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25% Your Wife Is Mine Now / Chapter 3: Chapter three

Chapter 3: Chapter three

London, England

It was 6:00 am when Gio, Nyla, and Emilio arrived at the U-shaped two-story home with large windows. A light beamed from upstairs as Gio entered a code to open the door. The place was inviting. Club music blared from the top floor, "Is that Gio!" they heard.

They saw a man, fair in complexion, eyes a soft green, hair cut into a nice Mohawk. He had a patch of hair on his chin and a mustache, "Brother, welcome back," he said as his arms wrapped around Gio and then Emilio, "I see you brought this fucker back with you," he joked.

"I'm not as much of a fucker as you are, Nigel," Emilio snapped back.

Nyla's eyes widened.

"Fellas, watch your mouths around my lady. This is mi, bella."

Nigel took her hand and kissed the top, "Is this the beautiful singer you've been raving about?"

She blushed, "Hi, nice to meet you."

"Can you really sing?" Nigel asked.

"She has the voice of 1000 angels," replied Gio.

"One thousand?" she questioned.

"She's modest," said Nigel, "I love her already but my beautiful girl, around here you'll have to embrace your cocky."

"Cocky is something my dear brother knows something about," joked Gio. Nigel was a club owner and had his own record label signing on newBella talent from various corners of the world.

He made damn good money and wasn't afraid to flaunt any of it. He and Gio had met in college where Nigel started dating Miriam but her parents preferred that she marry Gio instead because at the time Nigel didn't have money like the rest of them. He was in school on a scholarship and was the son of a single mother. His father was from the United States. A Black American that was killed one night during an armed robbery.

Miriam's parents didn't think Nigel's dreams of becoming a record producer were going to pan out. They wanted their daughter with someone solid ... a sure thing.

Nyla smiled and nodded. She aimed to embrace a bit of the cocky, "Then yes. I can sing my ass off. Ever since I was a child." She took a deep breath and did a run and crooned out Whitney Houston's, I Wanna Run To You...

The three men stood in amazement as she sang. "I wanna run to yooooouuu oooohooooo..."

After she finished the verse, they gave a thunderous clap, "Wow man, yes, fuck yes!!!" said Nigel.

"Very beautiful Ms. Nyla," added Emilio, "I'm going to head to my room to sleep, I hope you enjoy your stay."

Gio kissed her head, "I told you my girl has some serious pipes."

"I agree," he looked around, "I know you're tired. Make yourself at home Nyla. I have a recording studio across town, I'd love to record you in my studio before you head back to the United States."

Nyla nearly floated and burst into the air like confetti. "Yes, yes, yes. I'd love that."

"All right then, we'll chat more later. I'm sure you two are ready to sleep unless—"


"Very well, then, maybe we'll circle back to it before you two leave." He said before heading up the wooden staircase.

Nyla looked at Gio, "What was that about?"

Gio grinned, "Nigel and I are good friends. He's my wife's lover."

"Wait, what?!"

"My wife and I are married on paper. Nigel is her lover among several others" he said nonchalantly.

"How do y'all do that?"

Gio shrugged, "It's a money and power thing. But my beautiful queen, you are my primary focus."

"Me? Why me?"

"I can't think of a better person. I promise you will love being my girl."

A huge smile emerged on her face, "I already love it."

He touched her nose, "Let's go to bed then."

It was noon. Nigel was on the patio having tea as he stared into the screen of his laptop at the angelic face of a four-year-old girl with big blue eyes, and sandy blonde air in big curls, she spoke, "When will you come daddy?"

"Princess, daddy promises he'll be there on Saturday for your dance recital."

She smiled. An older woman with cream-colored skin and green eyes appeared, "It's time for lunch, Amy, tell papa goodbye."

"I love you, papa," her sweet voice sounded before she ran off.

The woman smiled, "Will she be coming as well?" his mother asked.

Nigel shrugged, "I'll ask her when she arrives later today."

She nodded, "Very well then, I love you, son. Take care."

"Love you too, mums."

Nigel sipped from his cup and sighed. He hated being away from his daughter but he and the mother agreed it was best that Amy lived with Nigel's mother. Her life offered more stability than theirs.

He only wished that his lover took more of an interest in mothering. His cell phone sounded with a message, "I love you. I'll see you in a couple of hours, M."

A smile did emerge on his face. It had been months since her last visit to London and he missed their crazy sexcapades. He loved that Miriam was a free spirit. He knew that her heart belonged to him. Plus it did allow him the chance to be with other women. But at the moment, no one interested him.

Most of the women at the club were either high-functioning drug addicts or alcoholics, some were only looking for a come-up and others just were too boring to keep his attention. He replied to Miriam, "I can't wait to see you, my love."

The king-sized bed faced the large window that traveled floor to ceiling. Gio had been up for an hour sketching a picture of Nyla as she lay sleeping. He was in awe of her curves. His cell phone sounded. He was a text message from a strange number, "When the fuck are you bringing my wife home?"

Gio chuckled to himself as he left the bed. His dick bobbed with each step he made as he walked to the bathroom. He responded, "Your wife is in good hands. I'll bring her back when she's ready to return."

"Stop fucking playing with me, dude. I know my wife only fucked you to save me. She loves me. Now, this shit is done."

"Your wife enjoyed fucking me very much. I can send you proof if you like?"

"Man fuck you!!!!"

Gio chuckled before setting the phone down on the counter. His hand gripped his bed snake. The urine trickled down into the bowl. The toilet flushed. He washed his hands and looked down and saw a bunch of angry messages from Jake demanding the return of his wife.

Gio took a ten-second clip of a video that was recorded of him and Nyla on the airplane as he fucked her from behind right as she was climaxing and calling out his name. "I told you that my name would sound sweet rolling off your wife's tongue, what do you think?"

It showed the message was read and then there was no response. Gio shrugged and added, "I'm headed to fill your wife's pussy with more of my cum. You think she'll end up having my baby?"

Jake replied, "Fuck you! I got something for you when you get back to Tampa."

Gio grinned and blocked his number. He left the phone on the counter and walked back into the room where he spotted Nyla looking at the picture, "This is me."

He smiled, "Do you like it?"

"I love it," she said as she studied the sketch, "you are so talented."

He reached for the picture and placed it on the nightstand next to the pencils he used. She watched as he eased next to her, "I plan to show you off around town but first," he said as he got between her legs and pressed his way inside.

She bit her bottom lip and grabbed his ass. He smiled, she does love fucking me, he thought as he witnessed the passion in her eyes. How her body responded to his. How she matched his cadence. Her pussy hugged his dick tightly. Her sweet moans filled the room.

They were so lost in passion that they didn't witness Nigel standing by the opened door watching, "Mate, I know you're busy," Nigel said as he enjoyed the show.

Gio looked over his shoulder, "What is it, bro?"

"Bring Nyla by the studio. I have two hours open today."

Gio nodded.

Nigel stood watching for a few extra moments. His eyes connected with Nyla. He smiled and then left. Nyla chuckled, "Oh my goodness, I've never done anything like this before."

"Are you okay?"

She nodded, it felt oddly comfortable to her, "If you trust them. I trust them."

He continued to stroke her nice and slow. As soon as he felt that gush, he went deeper. His mouth covered her nipples. She loved how his hands caressed her. She hadn't felt desired and wanted in a long time.

Their mouths touched. Their tongues danced and wrestled. He quickened his pace. He drilled until he emptied. He rested on her kissing her mouth as the haze of the orgasm faded.

She touched his handsome face, "I should feel bad?"

He shook his head slowly, "No."

She smiled as his lips pressed onto hers. "Let's get showered. We have a busy day ahead of us."

The trunk of the car opened. Gio took the myriad of shopping bags and placed them in the trunk. Still, in awe from all that had transpired, Nyla touched the strands of hair on his face, "You didn't have to buy me all of this stuff."

He gave a little grin, "I wanted to." He kissed her mouth, "we have to get going if we're going to make your appointment on time."

"I'm so nervous," she admitted.

He walked with her to the passenger side and opened the door, "You'll do fine," he reassured her before closing her door. As he walked to the driver's side, he received a message from his wife, Miriam, "I'll see you at the studio. I'm here with Nigel and Erick."

Gio replied, "See you soon," and slid into the car before peeling off.

On the outside, it looked like an abandoned apartment building but as Gio and Nyla entered, they saw something quite different. An older gentleman sitting at a desk watching the monitors, "Good Day," he said to them as they passed by the desk.

Gio smiled, "How's that wife and kid of yours George?"

"Doing great, sir, thanks for asking." He watched as they entered the elevator. The car doors closed and up they went.

He was a pretty man. His features were so exquisite from his shapely nose to his almond-shaped eyes and eyelashes that most women paid for. He was well-groomed. His jet-black wavy hair was cut low and tapered on the sides.

His soft green eyes looked at Nigel and Miriam as he sat at his desk, "If she's as good as you say she is, I have a few songs I'd like to have her demo."

Nigel's face lit up, "The woman has some serious pipes. This could be big for us. We need a star."

"She's an American, right?"

Nigel nodded, "I'm sure Gio can convince her to stay. We ... can convince her to stay."

Miriam smiled, "I think she'll love it here. I'd love to have her help me keep you guys in line."

Nigel touched her nose, "You just want her here so you can play more often."

She chuckled, "You know me too well."

A smile emerged on Erick's pretty face, "Well, look who has just stepped into the building." He stood to his feet, "has it been forever?" he asked jokingly to his old pal Giovanni.

Gio smiled, "I was just here two months ago."

"Is this our new superstar?" he asked as he kissed her cheeks.

Nyla smiled brightly, "Well—" she suddenly remembered what Nigel told her, "Yes. I could very well be."

Gio rubbed her back, "Nyla, this is Erick."

He nodded, "Erick to most, The Amazing Ericka Queen of Slay to my screaming fans, and Ericka to my greatest love. But for you, my dear, I'll be whomever you like."

"That's sweet."

"Erick is one of the best songwriters and he's one of the highest-paid drag queens in town."

"Impressive," said Nyla.

"Some think so," he joked.

Gio continued with the introductions, "You've met Nigel already and this beauty here," he said as he kissed her cheek, "is my wife Miriam."

Miriam kissed her cheeks, "Pleased to meet you dear. I trust Gio has been showing you a good time."

"Yes," she replied awkwardly.

Miriam could sense Nyla's discomfort, Miriam reached for her hand, "No need to feel embarrassed or awkward. I'm sure Gio told you that we are married on paper only. This man right here," she said as she touched Nigel's face, "Is my first real love."

"Yes. Real love." He said as his eyebrow lifted. "Well, shall we Nyla dear?"


Erick handed her a piece of paper with the lyrics to a song he had written, "This song is called Bitch Vibes."

She smiled as she looked at the words on the paper, "Too many nights I lay waiting for you. Tired of this shit, boy, I want something new. Keep testing my patience and playing these games ... you gone run up in this bitch and find me calling out another man's name. ha, the look on your face as I'm taking his steel, tell me now, how does it make you feel? Mad, vexed, upset? Well, I don't give a shit ... two can play this game, ain't life a bitch..."

It stirred up something inside of her as she read the words. Erick crooned out the melody of the song. Nyla closed her eyes. It was as if everything she read on the paper was engraved in her mind. She saw the lyrics. Those lyrics were her life.

As she sang, the group stood by amazed. When her eyes opened, Erick's jaw was on the floor, "Let's get this girl into the booth."

As Erick got Nyla situated in the booth, Nigel, Gio, and Miriam stood by talking. Miriam smiled, "She has one hell of a voice."

Gio nodded, "She does." He turned to look at her, "So, I take it things fell apart with you and her husband?"

She looked at Nigel, "I figured they would eventually. Poor little sap."

Nigel nodded, "You're my lady. Maybe now, you can stay put for a while and we can go see our daughter on Saturday. She has a dance recital you know."

She hesitated for a moment. Some women took to motherhood but Miriam loved being a free spirit. She nodded uneasily, "Sounds like fun, I'm off to the loo."

They watched as she walked off. Gio chuckled, "I told you."

Nigel shook his head, "I know. I know."

Miriam was one of the hottest women on campus whom everyone wanted. The night Nigel met her at a party, Gio told him that Miriam was out of his league. He knew a few guys that she had been with. They all had money. And as much of a great guy Nigel was, Gio knew her parents would never approve of them being together.

After an hour in the booth, Erick went inside and did a few adlibs with Nyla. It was magical how they vibed musically. After the session was done, he and Nigel did some final touches and they all stood and listened to the final product.

It had a nice flow, the sound was crisp, and her voice was amazing. She couldn't believe one of her wildest dreams was unfolding in front of her eyes. They clapped as the song finished. Miriam smiled, "I think we have a star on our hands."

Nyla blushed, "Thank you."

Nigel nodded, "I'll get a buddy of mine to play it on the station. Maybe we can get a video done before you leave."

Nyla turned to Gio. He witnessed the sparkle in her eyes. He smiled, "Congrats mi bella."

"Miriam is right, a celebration is needed. Tonight, at the club. I have a show," Erick announced with joy.

"I can't wait to see you perform," said Nyla as she beamed with joy.

Miriam was in the bedroom with Nyla who wore a leopard and chain print off-the-shoulder flounce dress with long sleeves. She wore gold stilettos; her hair was fluffed out in curls. Miriam studied her body and smiled, "You're very beautiful, you know."

Nyla blushed, "You're not just saying that?"

Miriam moved closer to her, "Of course not." She moved a few curls on her head back. She realized that Jake had lied about Nyla. Nyla wasn't a prude. She wasn't overbearing. She wasn't hateful. She was the very opposite of those things. She felt bad for having sex with him. If he had played his cards right, perhaps he could have had the best of both worlds permanently but now he was at risk of losing it all, she thought.

Miriam took a deep breath, "You'll love being here."

"Well, I do have to go back on Monday."

"Says who?"

Nyla chuckled, "I mean. I am married."

Miriam nodded, "All I'm saying is ... it's more fun here. The guys have taken a liking to you. They'll take good care of you. We all have our little kinks," she said with a chuckle.


"I'm sure you've noticed."

Nyla hesitated. Miriam smiled and tossed back her golden wavy locks, "You don't have to beat around the bush with me or any of us."

Nyla chuckled, "I did notice that Erick may be Gay."

Miriam nodded, "Sort of. He likes some men ... but don't let that fool you because he will fuck your brains out without even thinking twice."

Nyla blushed, "So you?"

Miriam nodded, "We've all had our share of fun. Has Gio told you about his kink?"

"I assumed it was a Big Black Woman fetish."

Miriam shook her head, "No. He genuinely likes you. But I on the other hand have always wanted to be with a black woman."

Nyla froze as Miriam looked into her eyes, "wait."

"You've never kissed a girl?"

Nyla's head moved side-to-side.

Miriam touched her face and moved closer. Her face nearly touched Nyla's. Nyla's heart nearly beat out of her chest, "May I kiss you just once? If you don't like it, I'll never do it again?" Miriam asked sweetly.

Nyla took a deep breath and waited. Miriam's lips pressed onto hers, then she felt her tongue in her mouth. Nyla smiled. She felt naughty. It wasn't bad. It was fun. Miriam's blue eyes shined on her and she kissed her once more.

"That was nice," admitted Nyla with a smile.

"We should head down before the guys come looking for us."

Nyla nodded. They left the bedroom and headed downstairs.

Miriam wore a black and white color block dress that hugged her body. Her perky tits sat up nice and high and the length of the dress showed off her toned slender legs. The guys looked like rock stars as they sat in the VIP section of the club with Miriam and Nyla.

They had bottles of champagne, other mixed drinks, and lots of finger foods to enjoy as they listened to music. Gio kissed Nyla's mouth and smiled, "I see you and Miriam are getting along well."

"She's nice. I like her."

Gio smiled. The music played. Nyla danced in her seat. Emilio was jamming to the music. He walked over to Nyla, "The lady wants to dance. Come on Nyla." He took her hand and led her out to the dance floor.

Gio sat and smiled. Miriam sat between him and Nigel, "Did she tell you that we kissed?" she asked Gio.

He smiled "She did not."

Nigel ran his hand down her thigh and up again as he kissed Miriam's neck, "Let's go to the bathroom quickly before the show starts,"

She felt his stiff cock. They stood and left Gio sitting on the sofa with a drink in his hand.

The VIP had a private bathroom for Nigel. He had Miriam up on the counter with his long cock buried in her center, "I missed you so much, M."

"I missed you too my love."

They moaned loudly. It was a raw dirty fuck just how she liked it. They kissed wildly. He grunted and filled her pussy with his jizz. He smiled, "What if we make another baby."

She pushed him back a little, "You know I'm never doing that again." She slid off the counter and snatched a few napkins to wipe her messy split.

He kissed the back of her neck, "I was just joking."

She rolled her eyes, "I love you, Nigel but you already know I can't have any more babies."

"Can't or won't."

"Can't," she said seriously. "I had the procedure done after Amy was born to make sure of it."

His face saddened, "And what about Gio, don't you think he'll want to have a child one day?"

She shrugged, "We talked about it. He can try with someone else."

Nigel nodded. She touched the sides of his disappointed face, "Let's not make tonight about us. Our friend is about to perform. You just created a great song today with a woman who could very well take your label to the next level."

Nigel smiled, "Her voice is amazing."

"Think of all the money we can make."

"You're right. You are the calm to my storm ... on most days anyway."

She chuckled, "I am your storm and your calm."

They laughed.

It was time. The spotlight shined. The host got the crowd excited for Ericka the Amazing Queen of Slay! When he walked out onto the stage, it was hard to tell that the person in the red fitted dress was actually a man.

Nyla's eyes popped, "Oh my god, Yaaaasss!" she said with excitement as she snapped her fingers.

Gio smiled. Nigel nudged his arm, "Is your cock as hard as mine?" he joked. Gio chuckled and took a sip from his drink.

Miriam whispered in his ear, "So, when are you going to tell her about your little kink?"

Gio didn't respond. Miriam nudged him, "If she kisses girls, she might be okay with it."

Gio nodded as he watched the show. But what if she freaked out? He thought. He liked what he had. He was in love with Nyla. In true love. After all, his kink was not with just anyone ... just the one.

The only man he had ever taken from behind. It had been their secret since college. Well, the only ones that knew were his close friends. Could he share that with Nyla? He wondered as he watched her clap and cheer for his secret lover who was on stage lighting it up.

The voice. The style. The persona of Ericka, The Amazing Queen of Slay was everything. The show ended with thunderous applause.

In the private party room, they drank and celebrated. Ericka was still in full effect with her face beat to the makeup Gods and a pretty wrap-around red dress and silver stilettos. Nyla hugged her, "You were amazing!"

Ericka smiled, "Tell me more!"

"I just loved everything about it. Your voice. I'm just—"

Ericka smiled, "Ah, I love you! Thanks." They hugged. "I have to get you on that stage with me next time."

Gio stood by. Ericka searched his face and smiled, "Gio, so, how was it?"

"Fantastic as always."

She smiled, "Time for another drink!"

The night continued with lots of heavy drinking. Then a game of Never Have I Ever ensued when Miriam shouted as she held a shot glass in the air, "If you've never done it ... you don't drink, but if you have ... you take a shot to the head." Miriam surveyed the room, "Never have I ever, kissed a girl."

The guys all took a shot. Nyla slowly lifted her shot glass to her mouth. Gio looked at her with a grin, "I kissed Miriam today," she confessed to him.

"You dirty little girl, you!" shouted Erika. "Never have I ever ... done ... anal!!"

Miriam took a shot, Ericka, and then Nyla. They pointed at her. "What ... I'm not as innocent as I look. Come on," she said proudly.

They laughed. She held her shot glass in the air, "Never have I ever had a threesome." She looked on with curiosity to see all who had participated in the act. Everyone took a shot except for her. She grinned, "so I'm the only threesome virgin."

They laughed, "It seems you are," said Nigel.

The game continued until they were sloppy drunk. They laughed hysterically and made jokes. Nyla walked over to the table and stood with her hand on her head. Ericka walked up behind her, "Are you all right darling?"

She nodded but she was seeing double, Ericka eased closer to her and held her steady. She smelled the fragrance her Nyla's perfume and kissed her neck. Nyla turned to her and smiled. Ericka's green eyes shined under the dim lights. Their lips touched.

"Wait ... do you like men or women?" Nyla asked.

Ericka chuckled and suddenly her voice went deep several octaves, "My lady, I will blow your entire back clean out."

"Oh my."

Gio appeared in front of her and watched. He nodded and licked his lips. Still dressed as Ericka, his cock poked through the opened flap of the red dress, he lifted Nyla's dress, felt her thick thighs, polished her pearl, and penetrated with his long thick cock, "You like that, don't you," he said to her.

She looked back, "Fuck!" Miriam was right, she thought as he stroked her pussy nicely. She moaned and cooed with delight.

"I have a big dick," he boasted as he thrust.

Miriam appeared beside them, "I told you he's an excellent fuck, enjoy." She smiled as she headed over to the sofa to service both Nigel and Emilio.

Erick enjoyed the juicy center of Nyla. Her pussy hugged his cock tightly. Her nice round ass gave him plenty to hold onto. Gio stood in front looking into Nyla's eyes as she rocked back onto Erick's massive cock. He saw the pleasure on her face. He could see her nearing the peak with every thrust his lover gave her.

Her body shook. Erick paused for a moment. He pulled out of her pussy. Gio dropped his pants. They lifted Nyla and gave her a double penetration. Her mouth dropped open as two full cocks drilled her, "Ooooh shit!"

She looked over and saw Miriam taking it with ease. Her mind wondered how as she shook and quivered trying to maintain her composure. An onslaught of orgasms hit her and he screamed out, "Fuuuck!" and nearly cried.

"You're okay, you're okay," Gio assured her. She only needed time to adjust. She needed time to melt into the feeling.

Her eyes closed as they continued to work her over diligently. Soon, she was cooing like a baby and begging for more, "Yes, yes, yes!!!"

Erick pulled from her ass and stroked his cock until cum spilled out of the tip.

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