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15.11% Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus } / Chapter 11: chapter 11 : stretching

Chapter 11: chapter 11 : stretching

In a secluded forest clearing, a small training ground emerges, bathed in sunlight. Ancient trees stand, their branches forming a natural obstacle course. Lush moss on the ground offers cushioning for falls. At the center, the air is filled with the soothing symphony of rustling leaves and distant bird songs, creating an atmosphere of serenity and learning.

Two figures stand facing each other: an 8-year-old looking kid with hair styled in a spiky manner, resembling the letter "V." and Its distinct spiky silver color. The kid wears a tight black, long-sleeved shirt, loose-fitting white martial arts pants, a yellowish sash around his waist, and tai chi slippers on his feet.

Opposite to him stands a tall young man, around 14-15 years old, with the same silver hair color, long and tied in a ponytail. He wears a green jonin flask jacket, dark blue gloves, shirt, and pants.

Garou's POV

i warm up, shrug my shoulders a little and move my neck left to right, trying to crack it, but fail due to my young bones. Then, I look at my attire and admire it. There are many grandma tailor shops in our compound, so it was quite easy getting these clothes. However, they don't look that nice on me due to the lack of muscles.

I look at Sakumo, who adjusts his wooden kunai and tanto, instead of the real ones, while doing some warm-up. I then look at my parents sitting under a tree, watching without showing much emotion. I know they imposed that condition so I give up on my 'impossible dream,' fearing that one day I will get myself killed due to weakness.

I love how they are concerned for me, but my blood boils when they think I am weak. They know that something is wrong with me and I am stronger than your everyday kids. But what's the point if you have no chakra, they think.

I don't blame them. The average ninja can go at 60-65 mph, and when they use the body flicker technique, they can reach supersonic speeds. I've seen my father do it several times, and it's like he is literally teleporting. So, they wonder what a chakra-less kid can do in front of those ninja. And this is just the average ninjas! What about the strong ones and the kages?

I look at my fists, clench them, and grin. 'The world sure is big and interesting. It would have been boring if I was strong from the get-go,' I thought to myself, then look up as Sakumo slowly gets ready.

"Hey!!" I call him.

"Yes?!" He pauses and looks at me.

"You asked about what martial arts is, right?!" I ask rhetorically.

"Ah, right about that. So, what's up?" he said.

"well, it's all about Discipline, respect, humility, self-improvement, inner balance, ethical values, continuous learning, physical and mental health, controlled aggression, unity of mind and body, goal setting, and adaptability," I answer him, with my back straightened, and my eyes locked on his.

I raise my hand and look at the rays of the sun passing between my fingers, continuing with a calm tone. "Martial arts is a form of speech, a conversation to know each other's personalities and spirit through our bodies. It's an art to show our freedom, an art to let us bypass our differences and bring peace."

This is what is taught in Bang's dojo. He taught us to know that martial arts is no different than any other kind of art; it was made to understand ourselves and show our capabilities.

"That's actually sublime!" Sakumo said, impressed.

"Yeah, unlike you ninjas," I add with a mocking tone.

"What do you mean?!" he frowned and asked.

"Well, it's nothing. Let's just continue where we were," I replied back, then i stand straight and cup my hands together as a show of greeting . He looks at me, confused by my gesture.

"What was that?" he asked curiously.

"We cup our hands as a show of greeting and bow to show respect," I answer as his mouth twitches because he didn't see me bow, and that only means that I don't respect him. 'How fun it's to make people feel like shit lol. If this was my previous life, I wouldn't be able to be this rude, ever. Like I was a Japanese man and learned from childhood how to respect each other. Even though a part of me feels embarrassed, thanks to OG Garou and his thug-like personality, something like this is easy to pull and not feel awkward. It's my natural personality at this point,' I thought.

"Okay, so can we start?!" he said with a tick on his head. Guess I pissed him off.

I didn't answer and just stood in my place, straight, much to his annoyance, thinking that I was making fun of him.

"Won't you use a sword or a kunai?" he asked curiously.

"I have faith in my body more," I answer.

"As you wish, then. I will lower my level to yours or slightly stronger so you could keep up with me," he said, but I didn't speak anymore, just stood there, relaxed, waiting for him to move first.

Sakumo stands with an air of readiness. His body is slightly angled, and his feet are shoulder-width apart. One foot is positioned slightly forward, providing a stable base. His posture is upright, conveying a sense of poise and focus.

In his dominant hand, he holds a kunai. The kunai is raised diagonally, with its tip elevated to about the level of his cheekbone. The other hand is empty, positioned near his face. Fingers might be slightly curled, conveying an underlying readiness to respond or defend if necessary.

Our gaze is fixed ahead, ready for any potential threat. Due to my relaxed stance, he knows I wouldn't make a move, so swoosh he dashes toward me. 'Fast,' I thought but just stayed unmoved .

Slash. As he came near me, he slashed forward with the kunai. With practiced fluidity, I evade his slash by sidestepping, my body pivoting smoothly to one side. Then I raise my hands into action.

My fingers come into contact with his wrist. I give it a firm grip and immobilize the arm wielding the kunai, causing it to fall from his hand. Then I let go of his wrist and quickly move in a circular motion, performing a roundhouse kick to the back of his head.

Surprised by my action, he reacts quickly but doesn't have enough time to get away. He moves his body a little and blocks my kick. His face twitches because of pain; he probably didn't expect it to be powerful enough to hurt him.

He thought that I was vulnerable due to how open I was at this position, but then I put my hands on the ground and, with an acrobatic move, I perform a cartwheel-like motion, kicking with one leg aimed at his upper body.

He makes a surprised face due to the sudden change of assault, but he reacts quickly. He does a backflip and gets away from me.

Then I begin to rotate on the ground using my hands while facing away from my opponent. Then, I do a small backflip and return to a relaxed, normal standing position.

"Those are some unique moves you've got there. Where did you learn them?!" Sakumo asks, surprised and curious.

"Thanks, and I didn't learn them. I made them myself," I answer back with a proud smirk. 'Well, they're just some Krav Maga and Capoeira moves I borrowed from my previous world. It's a new world, and my memory is mine, so everything I do will have my name on it,' I thought shamelessly, nodding to myself.

"You created a new taijutsu yourself?! That's amazing!!" he says incredulously, looking at me, forgetting that this is a fight.

"It's NOT a taijutsu move. It's ART... my ART. Don't compare those dead moves of yours with mine!!" I reply a little angry. It's like comparing a Mona Lisa level of art with something worse. As an artist, I feel insulted.

" the first one is called Krav Maga, and the one that looked like a dance is Capoeira. They can..." I pause then think, why should I tell him what my moves do?! ...'slap.' I slap my own forehead, realizing I was about to make a very well-known isekai mistake.

I have read many fanfictions where the MCs share very important thing with random people without any reason, without thinking about any consequences. Like, bro, your things are a representation of who you are. If all people could be like Superman, then what's the point of Superman?.

And now I was about to make the same mistake, sharing my techniques like an idiot.

I mean, even if I have a loved person, I would never share my core things with them. Like, I would never teach anybody the water stream rock smashing fist or Whirlwind Cutting Fist, not even to my kids. I am not as careless as Bang. Look what had become of the OG Garou! ...Then what if, in a moment of carelessness, I accidentally create a God-level threat? my techniques are no joke, i know what the full potential of my techniques could do and this world doesn't lack genius like me , so that's a big no from now on .

Some would say I am stingy, but it's better to be stingy than to be careless, I guess.

"Um, they can what?" he asks, confused and interested.

"I am not obliged to tell you my secrets, you know! You are a ninja! And I don't trust ninjas. Who knows, maybe even when I scratch my itchy ass, you will inform the Hokage about it!" I answer with exaggeration at the end and look at him like he is some kind of pervert stalker.

"Ha... Ha, well, we are not like that!" he laughs while scratching his cheek awkwardly.

"Enough chitchat. Will you fight or not?" i said impatiently.

He says nothing, turns serious again, and then runs toward me much faster than before! He appears in front of me and throws a hook to the side of my abdomin. I try to block it and strike back, but in the midst of the hook, he changes stances.

The only thing I see is a punch that hits my face. 'A feint?!' I thought at the last moment and get thrown backwards.

I stagger a little, then shake my head to dispel the dizziness before feeling a warm sensation on my nose. I touch it, then look at it, and see deep red liquid, 'blood?!' i thought .

My mind goes blank for a moment before everything around me slows down...

Sakumo POV

' Genius ' i thought

He is 6 years old and created his own fighting techniques?! He is very proficient in using them too, as if he has used them many times on other people. 'If it were a genin in my place, they would have a broken bone already,' I think as I look at his smug face, which pisses me off.

"Enough chitchat. Will you fight or not?" he says.

Okay, then, kid, you asked for it, so don't blame me later for what happens to you. I then dash toward his nonchalant figure, with his still smug face, and when I get near him, I deliver a hook, aiming for his abdomen. He quickly moves his body to block it, but that was a mistake.

My aim is for this to happen, so I feint my move and change it for a jab. I hit his face strongly, and then he gets thrown backwards and staggers. I'm concerned a little, fearing that I hit too hard. Then I look at Uncle Hiroshi and Ayaka-san to see their reactions. But Uncle just waves his hand to continue the fight. Then I look back at Garou and see him looking at his blood, dazed .

Then it happens.

He suddenly raises his head, looking at me with a cold, emotionless expression, while all the blood vessels in his sclera pop out. then i feel all the hairs on my body stand up like last time .

Glaring at me, he says, "The fight has begun."

" what ?! "

The End

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