June warily walked through the living room. Chul was seated on the couch, holding a bag of peas on his bruising temple, and he subtly glared at June whenever he passed by.
It was already 5:30 AM, and the boys were almost ready. Some of them were already in the car, while June just had to place his shoes on.
He had already prepared his socks the night before, but when he reached inside his shoes, he frowned when he noticed that one of his socks was missing.
June frowned and checked once more. However, his sock was really missing. Jisung stood beside him and had the same dilemma.
"Bro, do you know where my sock went?" he asked.
"I also lost mine," June said.
"Weird, I'm missing a sock too," Zeth said, already putting on his shoes. "But I don't think it's weird since I lose my socks all the time."
"True," Jisung said, putting on a new pair. "Socks disappear for some reason."
I missed Pablo.
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!