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97.59% In DxD with the Eyes of God / Chapter 81: Our Home

Chapter 81: Our Home

To say our return is emotional would be an understatement.

When Akeno and I finally returned back home, it was to find my family waiting for us. My parents had already cooked a large meal, and for once, my big sister was awake early in the morning. We'd teleported just before the door, and I knocked on the door as my heart beat in my chest.

The door opened, and my family finally got to see how we really looked, undisguised and free from the Illusion I'd placed upon the two of us. 

I was…apprehensive. My family isn't religious by any means, but it doesn't change the fact that Akeno and I are the ones who've changed the world in such a drastic way. How would they react? How could they react?

Neither of us needed to worry. They took us in with that same gentle, almost naive care. It was the same care that pulled on their heartstrings when I first brought Akeno in, and once more it showed as mom and Akeno hugged it out.

I stood just a little further back, watching with a slight smile as I basked in this familiar feeling of Home. 

Of course, inevitably, dad asked about just what happened. Mom and my big sister didn't ask so overtly, but I could sense their gazes lingering on Akeno's wings and the aurora behind my shoulders.

So I told them everything, sans my coming into this world. From that first moment when I awakened the Eyes of God, all the way to the Pandemonium. 

To say they were surprised would be an understatement. Hearing that I'd killed a monster just weeks after I awakened must sound insane to them. And granted, it is insane. 

Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when they heard me take down a god. And even more so when Akeno and I took down a well-known biblical figure like Satanael.

Well, to be exact, only my parents are surprised. My big sister looked more amused than anything. It seems Dulio spilled some secrets about me to her.

Hmm. I'll have to give him a 'talk' about it.

"It's pretty obvious, really." Isane said. "You changed a bit when you hit your head. I thought you got brain damage or something, but this sounds more plausible."

I stare. "I don't see how me being the successor of God himself is a more plausible explanation."

She grins. "It just is. Accept it."

That was over an hour ago. I'm upstairs now. Akeno's with the rest of my family, mostly sharing embarrassing stories about me. I don't mind—I'll let her have her fun for today.

Instead, I'm sitting in a room I should've gone into more often, my chair just by the bedside of a rather small bed. And on it sleeps a boy, with light brown hair. He's snoring away, not a care in the world as he turns and shifts under his kiddie blanket.

Hyoudou Yotsuba is his name. He's my little brother, just about a couple years old now. It's really strange to see just how much he's grown in just four months. I mean, I knew his growth would be somewhat unnatural due to all the Primal Energy swirling inside his body, but I didn't expect the changes to be this massive.

I smile slightly. I can already envision this little guy's surprise when he sees how Akeno and I really look. He's always had quite the reactions—something inherited from dad it seems—and just thinking about it makes me crack a small smile.

…if there is one thing I really hate, it's the fact that I missed his birthday. I've peered into the past using my eyes, and the sheer confusion when he asked where Akeno and I were months before-

It makes me a little upset.

So I bring my hand forward, and the air begins to twist as a kaleidoscopic glow of colors light up the room. The cacophony of energies lying beneath my skin respond in kind, and they all rise into the air. Then, slowly, strings begin forming out of nothing, weaved from fragments of stardust and kept taut by mystical powers.

And with a snap of my fingers, the strings weave themselves together into a small cloak, fit to be worn around the shoulders of a toddler. Colored a pleasing pastel blue, interlined with a stripe of yellow, and with its edges leaving behind a trail of glitter.

"Happy belated birthday, dear brother." I whisper, and with a flick of my wrist, the cloak slips beneath the blanket and wraps itself around my little brother's shoulders. He suddenly stops shifting all over, and a content smile forms over his lips as he sinks into his pillow. "I'll teach you how to fly when you're awake."

With my birthday present made, I turn my eyes to the South, and with a breath, the room is awashed with gold as the Eyes of God come to life.

Days away from Kuoh, I can see a gathering of Shinto Gods. Some are relatively minor, but some are major gods the Japanese would've learnt in their history class. And what do you know? Kagutsuchi happens to be among them. If anything, he seems to be the most enthusiastic member of that little conglomeration.

They're a group of Shinto Gods who aren't exactly pleased with the fact that most of the Faith they were gathering was stolen by me.

They're not the only ones. All around the globe, various gods are looking at me with both fear and contempt. Watching me ascend with such intensity would make most gods fear. Some of them are holed up in their fortresses, readying for the incoming storm. Some of the more foolish ones are planning a war.

  It makes sense, I guess. I did just swoop in and steal a bunch of their followers.

Then again, it wasn't like they had that many in the first place. I don't get why they're so angry at such a minimal loss of power.

But I don't really care. They intend on hurting Kuoh, and I can't let that slide. 

I sigh.

It'll go something like this. Over the week, I'll be destroying them all. Every god that intends on hurting those I care for will be consumed. And I will make sure their deaths will never be known.

I close my eyes, and the golden glow fades. "So many things to do." I whisper, noting down all the things I'll need to deal with, effective immediately. The list has over forty points on it. "I should pack some food."

I stand up, and I make a quick stretch as I look down at my sleeping brother. I smile, and I give the sleeping boy a pat. "Sleep tight, dear brother." My smile becomes just a little darker. "I'll be back when you wake up."

With a flash of light, I vanish from the house.

Hours later, I reappear back in my room, my white robe dirty with ash and dust and blood.

The first conglomeration of gods are down. They were all minor gods, originating from the Philippines. None of them really put up that much of a fight, though some of their powers are rather interesting. I'll have to see if I can't replicate their effects.

With a wave of my hand, a spell is casted, and all the grime stuck on my robe begins to magically float into the air. They gather into one orb, growing larger and larger as more grime melds into it. By the end of it, the orb is nearly the size of a tennis ball, colored a disgusting translucent brown.

A second later, the orb is engulfed in flames. Seconds after, the orb of grime is completely gone.

I groan. Honestly, I'm beginning to doubt my own plan. Consuming all those gods to gain their divinity is a good plan and all, but it was so…boring. I'm just standing there, with my hand stabbed through their chests and squeezing their lifeblood until nothing is left. And I'm forced to listen to their cries and begs as they disappear one by one. 

I don't even get that old manic rush I once felt. I just feel nothing.

…hmm. You know what? Instead of killing them outright, I should just shred their souls and infuse them into Sacred Gears or something. It'll be a better use of their powers than just consuming them.

That does mean I've just wasted a batch of resources, but-, well, lessons learnt.

Plan made, I turn and walk over to my door. But just as I place my hand on the door knob, an uneasy feeling fills my being. It's a feeling I'm-

The door slams open, and a blur suddenly speeds across the air, shouting "Onii-chan…!"

I quickly catch my brother, spinning and digging my heel into the floor to skid to a stop. I take a breath, and I glance down to see Yotsuba giggling as he grins up at me. "Onii-chan's back!"

I quickly give a unamused smile at the person standing just behind the door frame. "Did you really need to do that?"

Akeno smiles. "Oh, Yotsuba-chan asked me, you know? How can I ever reject him?"

"It's called being a responsible adult."

She grins and says nothing else.

I sigh, and I then smile. "Good morning, brother." I gently poke his cheeks, and he giggles. "You're awake earlier than usual. Did you have a good sleep?"

"Mm!" He smiles as I slowly place back down onto the floor. "I had a really good dream!"

"Oh?" I go down to my knees. "What about?"

"Um." Yotsuba closes his eyes and hums, his face scrunching up in concentration as he tries to remember the dream he'd had. Eventually, the boy just grins. "I don't know. But it's definitely a good dream!"

"Is that so?" I smile. "Well, why don't we go and have some breakfast?"

"Aww." He pouts. "But I wanna see onii-chan's magic! Akeno-nee said onii-chan's like a fighter from Drag-so Ball." He hugs me and begs. "Please…! I wanna see onii-chan's cool powers!"

I grimace. Those damn puppy eyes…! "We can always do that after breakfast."

"But I wanna see it now!"

I take a quick glance at Akeno, and I see that massive grin on her face. The damn woman must've planned this all out. She probably thought it'd be funnier this way. Which it is, but it isn't so funny with me being the victim here!

I won't be so easily defeated! I've seen those puppy eyes dozens of times before!

"F-Fine!" I inevitably say, utterly defeated by those glimmering puppy eyes. "But we're having breakfast right after!"


In the distance, Akeno's smug grin only grows larger.

Ventus889 Ventus889

Sorry for the delay. I was beyond busy the past few days, and I finally found some time to actually finish this chapter.

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