"All artists are now on stage. Prepare for the countdown in two minutes," the head of the crew said over his mic.
Only four minutes left until the end of 2023, and the crew members were all busy arranging the artists on the stage. Since there were 20 acts that performed tonight, the stage was jam-packed with good-looking and talented people. There was barely any space left since the 42-member girl group that debuted early this year was with them.
The veteran singers stood at the very front in respect for the everything they've done for the entertainment industry. Other artists were then arranged by seniority and popularity.
CHAOS was at the very front, along with FRESHIES. BOYMYSTIC, LUNIX, Mimi, and other popular and older groups were in the second row. Meanwhile, senior groups that have debuted for more than five years were in the third row, feeling quite bitter about their position.
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