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45.34% Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus } / Chapter 37: Chapter 37 : feel like garou

Chapter 37: Chapter 37 : feel like garou

After we walked away from the laying body of jiraiya who was passed out, but suddenly tsunade stopped and i raise an eyebrow in confusion as i stop too.

We look at each other for a few moments.

" hehe who would have thought that the great scary garou will actually like someone ! And not just anyone too, a princess at that ! " tsunade said out of nowhere while moving her hand left and right, then point at herself with a mocking smirk.

* tick *

' and where the hell did this come from now ? ' i thought in annoyance.

" i mean, it's unbelievable, right ? a brute like you knows how to love it seems " she asked rhetorically with her smirk widening.

* tick *

' this girl, it appears she forgot how she was blushing in front of me some hours ago ' i thought while looking down at her stoically with shadows hiding my eyes and a tick mark on my forhead .

" do you now recognize the great me after falling in love with my beauty, hmm ? " she said while tilting her head cutely.

* tick tick *

' that's because i don't have a choice right now, or i would never embarrass myself and confess to you, wench ' i thought angrily.

" i recognise your beauty but not your strength or self, and i never said that i am in love with you, i just said that i like you, so don't just go around and assume things on your own " i said calmly with my eyes narrowed.

" ohh, you got angry at what i said now ? " she asked with a finger on her chin and a fake surprise.

* tick *

' yes ' i thought as my hands were itching to just 'do' it.

" hehe did i really hit a n.e.r.v.e  ? " she said, spelling that word while getting a little closer to me and point at my chest with a mischievous grin.

'Ok now, my rational mind tells me evil, and my non rational one tells me to... ' i thought ominously as i was running out of patience.

" ? " i muttered with the same tone as her while gritting my teeth, narrowing my eyes further and clench my fists tightly ' i swear if she teased me one more time, i will pounce on her going at it with water stream tsunade smashing hips. I dare you, i fucking dare you bitch ! ' i yelled furiously in my mind.

She frowned and stared at me with me doing the same and stare back at her intensely. an imaginary electricity fighting for dominance between us for a while before...

" tch, you are no fun ! " she suddenly said and turned to the other side with her arms crossed and pout at me.

I look at her figure for a little ' pity, her womanly instincts realized the danger it seems ' i thought with disappointment.

" sighh, it's not time for this, ok ? will you take me to your grandma or not ? I have better things to do you know ! " i sighh and calm myself down.

"Hmm, ok then let's go, my clan compound is not that far from here " she said and started to walk in front of me.

I look at her back for a moment then start to follow her in silence with some distance between us.

20 minutes later at the senju compound /

as we approached the entrance gate of the senju compound that you could see from a little far away with two ninjas wearing jonin vests were guarding each side of the entrance.

" ohh, princess-chan, you are back ! " one of the ninjas guarding the gate who was a middle aged man with a beard said with a smile as we got close enough.

" ahh yes uncle kanaka i am back, is my grandma in her place ? " tsunade asked the guard.

" yes she's resting in her chambers princess-chan and informed me that she is waiting for you to bring her the guest quickly " he replied with a smile as he glanced at me for a moment, tsunade thanked the guard and we continued to our destination.

I look around while feeling sad as i see the kids playing and parents working with smiles on their face, providing for their respective families .

wish my own clan was like this too. There are not many left in our clan, you could count the members with two hands now, and i don't see the point of me being the heir or the clan leader when there is no one to lead anymore and i don't have any influence in the konoha council too.

Everyone at this point knows that we are just a dying clan with no hope to get back on it's own feet. well, the clan restoration act could actually help with that but i am not interested in becoming a hole filler machine that much, so...

i continued to walk like this with tsunade, enjoying the compound until the mansion slowly came into view .

The mansion was a majestic building that sat high on a hill. It was made of stone and wood, covered in vines .

" beautiful, right ? " tsunade said while puffing her nonexistent chest upwards with pride.

" yes " i replied blandly, not letting this beauty to blind me from knowing what is actually inside this mansion.

Tsunade just pouted seeing my reaction and we started to walk forward the mansion until we were in front of it is entrance gate.

She opened the door and we went inside.

" welcome to my home ! " she excitedly said.

" thanks for having me " i replied calmly while looking around before...

* swoosh *

I quickly move away from my place and jumb backwards then land on my feets, after that i put up my niko stance ready to fight but in front of me, i only saw... an old woman ?

' what the hell ?! ' i shout in my mind as this old woman suddenly appeared before me out of nowhere ' this woman is strong ! ' i thought cautiously as i narrow my eyes and get ready to battle.

" ohh, your instincts are very good for someone who has no chakra " spoke the old woman while nodding with a smile.

" Toka obaasan, please don't do that ! you are scaring my friend you know " tsunade said to her with an embarrassed blush on her face.

' who is scared ? i am just being cautious ! ' i thought angrily as i glare at tsunade who ignored me.

" hoho tsu-chan, is this the boy you are interested in ? " the toka woman said with a knowing smile.

" WHAT are you talking about toka obaasan !! he is just a friend of mine " she frantically replied while shaking her hand with a huge blush on her face.

' was i just friend zoned ? ' i thought with a frown as i got out of my stance and relax.

" you don't need to be shy tsu-chan, i know you like him too, you can't deceive my eyes. I remember when i was your age, many men we- " then toka started to talk about her younger years, and how her husband was this and that, you know, the usual old people boasting about their younger days.

5 minutes later /

" you understood now my little girl ? You need to be bolder and more straightforward in this things " toka said with a small smile.

With crossed arms i look at tsunade coldly who had her hands covering her face in embarrassment the entire time not knowing what to do.

she removed her hands and looked at me in an apologetic way before she turned towards toka " toka obaasan, i understand but my grandma is waiting for us, so we should hurry and go ! " tsunade said and quickly grabbed my arm then she pulled me towards somwhere in the mansion.

" hoho, youngsters this days " i heard the old woman as we left.

* step step step *

We walked through the huge halls until we were infront of a big door that i assume is the door to mito's room.

* knock knock *

" grandma we are here ! " Tsunade knocked on the door and called mito.

We waited for a few seconds until we heard a gentle voice " you can come in "

Tsunade looked at me for a second then pushed the door open and walked inside together.

I looked around the 'room' which was as big as a tennis stadium by the way, only to see that except it was big then there was nothing special about it.

the room's floor had soft woven mats, and the ceiling was adorned with ornate wooden beams.

In the middle, a fancy bed with beautiful silk sheets and paintings on top served as the centerpiece. The room had special things like painted screens, pretty vases with flowers, and small, well-kept bonsai trees.

The walls had some unknown seals on it.

And finally i turn to look at mit-

* krr krghh *

Mito raised her arms to tsunade who dashed and fell on her embrace " welcome back my little granddaughter, it seems you have brought a guest back with you too ! " she said gently to tsunade who nodded and looked at-

" now my little granddaughter, go out until i call you back again, ok ? " mito told tsunade with her gentle smile still adorned her beautiful mature face.

" but grandm... " tsunade wanted to retort but a slight glare from mito made her quite and she nodded silently then slowly got out while looking worriedly at-

The moment she got out...

* krghh vrr krr *


The End.


sorry for the cliff but i am very busy these days to write long chapters, especially fighting scenes.

there won't be a chapter tomorrow because the fighting scenes takes too much out of my brain and it needs time which i don't have much of it.

and later there will be a poll about an important thing that has something to do with his species as a monster.

the war arc is coming near by the day, so be ready ma Gs .




Name: Hatake Garou

Age : 10 and half

Alias: Human 30% / Monster Hybrid 70%

Assimilated: %22

Power Level:


Battle experience : mid chunin  ⬆


Physical fitness : high chunin ⬆


Situational awareness : mid chunin ⬆


Skills proficiency : mid chunin ⬆

Over all power level > mid chunin

Martial Arts :

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist [ professional ] { one punch man }

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist [ professional ] { one punch man }

Watchdog man style  [ Great Martial Artist ] { one punch man }

Void boxing style [ Great Martial Artist ] { The boxer }

Niko style [ professional ] { Kengan Ashura }

Derivated Shigan [ professional ] { one piece }

Modern martial Arts [ Great Martial Artist ] { Earth }

Talnets :

• Fighting Spirit Amplification:

powers and physical abilities increase exponentially as you sustains damage during combat.

• Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery:

You possess exceptional martial arts Talent .

• Adaptation:

You can quickly analyze movements, weaknesses, and strategies, allowing you to formulate effective counterattacks + adaptation .

• Reactive evolution :

The stronger the opponent the faster you get more powerful and evolve.


• Mimicry [ IV ]

• Regeneration [ II ]

• Psycho mode 

Your current limits of perception will be activated


• Carnage:

          Your overall fighting prowess doubles.

• Crazed Hybrid Form: 

         Time limit : 1 hour

• Monster Form %50 :

          Time limit: 10 minutes

• Perfected Fist : [ LOCKED]

• Monster Form :%100 [ LOCKED]

• Awakened Garou : Cosmic fear MODE "One With The Flow " God's Avatar  [ LOCKED]+

• God Garou : $#*!#^%  M$%$[ LOCKED]++

• ERROR  !!!  [ LOCKED]+++


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