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Chapter 24: Interrogation with Batman

Vishal is now wearing the orange prison clothes with handcuffs to his hands and sitting on a chair.

Gordon sat in fron of him and asked "What's your name?"


"Your real name." asked Gordon.

"No real name. Vigilante is my name." replied Vishal.

Gordon didn't ask further and asked "Why did you kill Bane, Croc, Riddler, Man Bat and Clayface?"

"The same reason why you spelled their aliases than their real names." replied Vishal.

"Meaning?" asked Gordon.

"Having an alias as villains means that many people will fear them and many people will die by their hands." said Vishal.

"That is why there is Police and the courts to stop them." said Gordon

"Okay. Answer me this then." replied Vishal.

"Why didn't I see you guys at the scene when Bane and Killer Croc are fighting Batman?" asked Vishal.

"The Police were evacuating the people over there." said Gordon.

"Alright, but that raises the question. Why is it that I saw two corpses of a 8 year boy and girl, some middle aged men and women that died due to the cross fire between Bat Clan and the rogues." asked Vishal with a smile.

Gordon's lips trembled as he did see the corpses being sent to the morgue in hospital.

"You see it. We guys are all cannon fodder or goats to be slaughtered by villains due to the incompetence of Police or the clash of batman with these scum which makes the innocent bystanders die in their fight." said Vishal.

"I don't completely blame Batman because he is trying hard but I can also never forgive him for letting criminals escape putting innocent lives at stake." said Vishal.

"Is that why you killed them? What about helping the Police catch them and lock them?" asked Gordon.

"They break out and many innocent people will be directly or indirectly killed." said Vishal.

"That doesn't excuse your actions of killing them." said Gordon.

"What excuse would the Police Department will make for criminals or rogues breaking out?" asked Vishal.

Gordon kept quiet. Vishal chuckled and said "You won't answer that question because GCPD always fails to contain them to come and ruin lives.

I am the victim of GCPD's recklessness and negligence. Lost my loved ones to the rogues and one of the crime lords."

Gordon felt uneasy as he stood up and left.

"You can come out and have your questions answered, Batman." said Vishal.

Batman came out from the darkness of the room startled as he could not believe that the guy could sense his presence.

Batman came and sat in front of him. Vishal had a face which looked like he was mocking Batman inside the helmet.

"Who sent you?" asked Batman.

"PFFF hahaha." laughed Vishal as the serious question that came from Batman.

"Really Batman? Aren't you supposed to be world's greatest detective?" asked Vishal.

"Stop joking. I want to know who sent you." said Vishal.

Batman was suspicious that Vigilante was sent by Ra's Al Ghul based on the chase they have done.

"I don't need anyone to send me Batman. I came to kill the rogues and did exactly that." said Vishal.

"I don't believe you." said Batman.

"Don't. Because I don't believe in you either." replied Vishal.

"Why? What have I ever done to you?" asked Batman probing.

"Trying with emotions. Well tried Bats but not gonna tell you because you save villains." replied Vishal.

"Villains are to be punished by the law. I can't leave someone to die when I can save them." said Batman.

"Say that with a straight face to loved ones of those innocent guys or girls who lost lives by the villains." said Vishal.

Batman went silent.

"You're emotionless when you wear that suit Batman. You will never ever understand the pains of the guys who have suffered at the bottom of the society." replied Vishal.

Batman's eye twitched and Vishal saw it. He is feeling the weight of truth in those words.

"So, you're going to murder the rogues? Then what will you do after killing all of them?" asked Batman.

"You should answer that question too Batman. What would you do if the rogues are done and Black gate prisoners are done?" replied Vishal.

Batman did not know what to answer to the question he posed himself.

"I can help you. You need to tell me what happened." asked Batman putting on a concerned face.

"I am not Red Hood Batman to lose it over the words "I can help you" or "Let me help you"" replied Vishal.

Batman's eyes widened on hearing the words.

"No need to be surprised. Sent an arrow in the dark and it hit the bullseyes with your surprised expression." replied Vishal with a chuckle.

"Don't worry. I may hate you but I like that guy." replied Vishal.

Batman kept glaring without talking.

"I know Batman never kills and I won't ask you to do anything like that. I know you're a hypocrite along with the Justice League of yours and I don't need to expect anything good from you or them." said Vishal.

Batman felt loss for words.

"I wouldn't have blamed you if you had left the rogues to die in several situations but you and Gordon had to save them everytime to make people's lives hell.

I don't expect Justice to be done by the courts and Police too even after this." said Vishal.

"If courts had worked then Joker would be given a lethal injection than the insanity plea and many inncoent children would be smiling and playing in the parks and the people would walk the streets without fear." said Vishal.

"I--I.." Batman stuttered for words.

"Did you even forget why you took the Bat mantle?" asked Vishal glaring.

"You're supposed to be a symbol. A symbolic example to bring people out of apathy and fight against crime. Nowadays you are just a guy with gadgets who fights with the rogues and cause massive collateral damage called innocent bystanders." said Vishal.

"My motivations are clear. I killed them because they are a menace to the city and a danger to all the people in Gotham.

Lawfully I am wrong but when you look at it morally it is the same as wiping out evil." said Vishal.

Batman felt conflicted by the words said by the Vigilante. The words are getting to his mind because not once had the Vigilante's voice shook as a part of emotion as he could not see the face.

Vishal scoffed and said "I would believe in Mystical Punisher than you and the Justice League."

The words shocked not only Batman but Gordon and other officers listening outside the glass.

"I needed to ask you some questions, Batman." said Vishal.

Batman looked at him with emotionless face but the feelings inside were turmoil and confusion.

"What if you lost a kid to one of the rogues or other criminals? Will you go to the Police to pursue Justice in the court or will you cover it all up?" asked Vishal.

That question completely caught Batman off guard and made him remind of Jason.

"Or you're going to throw the criminal into asylum or Black Gate prison to make it easy for them to escape again?" asked Vishal.

"Please answer the question Batman. This question is a general question that implies to all the victims who have lost loved ones to the criminals and rogues." said Vishal.

Batman replied "I don't expect you will believe what I would do."

"Avoiding the question. Interesting. Great tactic. I knew you were a hypocrite for telling people to follow the law when you yourself don't follow it with your vigilantism but did not expect such an irresponsible and reckless answer." replied Vishal.

"Phew". Vishal acted as if he spit on the answer.

Batman is running out of reasons to answer the guy. He felt exhausted in his mind after talking with Vishal.

"I didn't avoid answering any questions Batman. I gave you the truth about why I did it and let me tell you. I don't regret it." said Vishal firmly.

"You took a human life. Doesn't that bother you?" asked Batman guilt tripping.

"If you think those rogues are humans, then there is no delusional guy like you. I killed monsters in human skin who ruins innocent lives whenever they want." replied Vishal.

"Don't expect me to play the games like Joker. I am telling you the truth directly and indirectly." said Vishal.

Batman knows that Vigilante didn't lie at all and the guy is completely confidant that what he has done is right.

The funny thing is he was not able to answer the questions straightforwardly posed by the person.

"What happened to my family shouldn't happen to others. I believed that may be the system would change over the years but you and the justice system add extra wounds to the families who are already suffering.

The only one who did anything about it is the "Mystical Punisher". He gave them hope and asked people to fight for themselves by giving them courage." said Vishal.

Gordon is struggling to digest the truth that people are of the view that Mystical Punisher is far better than them and Batman.

"I don't blame that guy for disappearing because he never wanted people to be reliant on him.

He wanted people to fight the crime and the corrupt system by themselves but seeing the bland changes that came he is completely disappointed." said Vishal.

"What? Did you meet him? Who is he?" asked Batman lifting Vishal by collar.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down. I met him after Luthor was dead. He disappeared into the cosmos." said Vishal.

"Don't send your friends after him or the guardians of Oa. They will be wiped out without mercy." said VIshal.

"How do you know ?" asked Batman.

"You couldn't even catch him when he wiped out crime lords. How much power does he have that even Superman or any other metahumans couldn't find him?" replied Vishal.

Batman put back Vishal into the chair.

"To put it simply you are and the Police department are far worse than Joker because you don't get criminals and rogues like Joker punished in courts and let them escape to play with lives of people.

This is the ugly truth that you will never accept Batman." said Vishal.

Batman stood up from the chair and smacked the helmet of Vishal.

"I am not like him or worse than him." said Batman.

"You try to show with your no killing code that you are better than him but I don't need to show that I am better than him because if killing joker means saving lives then I will do it without hesitation. I don't need to compare myself to criminals or lunatics because the truth is never had innocent blood in my hands and I can shout with pride that I have taken down scum of the society." said Vishal with a pride.

"You're delusional." said Batman.

"You're avoiding the truth and trying judge me. As you have seen not once did I lie to the questions asked by Gordon or you. But when I asked you the questions that I need answers for you either kept silent, avoided to answer or tried to divert the topic." Vishal slammed the truth.

Batman felt defeated and left the room as he could not stand there as Vishal kept piercing him with harsh truth.

Vishal was taken and transported to Black Gate where he saw Zasz in one of the cells and grinned. He was put in a jail cell and his eyes showed a blue fire appear.

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