The crowd became silent, almost like the world froze. The woman, whose face was covered with a mask, was in June's arms, being cradled in his embrace.
Fortunately, Jay acted quickly and helped the woman up before swiftly leading the boys inside the building.
The bodyguards stayed outside to ensure that none of the fans were going to make it in.
As soon as the group was in the elevator, they heaved collective sighs of relief, leaning against the cold, hard metal.
"I can't believe that just happened," Akira said, placing his hand over his chest. "That was my very first experience getting mobbed! Jaeyong and I didn't even experience this when we were in RAVEN."
"That's because your group was only fairly popular," Jay said, making Jaeyong and Akira shake their heads.
"Anyway," Jay quickly added. "I told you guys—you're very popular right now. Almost like CHAOS-popular."
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!
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