Indeed, the boy in front of Mei wasn't June.
His back looked just like June's. Even the way he dressed and carried himself reminded Mei of June.
At a glimpse, some could even say that the guy looked like June, especially the way he had his make-up done.
However, he definitely wasn't June.
June was more handsome—a hundred times better.
Mei didn't say that out loud, though. She would get caught dead before she complimented June out loud.
The guy snapped his fingers in front of Mei's face, causing her to snap back to reality.
Then, he removed his cap, giving Mei a clear vision of his face.
She was no expert in make-up, but she thought it was completely obvious that he was trying out June's make-up style. His contour was done to hide his slightly more prominent chin and bigger forehead.
He was still handsome, but without all the make-up, Mei would reckon that he would a lot less like June.
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