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56.41% Into the omniverse with a beast tamer system / Chapter 22: Looting a dragon

Chapter 22: Looting a dragon

(POV Cyrus)

<Checkmate bitch!>

Darius froze with a stunned expression before he grinned "I accept! So shall I start right away boss?" He said in a sarcastic but happy tone.

"Lyra send the contract please!" I say in an excited tone.

<Done and dusted!>

A golden panel then appeared next to Darius and without any hesitation, Darius accepted the contract.

"Wait… Oh shit! Cover your ears!" I say as I block my ears with hast.

"Wha- SHIT!" He mimicked my action.

<Both Parties Sentry Darius Greenwood and Sentry Cyrus Ryker have accepted the terms and conditions of contract number 39653 if the contract is to be broken both parties will be taken to the court of the contract operator Hydress Grim.> The booming voice said in an emotionless tone.



I grinned happily as I pulled my hands away from my unaffected ears.

"*Sigh* Thanks for the heads up, they should really lower the volume on that thing." He thanked me.

"No problem but can you cover the costs for the passport yourself I'll pay you back later once I get the SP." I ask him in an awkward tone.

"Sure and if what you are saying is true we will make that Sp in no time. Anything you need before I come over to your dimension?" He asks me as he picks up a notepad and pen.

"Yes, actually I need some tools to extract plant matter, A lot of mining equipment I'm talking about drills, hammers, pickaxes, and …." I then went on to list the equipment and necessities we would need.

"And that's about it."

Darius looked at me with a twitching eye as he lifted three notepads "Is all of this necessary I mean, seriously almost twenty of the things you said are cleaning products!"

"I know that this seems like I'm over preparing but all of this is needed for our survival and is necessary for us to harvest materials. And the cleaning and medical products are for us not to get sick, we're in a primitive world so imagine the number of unknown viruses and bacteria. Besides we're going into the rotten vile soon we should be prepared." I explain.

"Fine you make a good point but it will take at least an hour for me to buy all this stuff let alone find them so just prepare for my arrival. By the way, Lyra what is the dimension number of where you guys are?" Darius asked.

<92745> Lyra responded instantly.

"Well, I'll see you soon Cyrus!" He said as he cut the call.

"I should feed the two now they are probably hungry." I said as I walked to the tent.




An unspecified amount of time later…




(POV Cyrus)

I stared off into the lake with my pet rock slumbering on a mat next to me and my pet slime snoozing on top of his head.

I smiled as I played around with my ice magic creating a miniature cloud on my hand making it rain tiny snowflakes onto the metal claw of my armor.

I tried touching the fluffy cloud only for it to pop like a balloon.

<This is entertaining you are like a child playing with his toys.> Lyra teased me with amusement.

"So what it's a way to pass the time and it's also a fun way to train." I say with indifference.

<Hmm I guess it does seem like- oh Darius is ready he's about to open a portal here!> She said in an excited tone.

"Finally took him long enough!" I say with irritation and excitement.

Suddenly there was a small burst of white light behind me.

"Dude what took you so long-." I look back and narrowly dodge a tail whipped at me.


A gurgling roar bellowed as another flash followed.

I closed my blinded eyes and took a defensive position.

<Kyu!> I hear Noir shout.

I then heard the creature roar once more then a loud thud.

I opened my eyes and saw a blue raptor like creature on the floor with Noir who threw punch after punch on top of it.


I grinned as I joined in on the fight mercilessly kicking and stomping the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku in the face and throat.


Another flash of light engulfed my eyes.

"Bitch try blinding us again and see what happens!" I say as I start straggling the thing Homer Simpson style.

"Ahem… Am I interrupting something?" I hear Darius's voice.

"Eh…" I say as I look back and see Darius staring at us awkwardly as a purple portal closes behind him.


"Uh no not really! Just give me a second!" I say as I put the 7-foot creature in a chokehold.

^Kyu?^ Noir said as he approached Darius curiously.

"Why hello little guy!" Darius said cheerfully as if I wasn't manhandling a monster as he crouched down to pet Noir.

And surprisingly Noir allowed him to pet his head as he purred in delight like a cat.

I smiled a little at the sight of Noir being pet before the resilient bastard smacked me with his tail.

<-5 HP>

"Bitch stay down!" I say as my attention returns to the creature.

I then grabbed the creature by the tail and started swinging it around before I rammed it into the ground like a hammer.


As the creature lay on the ground stunned I kicked it in the face before backing up a few steps.

Then I ran forward and jumped before I came crashing down on the beast with an elbow drop.


The creature failed around for a few seconds before it bit me on the leg.

<-3HP -7SPD>

"AAAAAhhhh! Son of a bit-!" I screamed as I pried its clamped jaw off my leg with both my hands.




I then shut its jaw with my hand and smashed its head onto the rocky floor repeatedly even ripping off one of its frills at one point.

I then stood up with slight difficulty as the creature stayed motionless on the ground unconscious.

"Lyra give me a health potion and store the body please." I say as throw the frill on its head and kick it on the ribs one last time.

<-2HP -4SPE>

(Shit wrong leg!) I thought as I made it bleed out even more

<Here you go Cyrus.>

A panel opened up dropping a potion vial on my hand before it sped towards the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku storing it away.

I popped the cork off and took a swing I heard a sudden clapping.

I looked to my side and saw Darius and Noir sitting on the floor clapping as if they had just seen an opera performance as Dwayne slept unbothered on his back.

(How heavy of a sleeper is this rock!) I looked at the snoring Dwayne with irritation.

<*Whistle* Well damn don't you brawl brutal!> I hear Nexus exclaim.

"Cyrus for a newbie you fight well." I hear Darius comment as he played with mimikyu as if it were a cat.

"Yeah well, war teaches that to you…" I comment as I open an inventory panel.

I then brought out some fruit and threw one at Darius "Head up! Here's a welcoming gift!".

Darius effortlessly caught the fruit without batting an eye.

"Eat the fruit it's unlike anything from earth." I recommend.

"Sure." He says as he bit into the mango shaped fruit.

"Hmm, this tastes great! You planning on selling this thing?" He complimented as he took another bite.

"Yeah, it has great long-term healing properties like increased HP and STA so I plan to sell it for 25 Sp per fruit." I told him my plan.

"Seems fair… You got some more I hungry?" He asked in an embarrassed tone.

"Yeah but I think it's best I keep my part of the deal first, I am going to take you to the elder dragon's corpse." I seriously told him.

"Hell yeah!" He excitedly said as he got up.

"Noir guard the camp with Dwayne while we're gone!" I said as I walked towards the leviathan's nest.

"Darrius when we reach the corpse don't use your necromancy on it immediately." I ordered him.

"Thought so… we're probably going to loot its body first right, Don't worry I discussed it with Nexus he told me that I'll just need about 35% of the body if the things powerful enough." He explained.

"Good cause we will make millions off of this thing."

"Which elder dragon is it anyway?" He asked me curiously.

"Namielle…" I answer monotonously.




(POV Cyrus)

"We're here!" I say as I spot a familiar crevice.

"Finally!" Darius shouted with irritation.

We walked in and were greeted by the graveyard of the battlefield.

"You plan on looting the hunters as well?" He asked me curiously.

"I'll take the armor for Noir everything else shall be buried with them in a proper grave." I say as I make my way to the Namielle.

"You brought the incubators I asked right?" I say with seriousness.

"Yeah still don't know why you need them." He passed me three futuristic cylinders filled with a strange liquid.


"You'll see in a few minutes…" I say as I store it in the inventory and start climbing the creatures back.

"Till then I want you to remove the armor from the hunters!" I say as I jump off the beast and into the pond.

I landed creating a large splash that echoed through the Nameille's lair.

"Cyrus you okay?!" I hear him shout with worry.

"Don't worry just focus on looting!" I shouted as I made my way to the clutch of eggs.

"Lyra scan them for abnormalities please…" I say as I gently pick up one of the football sized and shaped eggs.

{Not the American kind the European kind the one where you kick a white and black ball.}

<Nothing's wrong with all three of the eggs in fact they'll hatch in a week or so!> Lyra excitedly said.

I smiled as I imagined the three powerhouses I would have when they hatched.

"Hmm, what do Namielle eat? I want to prepare for when they hatch." I curiously ask as I gently place them inside separate incubators.

<Usually they eat meat but they can eat plant matter every now and then.> She answered instantly.

"I see well can I place them in the inventory it's going to be a hassle to climb while carrying them." I say as I make my way to the beast with the incubators.

<You can but you have to take them out after 15 minutes otherwise they'll die.> She sternly said.

"Remind me when to take them out…" I nervously say as I gently place the incubators in the inventory.

<Sure> I hear her say as I climb the beast.

I reached the top and saw all armor and weapons that were not damaged stacked in a pile and Darius sitting on a rock interacting with panels of all sizes floating around him.


I jumped off the creature and slipped on the slimy ground as I landed.

"Shit…" I say as get up feeling the entire back of the armor covered in slime.

"You okay, you seem to be in a sticky situation?" I hear Darius snicker.

"Oh fuck you lot too!" I shouted as all three of them laughed.

"Anyway, what's up with all of the panels?" I say as I try getting the slime off me.

"I'm setting up an auction." I hear him cheerfully say.

"I see well good luck with-… Did you just say you are setting up an auction?" I look at the lad with disbelief.

"Yeah while we were walking I scanned the ores around us and let me tell you just some of those could catch us a thousand Sp for a single kilogram. So I'm setting up an auction under your name for all materials from the caves, elder dragon, and even the monsters." Darrius said with enthusiasm.

"I… I see well then when and where is it held?" I say in a slightly overwhelmed tone.

"It will be held in five days, just enough time to mine materials and hunt monsters! As for where it will be held it's… hard to explain you'll see when it's time." He said with excitement.

(You haven't changed one bit even in this life you're this helpful and cheerful fella.) I thought as a nostalgic smile formed on my face.

"Well thanks for that for now let's just loot the elder dragon! Lyra scan the Namielle!" I say with excitement.


Monster Corpse

Species- Namielle

State before death- Weakened from the birthing process

Current state- Dead

Affinities- Water- SSS, Electric- S

HP: 0/29058

STR: 0/450

DEF: 0/7500

SPE: 0/250

STA: 0/4000

INT: 0/260

MANA: 0/14500

M-DEF: 0/7850

M-ATK: 0/5650

Skills: Para-jaw-12, Thunderous wave- 19.4, Slime slide- 10, Fury- 17, Hydro cannon, Last stand- 10, Slime burst-17, Electro slime armor- 18, Tidal burst-20, Thunder blaster- 12, Rapid fire-15, Jaw lock-23, Flash- 30, Rain of pain- 23, Lightning immunity-20, Hurricane-8, Water blaster-19

Normal Namielle corpse market rate- 2045000 Sp

Normal Namielle market rate- 68000000 Sp

Current Namielle corpse market rate- 24575000 Sp

Namielle Soul piece available! Do you wish to store the soul piece of the Namielle or use it now?


"HOLY SHIT WE'RE RICH!" I say with my arms in the air.

"The hell are you- HAHAHA YOUR RIGHT HAHAHA!" I shoved the status panel to his face for him to see.

<I understand you guys are happy but did you not see what the status panel says a soul piece is available!> Lyra exclaimed.

<She's right you guys have to decide who's going to use it…> Nexus Seriously said.

"The hell is a soul piece?" I say in a confused tone.

"Yeah, what is it?"

<Both of you should have noticed in your stats that there is a button that says transformation. Well, that's what a soul piece does it grants the person who uses it the ability to partially or completely transform at command into whatever creature the soul piece belongs to.> I hear Nexus state with the utmost seriousness.

<Don't forget it also grants the user a huge stat boost and all the skills and memories the creatures have to the user.> Lyra added on.

Our eyes gapped at the prospect.

I hear Darius chuckle a bit "Hahaha while I'd like the idea of transforming into a giant sea dragon it won't go well with my fighting style so I go to refuse and Cyrus I suggest you do the same.".

"And why is that?" I ask him curiously.

"This is much more suited for a long distance fighter like a mage. I know you and I have seen how you fight in this life and the one before. You're a jack of all trades Cyrus if you accept this thing you will become a mage and that will hinder your potential as a jack of all trades. This is just a suggestion you do what you think is best for you." He seriously said.

I stayed in silence for a solid minute before I spoke.

"*Sigh* I'll trust you on this one not because you're a brother to me but because you have more experience in this profession than I do. Lyra please store it away." I reluctantly said.

"Thank you for listening to me…" Darius said in a relieved tone.

"Yeah, whatever let's just get this over with!" I say with slight irritation.




Two hours later…




I sat down with the incubators in my arms as I watched Darius circling the carved water dragon.

"With this you are reborn…" I hear him say as the corpse glowed an ominous purple.


A sudden roar irrupted from the light as the body started regenerating and changed color.

Seconds later a creature straight out of Sung-Jinwoo's army stood in place of the Namielle and in a flash of light it disappeared.

"I guess the process is over?" I ask him as I get up.

"Yeah still can't believe it had eggs…" He said as he stared at the incubators.

"Yeah with these three it's guaranteed that I'll be strong as hell in the future!" I say excitedly as we walk back to the camp.




We reached the camp and spotted several monsters sprawled around the camp with Noir and Dwayne chatting in the middle of it all munching on fruits.

(The hell happened here?!) Both of us thought as we rushed towards the two.

"Oi you two okay!" I say with worry as I put the eggs in the inventory and examine the two.

I looked at the two and saw that Dwayne had a new set of rocky scales and Noir looked extremely tired.

"That's a lot of Girros…" Darius muttered.

<Just what happened here…> Lyra said surprised.

<For babies these guys are strong!> Nexus complimented.

"This thing… I've never seen monsters like this from the games…" I see him crouch down in front of an unknown monster.

{Yes there will be a few fan-made monsters in this book.}




To be continued next time

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