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Chapter 2: Inferno Blaze Magic

Yuno walked in solitude, his path leading him back home. Having successfully dealt with the nobles who sought to belittle him, questioning his worthiness of possessing a four-leaf clover, his mind now turned towards the well-being of his rival and brother, Asta. The absence of a grimoire for Asta had surely inflicted wounds upon him. Yuno understood the significance of this moment for Asta, who had fervently awaited the opportunity to receive a grimoire. However, the harsh reality of their circumstances had delivered a painful blow.

As Yuno continued his solitary walk, a flicker of hope emerged within him, yearning for a miraculous occurrence. He wished that a meteor brimming with an abundance of mana would descend, infusing Asta's body with its mana. Yet, deep down, he understood the implausibility of such a fantastical event. Why was it that someone as kind-hearted and diligent as Asta always found himself burdened with suffering? This lingering question weighed heavily on Yuno's thoughts, fueling a sense of injustice that resonated within him.

Lost in contemplation, Yuno remained oblivious to the presence lurking behind him. Startled, he jolted with surprise as chains abruptly erupted from the ground, ensnaring him tightly, rendering him immobile. Caught off guard, his senses sharpened, and he glanced around, trying to discern the identity of the person and the reason for this unexpected assault.

"Heh, your four-leaf clover is mine now!" The guy said, controlling his chains to get Yuno's grimoire.

"Who are you?!" Yuno clenched his fist, unable to break the chains.

"I'm Revchi. Nice to meet you. The four-leaf grimoire will just be wasted on someone like you, so I must as well sell it and earn a lot of money!"

"You know that someone can't use another person's grimoire, right?"

"Of course I know that, but this rare grimoire will sell so much in the black market. Your legend will end here before it even started."

"Hey! What are you doing?! That's Yuno's grimoire! Give it back to him!" Asta appeared slightly startling Revchi.

Revchi smirked at Asta and said, "Oh, it's you. The grimoireless boy!"

Caught in a state of panic, Yuno's mind raced as he desperately struggled to free himself from the constricting chains. Fear gripped his heart as he realized the gravity of the situation. Asta possessed no magic, making it seemingly impossible for him to beat Revchi. The realization that Asta's life hung in the balance intensified his sense of urgency. If he remained restrained, the threat looming before him could prove fatal.

"Asta, get out of here! Leave me! You will get hurt!" Yuno shouts.

"Don't worry, Yuno! I will get your grimoire back!" Asta didn't listen to Yuno's advice, which frustrates Yuno more.

"Asta no!"

A surge of courage propelled Asta forward, defying the odds as he charged towards Revchi with unwavering determination. He unleashed a powerful punch, fueled by his indomitable will, but to his dismay, Revchi effortlessly evaded the attack with an air of nonchalance. Asta's heart sank as his fist met nothing but empty air. Before he could react, a swift and forceful kick landed squarely in his stomach, sending waves of searing pain coursing through his body. Asta staggered backward, clutching his abdomen, grappling with the realization that his initial strike had been deflected so effortlessly by his opponent.

"You should listen to your friend here, brat! A grimoireless brat like you has no place in this society!"

"I don't care! I won't give up! Even if I don't get a grimoire now, I will still try and try and try again! Give Yuno's grimoire back!" With full determination, Asta attacks again.

"Then you will have to die here."

Chain magic: Iron chain formation

Multiple chains emerged from the shadows, ensnaring him tightly and leaving him trapped in a web of restraints. Determined to break free, Asta exerted his physical strength, straining against the unyielding grip of the chains. Yet The chains held firm, unyielding to his relentless struggle, leaving Asta grappling with the realization that his physical strength alone might not be enough to get Yuno's grimoire back.


"Huh, this is weird. I can feel how much mana there is to the person I restrain, but to you, I didn't feel any at all! So that's why you don't have a grimoire! You don't have any mana at all! A complete worthless human!"

Asta's eyes widened in sheer shock as Revchi's words echoed in his ears. The weight of the realization hit him with a force he couldn't ignore. If he lacked the fundamental essence of mana, it meant one thing: he would never be able to wield magic throughout his entire life. Doubt crept into his thoughts, fueled by the whispers of others who had doubted his potential. Were they right all along? Was he destined to be labeled a loser, incapable of fulfilling his dreams of becoming a Magic Knight, let alone ascending to the prestigious title of Wizard King? In that vulnerable moment, Asta wrestled with his inner demons, grappling with self-doubt and questioning his own worthiness.

"I... Should I just give up?" Asta muttered silently.

"Stop saying crap like you know Asta at all! He isn't worthless! Asta is kind, hardworking, and never gives up! He is much stronger and better than you! He is my brother! He is my rival!"


Asta's eyes sparked with a newfound glimmer of hope as Yuno's words reached his ears. In that instant, clarity washed over him like a refreshing wave. He suddenly realized the futility of his self-doubt. Casting aside his worries, he embraced a resolute mindset.

'What was he whining about? So what if I lacked conventional magic or the essence of mana? My true power lay within my unwavering determination, my unyielding spirit to never give up. That indomitable will was my very own magic!'

"So you still have some hope in your friend. Don't worry, your worldview will change after I kill that manaless brat!"

"Sorry for seeing me being pathethic, Yuno. This will never happen again."

Yuno smirked and said, "Good to see you back, Asta."

In a dramatic turn of events, the surroundings were consumed by a swirling vortex of an ominous black aura, enveloping the entire space. As the dark energy intensified, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Asta's eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief as a mystical grimoire appeared before him. His gaze remained fixed on the grimoire, unable to tear his eyes away from its captivating presence.

Asta's eyes widened in awe as a big sword emerged triumphantly from his grimoire. In a remarkable display of power, the chains that had once bound him were shattered because of the sword. Asta extended his trembling hand, grasping the hilt of the big sword. The sword embodied great power, and Asta's physical strength became his greatest asset in this moment. Grateful for his unwavering physical prowess, he realized that without his remarkable physicality, he would not have been able to wield this extraordinary weapon.

"See? As long as Asta didn't give up, there's still hope!" Yuno smiled, feeling happy for Asta.

"A grimoire?! It doesn't make any sense! He has no magic at all! How can he have a grimoire?" With that, Revchi cast another spell.

Chain Magic: Dance of the Pitless Viper

With a sinister gleam in his eyes, Revchi conjured multiple chains that snaked and writhed like vipers. The twisted form of the chains resembled the serpentine heads of venomous creatures, poised to strike. Revchi commanded the chains with malicious intent, orchestrating their movements to converge upon Asta with calculated precision. The metallic links lashed through the air, aimed at overwhelming Asta with their collective force.

"Yes, I don't have magic like you or Yuno, but my magic is to never give up!" Asta slashed the chains with ease and charged at Revchi.

"This is impossible!"

Asta slashed him in the chest. Revchi was sent hurtling backward, his body crashing forcefully against the unyielding wall. The resounding clash echoed through the surroundings, a testament to Asta's unwavering spirit and the newfound power he wielded. In that moment, the tides of battle had turned, and Asta stood victorious.

Asta picked up Yuno's grimoire and went towards him to slash the chains to release him.

"Asta, congratulations. You finally have a grimoire."

Asta grinned and looked at his grimoire with stars in his eyes. "Yeah, It feels so cool! I'm going to take care of this like a baby!"

"You brats! This isn't over yet!"

Asta and Yuno were both startled and looked at Revchi. Their eyes widened in shock when they saw countless viper chains aiming at them.


Revchi manipulates the chains, making all of them attack Yuno and Asta.

"This is bad!" Yuno and Asta were about to block the chains when suddenly a cold voice echoed in their ears.

Inferno Blaze Magic: Ignis Murus (Fire wall)

In a breathtaking display of power, a formidable wall of fire materialized, its searing flames forming an impenetrable barrier that shielded Asta and Yuno from the menacing viper chains. The intense heat radiating from the wall caused the chains to writhe and distort, unable to withstand the scorching inferno. Gradually, under the relentless assault of the unparalleled heat generated by the Inferno Blaze Magic, the chains began to melt, their once formidable form reduced to molten remnants. It became evident that the flame summoned by the Inferno Blaze Magic possessed an extraordinary nature, far surpassing the ordinary fire magic typically witnessed. The sheer magnitude of its heat and destructive force became a testament to the awe-inspiring capabilities of this unique form of magic.

"So powerful!" Yuno said in astonishment.

"Even if you defeat an enemy, you shouldn't let your guard down," Asher said while looking at Asta.

"You're the guy who also got a four-leaf grimoire!" Asta said with admiration.

"You're so loud," Asher muttered, and his grimoire flipped pages.

"You! This has nothing to do with you!" Revchi panicked as he looked at Asher. The spell that Asher released just now is so strong. If it weren't for him witnessing that Asher just got his grimoire today, he would have thought that Asher was already a magic knight.

"You're an eyesore; get out of my sight," Asher said in a monotone voice.

Inferno Blaze magic: ignis Exarcis (Fire Ignite)

As the fire appeared on top of Asher, a blazing inferno intensified with every passing second. With a swift flick of Asher's hand, the flames transformed into a concentrated beam of scorching flame, hurtling towards Revchi with unstoppable force. Revchi felt a surge of fear overwhelm him as he realized he had no defense spell to protect himself. Even if he did possess one, it would be futile against Asher, whose fiery power had the ability to effortlessly melt through chains and defenses.

"I give up!" Revchi shouts.

"Too late, idiot." Asher just casually watched Revchi being hit by his spell. If Revchi said it more earlier, then he would just bind him.

Even if he just got his grimoire, it now has many basic spells that he can use.


The scorching flames consumed Revchi's body, searing his flesh and leaving him in excruciating pain. Overwhelmed and powerless, Revchi collapsed to the ground, his entire being marked by burn marks and his strength depleted. Though he clung to life, it was solely because Asher deliberately held back, ensuring that Revchi would only be rendered unconscious and severely injured without causing fatal harm.

"Wow, that's so cool! I wish I had it too!" Asta shouts. His eyes were full of stars as he looked at Asher.

"Thank you for helping us. Uhmmm... What's your name?" Yuno asked.

"Asher Vermillion."

Yuno nods. "Right, Asher, thank you again; if it weren't for you, We would be in a critical state right now."

"Sure, I guess. I shall go; mother is waiting for me."

"I'm Yuno, and this is Asta. We shall meet again, Asher."

"If you're going to be a magic knight, then we will surely meet."

"Yeah, we will surely become magic knights, and we will meet again!" Asta said with a smile on his face.

"I don't want to meet you again; you're too noisy." Asher glanced at Asta.

"Hehehe," Asta said, scratching the back of his head.

"Asher! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?" Mereoleona arrives at the scene. He just heard an explosion, and Asher came to mind first. She suspects that the explosion has something to do with Asher, but it seems that she's right.

"Mother, don't worry; he's weak."

Mereoleona sighs and says, "You should have said to me if you want to try your magic! What if something bad happens when I'm not around?

Fire magic is extremely dangerous. Especially Asher's Inferno Blaze Magic. If he doesn't have control, then his own magic can hurt him. She clearly remembers how Fuegeleon always burned himself while practicing magic.

"I'm sorry." Asher apologizes. He knows that his mother is just worried for him and wants him to be safe.

Mereoleona patted Asher's head and smiled. She then saw Asta and Yuno, who were watching their whole interaction.

"Brats, who are you?"

"They are Asta and Yuno. I help them."

"Oh? You guys must have wanted to become magic knights. If you want to be a wizard king, then you must bet your life into it. Being a magic knight, especially a wizard king, isn't just for title. You have to be ready to sacrifice your life for the whole clover kingdom. Do you guys have the courage to do that?"

Asta and Yuno clenched their fists as they saw Mereoleona's intimidating gaze. They are so sure she's one of the strongest in the whole Clover Kingdom. They can feel her overwhelming strength just by looking at her.

No wonder Asher is such a monster. His mother is also a monster.

But then a burst of determination appeared in their eyes. They are ready to take on a battalion of soldiers all by themselves. Mereoleona was satisfied by their looks. This is the determination a magic knight should have. Not those stuck-up royals and nobles who only know how to be a flower vase.

"Yes, we have courage! We will become a wizard king!"

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