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60.71% Marvel: The Collector / Chapter 17: studying the deviants [chapter 16]

Chapter 17: studying the deviants [chapter 16]

currently just starting writing the second volume of this fanfic, the beginning of how Ethan started his journey as an information broker, so yeah, look forward to it I guess.


Within the compartment, the lifeless body of one of the deviant creatures lay sprawled on a cold surface. It had been meticulously dissected, its various body parts preserved in large glass jars filled with preserving liquid. Ethan approached the collection of jars, each containing a different part of the deviant's anatomy. With a contemplative expression, he picked up one of the jars, examining its contents—a tooth extracted from the creature.

-scene change-

Inside the research facility of Ethan's cave, the atmosphere buzzed with a palpable sense of mystery. Ethan, still clad in his lab gear, focused his attention on the deviant tooth held in his hand. Around his hand, an eldritch pattern swirled, indicating his attempt to unlock the secrets concealed within the creature's anatomy. Through his extensive research at the Kamar-Taj library, he had learned that these creatures were known as deviants. However, the information available had been disappointingly limited, leaving him craving for more knowledge.

As the swirling patterns dissipated from his hand, Ethan sighed, sinking back into his chair. The strain of his research weighed heavily upon him, yet his determination remained unyielding. "Nothing," he muttered to himself, frustration lacing his words. In a moment of self-motivation, he slapped his cheeks lightly, rousing himself from the brief moment of discouragement. "Well, there has to be something," he thought, his determination resurfacing. Leaning forward, he sat up, ready to explore another avenue.

An idea sparked in Ethan's mind. "Can't I use the magic eye to see if it uses any energy that I would recognize?" he pondered. With a swift mental command, he activated his magic eye, an extraordinary ability he possessed. Instantly, his vision transformed, infused with fiery orange sparks that illuminated the surroundings. The magical energies emanating from the numerous compartments in the cave became visible, and the vibrant hues of magic berries dotted the space. However, the intensity of the eldritch energy made it challenging for Ethan to perceive his immediate surroundings. "Now I remember why I don't use this as often as I should," he mused, realizing the limitations of his magical sight.

Setting aside the distractions of the magical energies, Ethan refocused his attention on the tooth resting in front of him. As he examined it, he couldn't help but sense an underlying significance beyond its physical appearance. "Weird," he thought, perplexed by the enigma presented before him. Though the bone seemed ordinary, there was an intangible quality that eluded his comprehension. "So, there is something that the magic eye would not let me see due to my lack of knowledge, which is the only requirement for the skill," he concluded, his curiosity piqued.

In a sudden moment of recollection, a connection sparked in Ethan's mind. "The hunters that hunted them, a group of 7 times they were though to be 8" he recalled, referring to the ancient texts he had come across. "There was a mention of them using cosmic energy as a way to kill these creatures." The revelation brought a surge of excitement, as if a missing puzzle piece had finally fallen into place. With this newfound insight, Ethan resolved to seek further understanding.

Without hesitation, Ethan conjured a portal within the research facility, an ephemeral doorway connecting his cave to the vast expanse of the Kamar-Taj library. Stepping through the portal, he was greeted by the presence of Wong and Dr. Strange, the keepers of the library's knowledge. "It's not often that you are in the library, any special occasion?" Ethan inquired, his voice filled with curiosity.

Dr. Strange, engrossed in his search for a book about the mirror dimension, responded, "Just looking for a book about the mirror dimension. You?" Ethan's response was concise yet loaded with significance. "Cosmic energy," he stated, a hint of anticipation in his tone. Wong and Dr. Strange exchanged a glance, their curiosity piqued by Ethan's cryptic words. "That is a quite advanced subject," Dr. Strange commented, acknowledging the complexity of the topic "Well, that didn't stop you," Wong interjected with a playful smile, recognizing Ethan's insatiable thirst for knowledge. As Ethan chuckled at Wong's remark, he swiftly located the book he sought, a tome that delved into the intricacies of cosmic energy and its applications.

-scene change-

Location: Research Facility, Ethan's Cave

Time: One month later

Inside the research facility of Ethan's cave, the air crackled with anticipation and the steady hum of ongoing experiments. Ethan, now equipped with a pen and an entirely new book, sat at his desk. The cover of the book displayed an intricate image of a formidable beast, hinting at the knowledge contained within its pages. With focused determination, Ethan began jotting down his observations and findings.

"The Deviants have a highly unstable and diverse genetic makeup," Ethan wrote, his pen gliding across the paper. "They exhibit a wide range of physical appearances and abilities due to their genetic mutations." Pausing for a brief moment, he leaned back in his chair, sighing. Pushing his unruly hair back from his forehead, he contemplated the weight of his discoveries.

Leaning forward once again, Ethan resumed writing, his hand moving swiftly across the page. "The genetic instability of the Deviants results in a variety of physical deformities and extraordinary powers," he noted, his words infused with a mix of awe and scientific curiosity. "Some Deviants may possess superhuman strength, speed, agility, or durability, while others may have shapeshifting abilities, energy projection, or regenerative capabilities, other mutation have yet to occur but i can safely assume that they have happened,."


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