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Chapter 3- Cursed child

20 years ago in 2025, humanity had faced the greatest obstacle it ever came before, its greatest calamity.

The Apocalypse

Through the Apocalypse, dungeons began to form and monsters broke loose.

Magic Energy or Mana along with World Energy and Divine Power was introduced to the world.

Factions known as guilds started appearing after a while and along with the newfound powers, humanity was able to survive.

And after 15 years, Humanity had rebuilt itself.

Currently, you can see a teenager in a cafe talking to his elder sister.

'Come on Valliet! You need to enroll into the academy!'

'I don't wanna sis.'

'It's 2045, the new batch starts like next month!'

'I don't wanna enroll there.' The boy said while sulking.

'Sigh, you have to alright? I've already enrolled your name there. The entrance exam starts next week.'

'Are you joking right now?'

The sister said nothing but had a big smile on her face.

The woman's name is Julietta Starr, A Saint-rank and the Guildmaster of the guild,'Violet Jay'.

They boy was her sister, Valliet Starr.

In her eyes Valliet was a prodigy.

He could understand and adapt fast to every situation he was in.

But in reality, Valiet was an NPC, a hidden boss of the old game

'Chronicles of Heroes and Villains'

He was a child cursed by Gods and tried to live a quiet life.

But sadly something happened and he had been in the real world for 16 years.

The Gods of the game, had actually turned out to be the ones who bestowed everything upon humanity.

Valliet was a cursed child by the Gods then and now.

Currently the brother and sister duo were arguing about enrolling Valliet to the greatest academy of the entire world.


There were other major academies to but that is a story for later.

After a long arduous argument, it was decided that Valliet would indeed enroll to the academy.

(The current Valliet looks like the one in the cover btw)

'Sis, Whatever fine, when does the entrance exam begin?'

'It begins next week. I'll have to go now. It was nice talking to you. Take Care.'

'Alright Bye.'


After saying that Julietta walked out of the cafe after paying the bills.

As a Saint ranked awakener and a Guildmaster of one of the top 10 leading guilds of the world, Julietta's life was extremely busy.

The fact that she went ahead to met Valliet for such long time was a surprise itself.

Valliet walked out of the cafe and went to his mansion.

They were so rich that, the cafe and other gardens were a part of the mansion.

Heading up to his bedroom after receiving greetings from the servants and knights Valliet entered his bedroom.

He went to his desk and took out his notebok that contained a bit necessary information about Earth.

The notebook contained,

Rankings among humans:

'Lord, Saint, Grandmaster, Master, Expert, Beginner respectively from descending to ascending.

Sorts of Energy:

World Energy, Mana and Divine Power

Number of Gods: 7

Names of Gods: Goddess of Light, Celestia

God of Darkness, Harstrich

God of Fire, Axale

Goddess Of Nature, Havis

God of Wind, Favonius

Goddess of Water, Sylphia

God of War, Denis

(Nobody knows the names of Gods except Valliet)

Number of chosen Heroes: 7

How am I here? no idea.'

After closing the notebook Valliet sighed,

'So I'm supposed to attend the academy with people my age when I hate socializing? Not only that, the headmaster Reinhardt Roshwaltiz is the chosen hero of Light. Only at the mere age of 40.'

Valiet sighs again.

'Tomorrow, is gonna be quite troublesome. Gosh, I hate my life.'

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