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72.22% Sect Master Reincarnation: Journey to Ascension / Chapter 12: Sect Rankings

Chapter 12: Sect Rankings

Finishing the recruitment of the 5 elders, Long Jun heard the system's notification once again


[Congratulation to the host for completing the main quest]

[Would you like to accept the rewards?]


As the sect is only 10 mins away from Long Jun and the elders, he decided to accept the rewards only once they reached the sect.

"Elders, welcome to the Divine Chaos Sect" Long Jun said upon their arrival to the sect and the Elders all had smile written on their face

However, the one who had the biggest reaction was none other than Elder Gangxu. Being a tier 3 formation master, he could tell that the sect was protected by a high tier formation, and he muttered "thi- this is definitely tier 4"

"HAHAHAHA, Elder Gangxu sure has keen eyes" Long laughed hard before stopping Elder Gangxu who was going to study the formation right there and then, "Elder Gangxu, you will have plenty of time studying the formation. Now, it is time for me to introduce you guys to the disciples of the sect, as well as giving each elders some surprise gifts"

Hearing Long Jun's last words, the 4 other elders immediatey joined him to persuade Elder Gangxu, and they managed to persuade Elder Gangxu who had a frown on his face

Bringing the other elders to the sect master hall, Long Jun immediately called all the disciples in the sect who were currently engrossed in their cultivation, and 10 minutes later, the disciples arrived in the sect master hall.

Arriving at the sect master's hall, Ming Huo looked at the 5 unfamilliar figure and immediately opened his mouth "Who are these people master?"

Just like Ming Huo, the other disciples also have confusion written on their face, and Long Jun hastily introduced the elders

"These 5 people are elders that have joined our sect. Standing from the left is Elder Wang Bo...." Long Jun then introduced the elders one by one, starting from their cultivation base to their speciality, and hearing Long Jun introducing the elders, the disciples were glad to have 5 strong cultivators at the peak of core formation joining them.

After finishing the introduction, Long Jun then said "Alright, since the introduction has finished, you all can go back, and if you have any questions regarding your cultivation in the future, feel free to ask any of the elders for guidance"

"YES sect master!" The disciples replied before happily leaving the sect master hall and continue their previous activity

In the sect master hall, only Long Jun and the 5 elders remain, and only now that he decided to accept the system reward

'accept reward'


[Distributing the main quest reward]

[High tier 6 Cultivation Techniques x5]

[Nascent Soul Pill x5]

[Tier 3 formation master skills x1]

[Tier 3 alchemist skills x1]

[As the host has recruited the most important people for a sect, the system will once again be updated]

[Time remaining for update: 7 days]

A series of notification could be heard by Long Jun, and seeing the first two rewards, he knew that the two rewards were meant for the elders and only the last 2 rewards were for him.

Having received the system reward a couple of times before, Long Jun was no longer surprised as the rewards given by the system have always been connected to the quest itself

Long Jun was a little bit excited about the system update as he remembered that the system gave him the master-disciple sharing function from the last update

However, just as Long Jun was engrossed with the system rewards, he was brought back to reality as he heard the voice of Elder Chu Mu, "Sect Master Long, where the hell did you find those disciples..."

Long Jun turned towards the group of elders and he was surprised that all of the elders had a serious expression and laughed before replying, "HAHAHA, what do you mean by that question elder Chu Mu?"

However, the response he received was also on a serious note "You know exactly what I mean Sect Master Long. All of the sect disciples are monsters in their own rights, having high cultivation in a young age" Chu Mu said and the other elders nodded

The elders Long Jun recruited were all geniuses during their era, and seeing so many youngsters who had high cultivation base, they could not help but pursue on the matter as having also cultivated during their youth, they knew exactly how hard the cultivation journey was.

"So, it is good for us to have talented disciple right?" Long Jun said, ignoring the serious tone that elder Chu Mu was using, Long Jun then continued by saying "In fact, I think that it is normal for them to have such cultivation base.... well you all will know the reason once I show you something"

Long Jun then asked the elders to sit down on the conference table first before continuing their talk, and all of them agreed

"Remember the suprise gifts I mentioned before?" Long Jun asked and all the elders nodded, to which Long Jun continuing

"The reason that all of my sect disciples have high cultivation at a young age is related to the suprise gift I am about to give you all is this..." Long Jun threw a storage ring to each elder which contained a high tier 6 cultivation technique, a nascent soul pill, and a ton of spirit stones.

The elders were really curious and could not wait to go through the storage rings. However, just as the elders were about to open the spirit rings, Long Jun reminded them "Just remember the dao oaths you took before joining the sect..."

Ignoring Long Jun's words, the elders immediately open the spirit rings and their face turned white instantly

Long Jun laughed as he looked at the reaction of the elders before casually teased the elders "Now you understand how our disciples reach such cultivation base right?"

None of the elders replied to Long Jun's teasing as they were in complete shock seeing the high tier 6 cultivation technique

After some moment, the shocked elders immediately stood up and bowed to Long Jun, thanking him wholeheartedly

Although some elders like Wang Bo and Yang Xinyi agreed to join his sect, they did not completely believe Long Jun words, and only now do they finally believe Long Jun words

"Sect master... with such cultivation techniques, won't we be the number one sect in our region?" Elder Chu Lei said and Elder Gangxu immediately yelled

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BOY?? with these techniques, we could even be the number one sect in the whole continent"

Thats right, as all sects were created upon the approval of the martial council (chapter 1), the martial council also ranks the power of each sect

The sect ranking power is classified into different sect tiers based on the strongest cultivator in the sect and the number of disciples that the sect has

Tier 1 Sect - The strongest is a Foundation establishment cultivator, disciple count >10

Tier 2 Sect - The strongest is a Core Formation Cultivator, disciple count >100

Tier 3 Sect - The strongest is a Nascent Soul Cultivator, disciple count >1000

Tier 4 Sect - ...

However, once the disciple number reached more than 1 million, only the strenght of the cultivator determines the tier of a sect



Should I post an auxialiary chapter containing the information of elders, disciples for you guys to follow?

MyWhiteSpace MyWhiteSpace

This is the extra chapter to make up for yesterday's absence guys

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