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Ryan's Visit to the Precinct.

Ryan looked at his mother and asked "So can I go now?"

Seeing that the kid was very excited to meet his father, Mrs. Smith agreed to his request. And said, "Okay, wait a few minutes. Let me prepare the Lunchbox, and then you can take it to your father."

Ryan quickly ran up to his bedroom. And packed the laptop in its backpack and took his skateboard. As he came down, he saw his mother coming out of the kitchen with the lunchbox

After waiting for a few minutes, Ryan put the hot lunch box in his bag and left the house. He also tried calling Jared a few times But to no avail. As he was getting towards the police precinct, many thoughts began running in Ryan's head. He was fearful that he and Jared would get caught.

With the help of his skateboard, it didn't take Ryan even 15 minutes to reach Mathew's precinct. To his surprise, the number of cops were way more than he had ever seen.

'What the hell happened? Why are there so many cops here and why do they all look so serious? Did something big happen?' Ryan wondered. After a few seconds, he started to wonder if this was because of what he had done. This made him even more scared.

'Holy crap…should I have not done this?' Ryan thought as he wiped the sweat off his forehead and forced a smile on his face. He entered the precinct with his skateboard in hand. Some of the officers who already knew he was Detective Mathew's son smiled at him as well.

'What are these people going to do with me when they find out I did this?' Ryan thought. He went to the front desk and asked "Where is my father?"

The police officer on the front desk who already had a phone pressed between her ear and shoulder pointed in the direction of a cabin and said "Detective Mathew is in the captain's cabin."

Ryan nodded and headed for the cabin. On the way to the cabin, he saw that all the cops were working on something and the words fire and intruders came up many times. This was a little relief for Ryan as it didn't seem like it was anything related to his school or his professor.

As he reached outside the cabin, he saw his father with his partner Elise and another guy talking about something. The other guy seemed to be an African American in his thirties.

'Who is this guy? I don't remember seeing him anytime with Dad.' Ryan thought as he knocked on the door.

The three inside the cabin looked towards the door and Mathew immediately came at the door and opened it.

"Ryan? I didn't expect you to come here today?" Mathew said as signaled Ryan to come in. As Ryan walked in Elise smiled at him and waved her hand to which Ryan also smiled back.

"I was feeling bored at home so I asked her to let me come instead."

"That's nice of you…I thought you might be roaming around with your friends or on your computer the whole day." Mathew said with a smile on his face. The serious expression that he had before Ryan came was nowhere to be seen.

Mathew then pointed at the other man and said "This is Sergent Brett Mahoney from a different precinct. He is a friend of the Captain."

Brett also stepped forward and extended his hand towards Ryan which Ryan shook and with a smile and said "Hi Sir, I am Ryan."

With a smile on his face, Brett said "Hi Ryan…Its nice you meet you." He then looked at Mathew and said "You have a wonderful boy Mathew. It's hard to see such well-behaved kids nowadays."

Mathew chuckled as he heard that and said "Don't be fooled by his appearance and smile Sergent Mahoney. He is such a prankster when his friends are around."

Ryan gave a side eye to his father and decided to change the topic as he asked "Dad, did something happen? Why are there so many cops over here? And I haven't even seen some of them before."

The smile on the three adult faces diminished as they heard that. Mathew looked at the entire precinct floor which was now in chaos and said "Ryan there was an attack on one of the other precincts and also a few murders in another part of the city. The attack on the precinct led to a big fire and a few people were injured. These cops are from that precinct. This entire day has been hectic from the start."

Sergeant Mahoney tapped on Mathew's shoulder and said "Mathew we are the NYPD…we are the best police force in the world and we have overcome all the challenges we have faced so far and will overcome this too. That is our spirit."

"Sergent Mahoney is right Mathew…we can handle something like this. Even though there was an attack, none of the cops here are scared or panicked…in fact they are more focused."

Ryan gave a sigh of relief as he heard all this. Although he was a little worried for his father's wellbeing amid all of this, he was now certain that his stunt at school hadn't reached his father's ears yet which meant that the matter didn't boil up much.

"Dad…I'll leave you to your work then. Have your lunch before it gets cold…bye" Ryan said his goodbye to his father and the other two and left the cabin.

'Thank god…everything is fine here. But why is this idiot Jared not picking up my phone.' Ryan cursed as he left the precinct.

Mathew was about to close the cabin door when a police officer holding a big white envelope in his hand stopped him and said "Detective Mathew…this envelope has the photos of the crime this you visited this morning. They said you wanted it urgently."

"Oh yes…finally they are here. I think it's related to a few other crimes as well." Mathew said as he took the envelope and closed the door.

"What is that Detective Smith?" Sergeant Mahoney asked as he saw Mathew open the envelope and pull out a few A4-sized photos.

"These are the photos from the crime scene we talked about. You see most of these are Asian people with black suits. We also have a case where 2 people who like their accomplices were found dead in a car crash." Mathew said.

"Hmm…so were you chasing them or something? or did they die due to reckless driving?" Sergent Mahoney asked to which Elise shook her head and said "At first we thought they were drunk driving but during autopsy, we found out that they had drowned."

Sergent Mahone lifted his eyebrows as he heard "What? What do you mean by drowned? In the middle of the road on a hot summer day?" to which the two detectives nodded.

"That is bizarre."

As Sergent Mahoney was thinking as to how two people can drown in the middle of a road, he noticed that Mathew and Elise were looking at each other as if they wanted to say something.

"What is it? You two look like you want to say something. Come on…spill it." Sergent Mahoney insisted.

"Uh…Sergent Mahoney the attack and the fire in the precinct were done to steal the bodies of the two drowned Asians. The intruders also burned down the files…it is going to take a lot of time to retrieve the lost data so for now we have nothing." Elise said hesitantly.

"So they did all this just to get two bodies back? They really don't want us to find out how they died. Where has that investigation got us? Do we know who were the intruders?"

Mathew waited for a few seconds and answered "Captain said that when they were bringing in the injured junior doctor, he said that ninjas did it."

Mahoney didn't say anything and just stared at Mathew. He then turned to Elise and stared a few more seconds. He then turned back towards Mathew and said "Ninjas? For real? You are talking about ninjas in the middle of New York City in the 21st Century."

"Uh..Yeah..I mean that's what the doctor told Cap and he told us."

"I do understand that it is impossible Sergent Mahoney…which is why we are trying to find if we can get leads from these warehouse murders." Mathew said.

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