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61.22% Naruto:All for One / Chapter 30: Orochimaru Disappearance

Chapter 30: Orochimaru Disappearance

A month before the Chunin Exams, in Shigaraki Village, Orochimaru sat in the upper office of the central building, accompanied by Rin Uzumaki. They were currently discussing the invitation they had received from Konoha regarding the Chunin Exams.

"Hmmm, I'm surprised my old teacher is willing to invite us to the exams. However, I'm sure this is just a ruse for information gathering," Orochimaru remarked, his eyes scanning the letter from Konoha. Over the past six months, Orochimaru had undergone significant changes, greatly enhancing his strength by utilizing the passive properties of a physical enhancement quirk.

Rin pondered their next course of action. "So, are we willingly walking into a trap, or should we decline? What would Lord Kurogiri want us to do?" She reflected on how much she had changed in the past six months, having trained with Orochimaru and even having him create a study scroll for her.

Her goal was to become more useful to Kurogiri, going as far as learning the sealing techniques from her Uzumaki clan heritage she always hid before Kurogiri.

"Lord Kurogiri desires the village to grow in both size and reputation. The Chunin Exams provide the perfect stage for that. Moreover, even if it is a trap, our ninja have grown significantly in strength. Even if Konoha has allies from another major village, they won't pose a threat," Orochimaru explained.

"The mere presence of a Kage-level ninja is a game-changer on the battlefield. And with the sheer numbers we have amassed in the past six months, once Lord Kurogiri completes his evolution, our enemies will be overwhelmed and replaced by whatever he deems fit."

As Orochimaru spoke, he suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving Rin momentarily stunned. As Rin processed the situation and contemplated informing Lord Kurogiri about Orochimaru's disappearance, she received a mind message from Kurogiri himself. He assured her that he was aware of the situation and instructed her to take over in Orochimaru's absence.

Initially startled, Rin felt relieved to know that Kurogiri was aware and guiding her. However, unbeknownst to her, Kurogiri wasn't actively paying attention but had allowed his subconscious to handle matters, as he focused all his consciousness on evolving using his Velocity Mind quirk to its maximum potential.

With a clear understanding of Kurogiri's intentions, Rin swiftly positioned herself behind the desk, ready to continue fulfilling her responsibilities within the village. Now, their focus shifted towards preparing for the upcoming Chunin Exams in Konoha.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru found himself reverse summoned to Ryuchi Cave, one of the three sage lands. Standing before the White Snake Sage, a small old woman dressed in white with a cane staff, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and apprehension. Knowing the Snake Sage's temperament and true appearance, he braced himself for what was about to happen.

As Orochimaru waited, the Snake Sage carefully studied the creature's body that Orochimaru had mentioned to her several months ago. She had summoned him here because she had noticed that he hadn't been employing any of the summoned snakes from Ryuchi Cave. The Snake Sage, knew Orochimaru was one of the few contracted summoners of the snakes, considered it peculiar that Orochimaru hadn't utilized them in months knowing his tendencies.

"Orochimaru, I see that you were able to acquire the creature's body, as you mentioned to me before disappearing. Why haven't I heard from you since then? I had expressed my interest in this creature," the Snake Sage spoke, narrowing her eyes in suspicion. "You were thinking of keeping this from me." Her aura began to press down on Orochimaru, the weight of her presence making him feel utterly insignificant.

Feeling the intensity of the Snake Sage's aura, Orochimaru experienced a moment of liberation. The overwhelming spirit of the Snake Sage disrupted the implanted sense of loyalty and obedience, granting him a brief moment of freedom from its influence. Seizing this opportunity, Orochimaru quickly responded, his resentment clear in his voice.

"No, Snake Sage. If it weren't for you summoning me and releasing your aura, I would still be under that creature's control," Orochimaru asserted, his bitterness evident. He had grown resentful of being so easily manipulated.

Hearing Orochimaru's account and observing his body, the Snake Sage quickly realized the truth of his words. Using her heightened perception, she sensed the significant amount of natural energy and remarkable vitality present within Orochimaru's new body. She continued to release her aura, ensuring Orochimaru remained free from any external influences.

Considering the information she had gathered, the Snake Sage questioned Orochimaru further, seeking to understand the nature of his new body's connection to the creature that had controlled him.

"So, you're telling me that this body, with its abundant chakra and vitality, is not the creature's original form. What exactly is its relation to that creature, and how did it manage to exert control over you?" she inquired with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Orochimaru sighed, his mind briefly drifting back to the events that took place over six months ago. "I do not know the true nature of the connection between this body and the creature. It transformed one of my subordinates into this form and offered it to me. Despite my reservations, I was already in need of a new body, and the power this one possessed was undeniable. Against my better judgment, I accepted," Orochimaru explained, recounting the events reluctantly.

"After taking on this body, I fell under the control of the creature. I couldn't ascertain whether its control stemmed from this body itself or if it had taken some action during the body's transformation," Orochimaru added, providing insight into his ordeal.

The Snake Sage was astonished by Orochimaru's revelation that the creature had turned another person's body into the vessel he now inhabited. This body held traits akin to that of a sage, an incredible feat that showcased the creature's abilities.

"Orochimaru, even though you were controlled, the body you possess now is more than qualified to practice the snake sage mode that you've always desired," the Snake Sage stated, still awed by the fact that this body was a product of transformation rather than birth.

Orochimaru was taken aback by the statement, but soon a wave of ecstatic energy washed over him. The opportunity to finally achieve the snake sage mode, something he had yearned for but was unable to attain with his original weak body, filled him with elation.

Meanwhile, Kurogiri's subconscious was utilizing a portion of his chakra to create a quirk activation for Orochimaru's self-destruct quirk. However, Kurogiri himself was unaware of this creation and its use due to the simplistic nature of the quirk.

Back with Orochimaru and the Snake Sage, the atmosphere began to change as Orochimaru sensed the chakra in his body building up. He realized that the creature had prepared something in case he regained his freedom.

Concerned, Orochimaru understood that the creature meant to kill him, as it never fully trusted him. He questioned whether the snake sage mode could save him.

The Snake Sage sensed the change in Orochimaru's body and was slightly startled. She observed the concentration of his chakra and the buildup of natural energy within him. Understanding that snake sage mode was indeed Orochimaru's best chance for survival, she made a drastic decision.

The elderly woman shed her human form, transforming into a large white snake. With her sharp fangs, she bit into Orochimaru and injected her own sage chakra into him.

Orochimaru experienced intense pain as the Snake Sage's chakra merged with his own. His body faced a fierce battle between the conflicting energies, and his super regeneration struggled to keep up with the damage. Despite the excruciating agony, Orochimaru miraculously survived. Limbs exploded, leaving him in a state of excruciating pain, but he was finally free from the creature's control.

As the Snake Sage's chakra merged with Orochimaru's body, his quirks underwent a transformation, similar to his physical form. Remaining conscious throughout the process, Orochimaru activated his physical enhancement quirk. Unexpectedly, it amplified the snake mode transformation and regeneration processes, causing a cocoon to form around him as he underwent a metamorphosis.

The Snake Sage was astounded by this unprecedented turn of events. It was unlike anything she had seen during the snake mode transformation process. Normally, someone would either transform into a snake or develop snake-like features while remaining human. The formation of a cocoon was completely new.

Excited and curious to witness Orochimaru's ultimate form, especially given his unique sage mode prior to the appearance of the cocoon, the Snake Sage wrapped her massive body around the egg-like structure. Determined, she settled in a coiled position, patiently waiting for Orochimaru to emerge from his transformation.

Two weeks had passed since Orochimaru's disappearance, and Rin had taken charge of running the village in his absence. As she managed the village, Rin realized that there wasn't much to do aside from planning for the upcoming Chunin Exams. Although Orochimaru's absence had some impact, the subconscious control of Kurogiri was still in effect through the use of Queen Bee.

Rin found herself in the office with her six-year-old daughter, Karin, going over the teams that were about to depart. There were three teams, each consisting of three ninjas and led by a Jonin. Under the guidance of Kurogiri's subconscious, Rin ensured that the teams were ready and prepared for their journey to the Land of Fire.

Following the orders of Kurogiri's subconscious, Rin informed the Daimyo of the change in leadership and received a letter from the Daimyo in return. Rin was to give this letter to the teams to deliver to the Hokage in Konoha.

A week later in Konoha, ninjas from all over were bustling through the village, having arrived a week early for the Chunin Exams. However, all attention was drawn to the Konoha Gate, as the Shigaraki Village ninjas had just arrived.

The Konoha Gate ninjas were astonished by the sight of the twelve Shigaraki ninjas, all wearing their new headbands with a skull symbol. Their movements were synchronized, and an oppressive aura surrounded them.

In the Hokage Office, the Third Hokage and the Elders observed the scene through the Third's crystal ball technique. They were taken aback by the coordinated movements of the former Grass ninjas, comparing their newfound organization to that of Danzo's Root operatives.

"I wonder how this is possible. Before Orochimaru and that creature, the Grass ninjas were less organized and often displayed an arrogant and violent nature. But now, they remind me of your Root," the Third Hokage remarked, looking towards Danzo.

Danzo, fixated on the crystal ball, acknowledged the similarities himself. "Hiruzen, I cannot say for certain, but we must keep a closer eye on them than before. Ninjas like these would carry out any task without hesitation," Danzo responded, fully aware of his own operatives' capabilities.

After Danzo spoke, silence fell upon the other Elders, who understood the potential danger posed by ninjas like the ones they saw on the crystal ball. However, before any further discussion could take place, one of the Jonin instructors disappeared from the crystal ball's view. Within seconds, a knock sounded on the office door, interrupting the meeting.

"Come in," said the Third Hokage as his secretary opened the door, revealing the Shigaraki Jonin standing behind her. The secretary spoke, "Lord Hokage, this Shigaraki ninja has a letter from the Shigaraki Daimyo."

"Okay, you may go," replied the Third, dismissing the secretary. He then turned his attention to the Shigaraki ninja and asked, "May I see the letter?" The Third gave the ninja a scrutinizing look, much like the other elders. However, the Shigaraki Jonin, being controlled, paid no attention to the judgment of these ninja and simply handed over the letter before leaving without saying a word.

As the room fell into silence, everyone couldn't help but think of the similarities of Root operatives to the Shigaraki ninja. The Third Hokage opened the letter, his face expressing shock as he read its contents. He then shared the news with the elders, saying, "Orochimaru is no longer the leader of the Shigaraki Village, and the new leader is Rin Uzumaki."

"Uzumaki," Koharu said, her voice filled with intrigue. "Considering the relationship between Konoha and the Uzumaki clan, this change may offer new opportunities for us to secure their power." With a slight smile, she pondered the possible advantages. The Third Hokage felt a sense of relief as well, as dealing with an Uzumaki appeared to be a preferable scenario compared to his former student. However, Danzo had something to say that burst their optimistic bubble.

"It seems you have all forgotten what happened to the Uzumaki clan, and how we allowed it to happen," Danzo stated with a stern tone, instantly dampening the atmosphere. His words made the others realize he had a point. Just because Orochimaru was no longer in charge didn't necessarily mean things would be easier.

The Third Hokage intervened, attempting to put their worries aside for the moment. "Let's focus on that more when the Finals draw nearer. We'll have the opportunity to assess this Rin Uzumaki before jumping to conclusions," he proposed. With that, the meeting came to an end, leaving the Third Hokage sitting back in his chair, burdened by concerns regarding the upcoming Chunin Exams and the uncertain future.

Jesterkeitt Jesterkeitt

Hey Author here. Coming to let you know some major changes were going to happen and the story should definitely pick with some action. if not next chapter then the chapter after that. Let me know your opinion and leave a power stone if you please.

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