The first round ended with June still not knowing his vocal hard work points. He had pestered Fu continuously in his mind, but the annoying system was insistent on keeping the same format.
"What a menace," June whispered as he went out of the waiting room, still cursing at Fu in his mind.
As he arrived backstage, he saw Sunshine Lady, the winner of the second duet, waiting for him in the seats.
She stood and bowed deeply at Tongman, which surprised June himself.
Sunshine Lady was acting too respectfully toward June when her singing voice appeared older and more mature!
'She's most definitely in her late 20s,' he thought, certain that Sunshine Lady was a singer/actress that he had heard the songs of. Her voice was just so distinct that it was hard not to recognize her.
June believed that even the panel had guessed her identity because her tone was very specific.
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