"Special episode?" June asked, unaware of the fact.
"It was just announced yesterday," Jisung said. "You probably didn't catch it since you were resting really well."
"What's the special episode going to be about, though?" June asked.
"I think they're going to have some sort of field day—like that one we had," Akira answered.
"Oh," June said, remembering those times. He won those unusable phone accessories!
"Let's watch it, I guess," he muttered, curious as to what they were going to show.
Just as Akira said, they were going to have their field day.
June's eyes immediately went to Mei, who appeared to be teamed up with the most talented people in the show.
He shook his head as the camera panned towards their team multiple times.
It was obvious that they were going to have the most screen time and would probably perform last in the next episode.
- Those five are together? That's amazing!
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!