Jihyun's eyes remained fixed on June as he walked to the front, her thoughts drifting momentarily. As he got closer, his appearance seemed to be getting better. "He's really handsome," she mused silently to herself, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.
As June approached the wall to make his selection, Jihyun's curiosity got the best of her. "Do you have a position in mind?" she asked, her voice soft as she leaned closer to him.
June's cold gaze met Jihyun's, and he nodded. "Yes," he briefly replied.
Minho chuckled. "Is that all?"
June nodded.
"Mind telling the other trainees what it is?" Jihyun asked.
June silently shook his head. He wanted to pick peacefully.
"Oh," Jihyun disappointedly said. She secretly hoped that he'd pick something that had to do with vocals so she could mentor him.
As their conversation ended, June walked towards the wide entrance.
He had already made up his mind.
What song do you guys like?
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!