The eight members of EVE, along with Jay, went back to their dorm, all with indecipherable expressions. They wanted to retaliate when Mr. Ong revealed they were going to represent a cheese ball brand, but Jay quickly got them off before they could.
Jay looked at the absent-minded members and sighed.
"Alright, you can speak now," he said, closing the door behind him.
"Cheese balls? CHEESE BALLS?"
"OCTA gets a soda ad, and we get cheese balls?"
"I love cheese balls. I could eat a thousand of those bad boys in one sitting, but being in a cheese ball commercial is where I draw the line."
"I've never even had a cheese ball!"
The room was filled with complaints, and Jay sighed impatiently as he waited for them to finish.
"Are you guys done now?" he asked after a while.
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!