Chul's eyebrows raised in surprise, and at that moment, it felt like he was going to lose his head.
However, knowing that he had a gun, Chul's courage was reinstated.
June took a deep breath, focusing on Chul.
His years as a gangster had taught him how to deal with volatile situations, and now those skills were his beast weapon.
He needed to disarm Chul swiftly and safely, ensuring no one got hurt.
The livestream continued bustling with wild comments, most of them still in disbelief that the nation's current most popular idol was at a crime scene.
Meanwhile, June decided to break out his three-step rule in case bargaining didn't work.
Step 1: Distraction.
June's eyes darted around the room, quickly assessing his surroundings. He noticed a stack of medical trays on a nearby cart. With a swift motion, he kicked the cart, sending the trays to the ground.
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