June knew he should have opened the door right then and there. However, curiosity got the best of him, and now, he wanted to hear more of their conversation.
There was more or less half an hour left until the end of his side quest, so June was compelled to stay.
"What would Kun even say about the situation? He's afraid of Uno," the second guy said.
"You're looking down on our manager," the first guy scoffed. "Wait until I let him hear about this."
Just then, another person sighed. It didn't take a genius to discover that this was Uno.
"Why'd you even come here when all you'd do is bicker?" he asked.
"It's Ocho's fault!" the first guy exclaimed. "He's always picking on me and shit."
So, the second guy was most probably Ocho.
"Language," Uno said.
The first guy clicked his tongue, and then silence followed. Afterward, the trickling of liquid against the ceramic of the urinals filled the room.
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!
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