June knew that Lin Zhi wanted him out of the production.
Scratch that—he wanted June's career to be engulfed in flames…and he was willing to do anything to achieve that goal.
Unluckily for him, June was the same.
However, it seemed like Lin Zhi had the upper hand this time around.
While June was in the hallway talking to Minjun and Jay, the directors, Risa and Hanlim, and even the main actors came to discuss how they were going to proceed with the production.
"I don't mind," Hanlim said. "He's handsome and young. I think it's normal that he's dating someone. Wouldn't it be more surprising if he isn't dating anyone with that kind of face?"
"Right, honey?" he asked, nudging Risa's shoulder.
Risa, feeling like a proud mom who was coming to terms with his precious son's relationship, nodded in agreement.
"I feel like it wouldn't affect the production process, too. June's a great actor regardless of this," she said.
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!