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25% A Gun in Another World / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First Interaction

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First Interaction

As I was walking with the maid that was assigned to escort me to the "Throne room," it got so awkward, I have to at least talk to her, and make a conversation to make it less awkward.

When I was about to talk, "So what does "His Highness" want to talk about that it's so urgent?"

I played dumbed, that I don't know what's going on, and make her think that I didn't read the letter.

After I said that she stayed silent, and as she was walking, she let out a huge sigh, and whispered, "Did the summoning ritual mess with their head? How can they be this clueless? HIs Highness already left a clue about our situation, and yet they still didn't understand that? How pathetic, I feel bad for His Highness."

...That hurts, well at least my acting worked, but still, that hurt.

I asked her, "What did you say?"

There was 5 second of silence, and she said, "I didn't say anything Sir. Hero, you must've heard wrong."


After I said that, I heard a, "Tch."

Did she just click her tongue?

After walking for 10 awkward minute, we reached the end of the hall way, we stopped at a very tall and wide door, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Was the big door necessary?"

I looked at the maid, and she had the face where you can tell their bragging, she's probably thinking, "Are you surprised that the person I am serving is this powerful and rich," or, "Now you know that the person behind this door is this powerful, show some respect," something like that.

She notice I was staring at her with her proud face, and said, "*Ahem* I will be going inside first, I will let His Highness know first that one more of them has arrived, you can just wait here."

So, I'm not the first one to arrive, but why am I alone then?

"The reason why you are the only one here at the moment is because one of them fainted and went to get treated."

How did she know what I was thinking? Probably a coincidence.

"It is not a coincidence."

...Wow, is she using magic to read my mind?

"I am not using magic to read your mind, Sir."

I'm just not gonna talk.

"I will now be heading inside."

"Ok, thanks for bringing me here..."

"You are very welcome, Sir."

As I watch the maid walk inside the massive door, I hear foot steps behind me, and it was three of my classmates, and a maid, and it had to be the ones I tried to avoid the most.

"Oh, come on, can you just tell your name please."

Yamikawa Kurokawa, he is type of person of, not regretting or feeling guilt of what he does, for example:

1. Lifting our classmate's skirt.

Every time he does this, he would either laugh or just runs away immediately, our Natsuki-san already tried to stop him, but she became his victim as well, luckily Syouma-san punched him knocking him out, and made him stop harassing the other students.

2. Messing with the teachers.

Like, pouring bucket of water on them, and reorganizing their paperwork and lifting the female teacher's skirt, but when the teachers asked our class officers to do something about him, our treasurer stopped him and behaved for a few days and doing it again, but only the reorganizing one.

3. Bullying the first years.

I only heard rumors because it happened before I transferred, from what I heard he almost went expelled from nearly pressuring a first year to commit suicide, but mysteriously, not only he did not get expelled and the parents of the first year didn't pull charges on him.

Which, I founded weird when I heard the rumor for the first time, I guessed that someone helped him, that the only explanation, and everyone probably thought the same, but they can't just say that, or they will experience what that first year's parent did.

4. The worst one, he nearly raped one the senior of our school, I heard this rumor and I felt so disgusted as I listened in on my classmate's conversation.

Yes, I eavesdropped on them, I didn't join in because they might find it weird to talk to them only when it's a sensitive topic, so I only listened, they were next to me so I basically can hear them either way so...I'm was so lonely :')

But anyway, mysteriously again he did not get expelled, everyone was confused as to why he is still in the school, and the senior's family stayed quiet and not explain why they stopped suing him, a lot of them don't know who did it and why are they trying to save someone so disgusting, but I know who did it.

That's why I always try my best not to get involve with him, and always avoid him, outside and inside the school, even going home, I'm always on a look out, because I might become his next target to harass.

Also, why does he look so calm? He was terrified when we were turned to dust back at school.

"Sorry Hero, but that is personal information, so I cannot tell it to you," said by the maid in front of him.

Maybe, after he saw the maid outside his room he probably calmed down a bit, but to see him more interested in the maid's name is what's bothering me.

As he was walking, he saw me all alone waiting for my other classmates to arrive.

As soon as I noticed he was staring at me, I turned around and face the door.

He got suspicious and started approaching me, as he got closer to me, I started getting anxious, asking myself "What should I do?"

As soon as he got behind me he ask me, "Hey you turn around, so I can see your face."

I don't want to, what are you gonna do if I turned around?

"Oi, I said turn around."

I really don't want to, but he might start to cause trouble though, I know the maid who's with him she can help me.

When I looked around she was gone...

Really?...Where did she go? Did she ran away?!


I guess I have no choice...Damn that maid for leaving me with him.

As I turned around, I finally get to see him up close for the first time.

When I turned around and saw his face, the first thing that came to my mind was, "You...look so ATTRACTIVE?!"

What the hell?! Why is he good looking?!

Not in a gay way, but what the actual f**k, HOW?!

After being jealous of his face, he looked at me very closely, looking up and down, it's like his analyzing what I look like.

After checking me, he went up to my face and said, "...Who are you? Are you one of our classmates?"

...He doesn't know who I am??

It's a relief he doesn't know me, because I always go the other way whenever I see him, so that's probably why he doesn't know me, but still...that hurt.

I'm sure I'm not the only one he's forgotten.

"I know everyone in our class but I don't remember you ever showing up to class once."

So he doesn't even know I existed,,

"That's your problem, I'm always attending my classes, and you need to start paying attention to your other classmates even if they barely attend classes," is what I wanted to say, but I still like life so I'll just keep my words to myself.

As he was asking who I was, two more of my classmates arrived and it was someone more annoying.

"Hey Kuu-kun, who are you talking to?"

Akari Shimizu, the third most popular girl in our class, not only is she cute and popular, her family own most of the companies in all of Japan, and yes, she's rich, she is also the one who saved Kurokawa from getting expelled, how do I know? Because, I heard her say so, when I went out of the restroom, I heard a faint voice, but I heard it it said, "Why did you prevented that guy from getting expelled Akari-chan?"

When I heard that, I peeked through the corner and saw Sato-san and Shimizu-san talking.

"Just because, why do you keep repeating your question?" Shimizu-san replied.

"I'm sorry, I just wanna know the reason why you saved that guy Kurokawa from getting expelled."

I was shocked, from what I just heard.

"I just did it because, I want him to be my toy to play with."

What?! Plaything?!

"You should leave him alone, he might do the same thing he did to that senior," said by the one beside her.

Chiaki Sato, Shimizu-san's childhood friend, they have been friends since elementary school, she was getting bullied in elementary school and Shimizu-san saved her and they started hanging out ever since, so of course she's worried about her.

I tried to poke my head a little bit more, that was a mistake, because as I poked my head out, Shimizu-san saw and yelled out, "Hey! Who's there?"

As I heard that I ran away as fast as possible.

Ever since then, I also avoided those two and try not to get their attention, that's probably why they some of them don't remember me.




Then she ask him who is he talking to, I looked at him, and he's face turned from attractive, to disgusting, his face turned into like a perverted old man, his saliva was dripping all over the floor, almost went on me, all I can think of when I look at his face is, "This guy is a major simp."

Then he answered he question, "*Staring*, Oh, sorry, I was just talking to this guy who's saying that he's our classmate, but it's my first time seeing him."

You can see the hearts in his eyes as he talks.

So he's into gyarus, didn't see that coming.

But I'm sorry bro, she only sees you as her play thing.

After looking at his face and listening, I looked at the two of them, Shimizu-san's face is completely normal, she isn't disgusted, or creeped out, but Sato-san is a different story, her face has the look of disgust and resentment, she hid behind Shimizu-san and being cautious.

Then Shimizu-san said, "Uh Kuu-kun, there's no one there."

When he turned around he just realized that I was gone.

"...Oh haha, I was sure that there was someone there a minute ago," he said.

I left as soon as Shimizu-san started talking to him, it's a surprised she didn't noticed I was gone.

I am now in a corner of the hall way, I just have to wait until my other classmates arrive.

"I swear there was someone there, maybe he went to toilet, that's probably why I didn't noticed."

Wow, what an excuse.

"Well whatever, he's probably an otaku geek just like our classmates, a pathetic loser."

Why did she have to say that? She could've just said geek, I won't even deny it.

As they were talking about our other classmates for 20 minutes straight, I was getting bored of waiting as I'm sitting on the ground.

When I put my head to my knees and closed my eyes for while and fell asleep.




30 minutes later

I hear a voice calling me, I opened my eyes and raised my head, as my vision started becoming clear, I see Natsuki-san staring at me, for about 5 second, and said, "Oh, you're finally awake, hehe," and got startled.

"Oh I'm sorry did I startled you?"

" I'm fine," I responded.

After I said that, I looked around and I see two more of my classmates, it was Syouma-san and Tsukiko-san.

I was surprised to see Tsukiko-san, being with the two of them, but remembered that she is also part of our officers of our class, she is the secretary.

"What are you looking at? Creep," she said to me.

"Tsukiko-san we talked about this," Syouma-san said to her.


"Ok you two stop it, can't you see that Sie-kun is confused," Natsuki san said.

Wait..."You know my name?" I said out loud.

"Huh? Yes, I know you, you're Sie Ryu-kun right? You transferred to our school 2 months ago right? I didn't talk to you because I thought you needed your personal space so I left you alone."

As I was staring at her, I thought, "Who is this angel?"

She remembered my name, unlike those three by the door.

I can see how Syouma-san fell in love with her.

When I was staring a her, I noticed Syouma-san was staring at me with a menacing look, he's probably thinking, "Stop staring at her for too long, creep," hopefully not.

"Has everyone arrived already?" Syouma-san asked me.

I responded, "No, there are only four including me who arrived an hour ago."

The way I responded surprised them because of how casual I talked to them.

"Ok...we're gonna go there now, do you wanna come with us?" Syouma-san asked me.

When I heard that, I was about to agree, but the look of Tsukiko-san's face is giving me second thoughts.

"Ah,,, no thanks I'll wait-"

Natsuki-san grabbed my hand and pulled me and said, "Come with us, we can't just leave you there on the ground, it's better to just join us, don't you think Syouma-kun?" she said to Syouma-san.


Please say no, Kurokawa is still there he'll recognize me...

"Yeah,,, why not?"


I guess I have no choice but to go with them.

As Natsuki-san was pulling my hand, I asked her, "Ah,,, Natsuki-san, can you let go please, I can walk on my own."

"Ah, ok, sorry about that, I was just excited because this is the first time we ever talked ever since you transferred so..," she said.

"There's no need to be excited, we are just talking and you don't have to get excited just because it's our first time talking to each other," is what I want to say, but I can't or I'm gonna get beaten up by the one behind me.

He's staring at me so much,,,

This is why I don't like standing out...

As we were walking some of our classmates are arriving, so we joined them, and it made my anxiety rise.

Then we arrived at the front of the door, after getting dragged over by Natsuki-san, was she always this energetic, when I thought of that, I saw her hand shaking as we approached the she hasn't recovered from what happened yesterday...I get it, no one recovers that fast, she's probably holding her fear and nervousness in, so that her classmates won't worry about her, does Syouma-san know about this?

She noticed that I noticed her shaking and pulled my hand and dragged me all the way at the back all the way until there was a left turn, so our classmates wouldn't notice.

Then she started talking and said, "Please don't say anything to the others, I've been holding it in, but I can't control my shaking, that's why I tried to be more energetic and try to stay positive so that they don't have to worry anymore, I want them to know that everything's okay, because they have a leader to rely on, I haven't told this to Syouma-kun, because I know he'd get worried, and he hasn't noticed yet even though I'm trying to control my shaking in front of him, so please, can you keep this a secret from everybody?"

If this was the old me I would be nervous right now, I'm surprised I'm so calm right now.

All I can say to her is, "Heh, you really are a naive person you know that?"

When I said that, she looked down and was about to cry, but after that I said, "You can't just shoulder all the burden yourself, you have someone to rely on like Syouma-san, Tsukiko-san unfortunately, and all of our classmates support you, why not ask them for advice of something you don't know, I'm sure someone would raise their hand, and tell you what they know about something, point is, never rely on yourself or our classmates and your friend will think that you don't trust them and will eventually betray or backstab you, and you will regret it."

When she heard that, her eyes began to tear up and fell to the ground sobbing.

I reached into my pocket and give her a handkerchief and said, "Take this and wipe your tears or your friends are gonna get worried."

"*Sniff* Thank you, it's first time other than my family has ever said that to me, now that their not here in this world, I'm even more worried, and don't know who to ask for advice, and now there's someone who I can ask for advice on."

,,,Oh no...what have I done?! I STOOD OUT!! DAMN IT!!

"Ah, haha,,, you don't have to do that you can just ask Syouma-san for advice, I'm sure he knows what advice to give you,,,"

"Thank you very much, I feel so much better now...Oh we better get back our classmates might get worried, so I'm gonna go first, you can just catch up ok? See ya!"

As I stood there, dumbfounded, the only words that came out of my mouth was, " have I done?..."

Sie_Ryu Sie_Ryu

Warning: These are all fiction, please don't take what I wrote here seriously, it is all F.I.C.T.I.O.N

Thank you for reading :)

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