[Mission: Sign an autograph.]
June smirked. That would be easy.
He could just give Jangmoon or C-Jay his autograph, and that'll be it.
1. The host cannot ask to give an autograph.
2. The host must not coax the person to ask him to give an autograph.
3. Everything must be unprecedented. No planning involved.
4. No autographs for people you prior know.]
'What? Why are there so many restrictions?'
[Good luck, host! Standard missions will only reset once the bonus mission is over. Deadline for bonus round: 2 days. Failure to accomplish entails regression of all skills.]
All skills?
June sat up from his bed, startling Jaeyong, who was the only one awake at that time. Jaeyong had a green face mask on, so June exclaimed in shock as soon as their eyes met.
"What the fuck?" June cursed.
"Shh," Jaeyong said. "You'll wake the others up. We have a long day tomorrow."
69th chapter: XX Battle
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!