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Chapter 14

Next morning I woke up to find that I was unable to move.

Upon looking around I find myself serving as a pillow for the devils and fallen angels.

My both arms seemingly disappeared in the valleys between the mountains of Akeno and Rias.

On my chest laid Koneko, with her head buried in my neck, picking it once in a while.

While in front of me was as* of Mittelt, and the mountains of Kalawarna were serving as my pillows while she wrapped her hands around my neck.

And Raynare slept with her face buried at my crotch.

One important thing was that I was wearing only underwear, while girls except for Koneko who was barely dressed, were naked.

I first thought to get up, but seeing my situation I decided to just bury my head in Mittelt's as*, and in doing so managed to get a moan out of her.

And then I drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later I woke up to a sensation on my neck.

I opened my eyes to see Koneko who was still in her sleep nibbling at my neck.

Instead of waking her up I decided to enjoy the treatment.

After a while she, and saw me eye to eye and said,

"Good morning."

Saying which, she again buried her face at my neck.

"Good morning.

Had a good sleep."


"Good, now any plan to get up? "


"Okay, suit yourself. "

Saying that I started to nibble at her neck as well in response to which she moaned and then looked towards me with flushed cheeks.

Then we moved as if in a trance and then we… kissed.

First it was just mild pecking, which later into a war.

Our movement caused Mittlet to wake up,

And she sat,

On my face,

Which was kissing Koneko,

Resulting both of our kissing faces to be squashed under her bare as*.

That's it, I'm loosing my v-card here.

Thinking which I moved my face a little and started to lick Mittelt.

In response, she squealed, and upon finding Koneko and me below her had a mischievous smile on her face.

Which was followed by her grinding her as* on our faces.

Which annoyed Koneko a lot, and then she shoved her fingers in Mittlet's as*hole, following which she moaned and pushed my head in her crotch and squirted.

This commotion caused everyone to wake up, and then 6 very thirsty girls looked at me.

Ah sh*t here we go again.


It was about 5 pm and we decided to take a break from s*x, yup I am not a virgin anymore.

Anyway since we have to be there to attend the celebration, we will have to leave at about 7 pm from train, and why not by teleportation you ask.

For appearance purpose only.

Anyway, I will talk later, have to get ready.


Now we me, Rias and Sona along with our respective peerage are standing at the platform where train to underworld stood.

I am dressed in golden colored suit, wearing white shirt and white pant with white shoes, with golden accent.

Oh, I am so golden.

My hair combed and slicked back.

Behind me stood Raynare wearing a black dress with golden accent.

Kalawarna in green, and Mittelt in blue.

Beside me stood Rias, wearing a red dress.

A golden necklace adorning her neck and white heels.

Other side of me stood Sona, wearing her spectacles with pale blue full length dress.

Behind them stood their respective peerage.

When we were given signals, we boarded the train.

I followed Rias and Sona but I was stopped.

"This compartment is for only for pure blood.

Servants have to travel in another compartment. "

Hearing which Sona and Rias mood soured.

While I knew it was the doing of those old fools to show that I was equal to a servant here.

"What nonsense it is?

Liam here was invited by my brother and he is a guest and should be treated as such. "

"Sorry Miss Gremory but rules are rules. "

Saying that he gestured for me to enter with a smirk seeing which I took an impassive face and stared at him.

"Hurry, we ha- "

Then I summoned [BOOSTED GEAR] and it started shouting [BOOST] all the while I slowly walked up to him.

" D-don't make me use for-"


"G-go in your compart-"


After which I was standing just in front of him, looking at him while he shivered.

"Higher ups ha-"


Everyone was tense when I released dragon aura, causing him to shiver while looking at his feet.

He stood their without a word.

"Good boy. "

I said as I walked past him and was followed by all the other peerage.

Then we all sat on our seats with my peerage and Rias and hers on together while between Sona and Momo.

Along the ride everyone was talking, except for Sona who was blushing from ear to ear cause I made her sit on my lap to accommodate rest of her peerage

All through the ride, she was being teased by her peerage.

"Please let me go. "

She said meekly in response to which I hugged her tighter.

"Liam, I am not kidding relea- "

But before she could complete her sentence I cupped her face, looked her in the eyes and said,

"If you say one more word I will kiss you. "

"Wha- "

And I kissed her, nothing intense, just pecked her lips.

Which was more than enough to shut her off.

It took her one minute to understand what happened.

But before she could say anything she was interrupted by Tsubaki.

"Aww.. president is so cute."

"She looks like a little girl in love. "

Said Tomoe.

Sona got flustured and shouted,

"HO- "

"You don't learn, do you? "

Saying that I kissed her again.

This happened multiple of times until she learned her lesson.

For the rest of the ride her peerage and I talked while I hugged Sona and squished her cheeks with mine.

Sona just kept quite for the rest of the ride while I sometime nibbled her, causing her to squeal and me to kiss her.

After we reached the underworld, with our surroundings transitioning suddenly.

This was followed by the announcement,

[We have arrived at Underworld.

We will be reaching Gremory estate in 20 minutes]

While I saw out of the window and marvelled at the sight.

Seeing it in anime and real life are two different things.

While I admired it's beauty while kissing Sona from time to time, we reached Gremory estate.

The doors opened and we were received with great joy.

All the while Sona looked as if she wanted the experience during ride again but was ashamed to ask.

"Come see me after party. "

I whispered to which she meekly nodded.

And then we met the whole Gremory family.



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