the skies like a ragdoll.

Kaiser unleashed his <Void Nova>. The swirling vortex of annihilation energy threatened to consume everything within its range, including Beelzebub. Sensing the danger, Beelzebub hastily summoned his <Nether Veil>, blending into the shadows and rendering himself partially intangible.

As the Void Nova consumed the surrounding area, Beelzebub managed to evade its grasp by merging with darkness. But the battle was far from over. Kaiser unleashed an <Annihilation rift>, opening a dimensional rift that released waves of annihilation energy. The fabric of reality trembled as the waves eradicated anything they touched.

Beelzebub managed to evade the waves of annihilation energy by utilizing his ability to move within the shadows and emerged behind Kaiser with his fists imbued with dark energy that enhanced his physical attributes. Beelzebub delivered a punch that sent Kaiser crashing into the ground. Kaiser coughed a little bit of blood but still dashed towards Beelzebub as fast as he could. Kaiser also used <Annihilator's Grasp> to conjure tendrils that moved towards Beelzebbu as well. Beelzebub had to concrete on dodging the tendrils while trying to block Kaiser's punches. Kaiser landed a hit but grabbed Beelzebub by his shoulder to keep him in place. This in turn gave Beelzebub the chance to counter-attack and landed a punch on Kaiser. They proceeded to trade punches. Every strike Kaiser landed Beelzebub landed one in turn. Kaiser had to ditch the idea of using his [Power of Annihilation] or he would put himself at risk. After a few minutes of savage punches that broke the sound barrier and created shockwaves they both had to take a step back. They were standing 5 metres from each other.

Suddenly Beelzebub started charging an attack. Kaiser grew concerned and he also started charging an attack.

"<Beelzebub's Wrath>" said Beekzebub.

"<Oblivion Cataclysm>" said Kaiser at the same time.

Two extremely powerful beams were fired at close range. The two beams met at the 2.5m mark and created an enormous explosion. This sent Kaiser and Beelzebub flying away, but before Beelzebub could get far Kaiser used <Annihilation's Grasp> and managed to latch onto a few tendrils to Beelzebub dragging him with himself. After they flew about 200 metres Kaiser managed to stop and stabilize himself with his wings. He let go of Beelzebub who was missing half of his left arm, had blood flowing from his lips and many other bleeding injuries. His clothes were also torn and his face was twisted in rage. Beelzebub managed to stay in the air and stared at Kaiser. Kaiser's suit jacket and half of his shirt were nowhere to be seen. His pants were also ragged. The coat on his shoulder somehow didn't fall off after all of that and that was in the best condition with a few tears and the bottom was ragged a little bit. Kaiser also had blood flowing from his lips and had many bloody injuries all over his body.

Only now did Kaiser notice that there was a barrier put up around them covering about 300 metres. He could feel Ajuka and most of the family head outside the barrier.

'Smart.' thought Kaiser before refocusing on the panting Beelzebub.

"This is the end for you." said Kaiser as he charged another attack different from the last.

"<Erasure Nova>"

After Kaiser said that there was a second of silence before a blinding burst of annihilation energy was released from Kaiser's entire being in a concentrated beam towards Beelzebub who tried to dodge but after being hit by the energy only his right arm was left. The beam didn't stop after it hit Beelzebub. It continued forward hitting the barrier that as soon as the beam collided with it was erased from existence and it still kept going further erasing a good chunk of the Underworld. Kaiser dispelled his attack before it destroyed everything and flew after the arm that we beginning to fall down. He managed to catch it before flying back into the air and absorbed Beelzebub's energy and burned the arm with his fire. He looked around and there was nothing left. Everything around him that wasn't covered by the barrier was erased by the attack he used and even more devastation was caused by his last attack.

As he was looking around he heard a shout.

"Master look out!" was all Kaiser heard before deploying a fast shield made out of annihilation energy and was soon after hit by a red orb and got blown away. The shield shattered but still managed to weaken the attack and delay the impact enough to use his <Abyssal Annihilation> which successfully swallowed and obliterated the attack completely before closing.

Kaiser couldn't stabilize himself due to his injuries and exhaustion he was feeling.

He flew another 70 metres before falling downwards and crashing through a roof and several floors ending up in the basement. He stayed still for a few seconds before slowly sitting up.

When he set up he saw two women with wide eyes who were chained to a wall. Soon after Kaiser sat up Grayfia arrived alongside her mother as well.

"Master are you alright?" asked Grayfia worriedly. Kaiser looked at Grayfia before replying.

"Nothing my regeneration won't fix."

After he replied he turned towards the two women who were chained to the wall.

"Who are you two?" asked Kaiser.

"My name is Elysia and this is my daughter Albedo." replied one of the two women.

The one who spoke Elysia had black hair and yellow eyes with a singular horn protruding from the side of her head. She wore ragged clothes and was very thin and sickly looking. The one who is named Albedo also has black hair and yellow eyes but she had two horns protruding from the sides of her head. Her condition was slightly better than her mother's.

'I guess she gave her own food to her daughter.' thought Kaiser.

Kaiser destroyed the chains and stood up then he walked over to the two women and looked at them.

"And why are you two locked up here?" asked Kaiser.

"We were initially an experiment, but after it turned out to be a failure we were brought here and fed the bare minimum and spent most of our days chained to this wall." replied Elysia.

"Master it is time we head back. You also need to heal and rest. We can take them with us. I can teleport us to the Vesperion house." said Grayfia.

"Got it. So here's the thing I don't know how much you know but there are devils rebelling against the four Satans and most of the Satans should be dead by now. I personally killed Beelzebub, I don't know about the others." said Kaiser and waited for a few seconds so the two can soak up the information.

"My name is Kaiser Vesperion, only heir to house Vesperion and this is my maid Grayfia Lucifuge and her mother Morgana Lucifuge." said Kaiser as he pointed at the maid and the woman next to her.

"I can take you with me and take care of you two or would you rather stay here and be collected by the officials?" asked Kaiser.

"Please take us with you!" Albedo suddenly spoke up, her mother just nodded.

"Everywhere would be better than here, so please take us with you. We will do our utmost to repay your kindness" said Elysia.

"Alright then. Grayfia please teleport us to the Vesperion home." said Kaiser and Grayfia nodded and a teleporting circle appeared beneath them and they disappeared just as other people started to arrive at the place.

failurebydesign failurebydesign

it's four in the morning and I'm hella tired.

Not edited I just read it over once quickly.

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