What the fuck?
He's in 11th place now?
He looked at the screen, still not believing the jump in his rank. Moreover, he got over 2 million votes this time. The trainee before him only had around 1.8 million, so it was quite a big gap.
- Almost at the top 10, baby!
- Holy shit. How popular is this kid?
- From 30th place to 11th. Only June can pull it off.
Jia and Bora screamed when June's name was finally called. They knew he had risen in the ranks, especially after Jia posted that video to Hwan's fan page, but they didn't expect this big of a jump!
He's already near the 10th place, which would start the debut ranks.
Grandma, who always went past her bedtime on Fridays, screamed a bit too loudly that it startled Minjun awake.
"His name's called now?" Minjun said, still a bit sleepy.
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!
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