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89.65% Misaka-10000 (Toaru fanfic) / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: World War III

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: World War III

And so, World War III commenced.

September 19 would remain etched in people's memories as a fateful day for years to come. Regardless of how simple the statement, or how clearly God's Right Seat had orchestrated events from behind the scenes for their own purposes, once a war had started, it was not easily halted.

The news of Lidvia's death spread rapidly throughout the magic side, and people received it with a mix of emotions. Most felt a sense of unease because they were aware of what lay ahead. However, inside the walls of the Roman Catholic Church, the atmosphere was quite the opposite.

Fiamma of the Right, the leader of God's Right Seat, the most influential group within the Roman Catholic Church, was a young man with a lanky build, golden eyes, and fiery red hair. He wore a simple red suit and received the news with great satisfaction.

Upon hearing that Lidvia Lorenzetti had been killed by the abnormal clone, he merely read those words in the report and showed no interest in reading further.

"Hah. Now there's something."

He heard a voice.

He looked up and saw a woman wrapped in yellow clothing standing there.

Vento of the Front.

"So she really did it, huh? We're already in a war."

"This isn't a war; it's an offer from the sky to cleanse the sins of those on the earth," said the young man, Fiamma, to Vento of the Front.

"You can call it whatever you like, as long as it leads to the same Fate: bloodshed."

Fiamma chose to ignore her words.

"So what's your next move now that you've received the golden ticket to form an alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church?"

Fiamma remained silent, his eyes fixed on the blue sky through the vast church windows.

"The United Kingdom has something. Something we absolutely need. They won't simply offer it, of course. That was why we had to cause a commotion. To obtain it, we need the great power of the Roman Catholic Church to take action."

Vento fell silent momentarily, her piercing gaze locked on Fiamma, waiting for him to continue.

"Once we secure an alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church, we will have complete control over all of Europe, except for them. We'll cut off all connections with Britain, stifling the flow of people, goods, and money. It's an island nation, after all, and with no escape route, they'll run out of power in a matter of months."

Vento tried to grasp the full meaning of Fiamma's words but found it challenging.

"I don't understand the point," she admitted. "Taking Britain may not be a fatal blow to Academy City. Even if we hold the entire United Kingdom hostage, I doubt it would deter Academy City from continuing the war."

In contrast, if they conquered Academy City first, the British side would be severely crippled. Anglicanism, while one of the three largest Christian denominations, only represented one-third of the whole. They wouldn't risk a war against the other two-thirds—the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches. The United Kingdom's aggressive stance came from its alliance with Academy City and the entire science side. If they could neutralize Academy City, Britain would find itself in a vulnerable position.

"Not quite," Fiamma interjected. "That's not the whole story, Miss Vento of the Front. Academy City does not consider us a significant threat."

This time, Vento was left breathless. She struggled to make sense of what Fiamma of the Right had just said. It wasn't a matter of partial understanding; it was complete confusion.

Fiamma then diverted her attention.

"For now, I'm taking a trip to Russia. During my absence, I have a mission for you guys."

Vento raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Get rid of her"

"You want to get rid of one of the academy city trump carts huh?"

The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of antique chandeliers hanging from the high, ornate ceiling. Shadows danced on the polished wooden floor, creating a sense of eerie elegance. Fiamma of the Right stood beside a grand wooden table adorned with various religious artifacts.


Part 2:

The magic side wasn't the only realm in turmoil; the chaos had bled into the science side as well. Different motivations, yet the same underlying cause, had brought about a series of frenzied conversations and covert meetings among the denizens of the science side.

"Hey, you guys have to see this."

The words were whispered in hushed tones, passing like a clandestine secret through the network of science side informants.

"Are they for real?!"

Rumors spread like wildfire through the shady underbelly of Academy City. A new name, a new target, and most importantly, a jaw-droppingly higher bounty were all the talk. On a typical day, this wouldn't have turned many heads in the science side's dark corners. It was no secret that disputes and vendettas played out regularly in the shadows, resulting in the setting of bounties. But this wasn't a typical day, and this certainly wasn't a typical bounty.

The difference wasn't just in the size of the bounty – it was the magnitude. The numbers associated with this one target far surpassed anything the science side had witnessed before. This was more than a simple vendetta; it was an extraordinary offer, one that could shift the balance of power and influence within the science side.

The true shock came not just from the high bounty but also from the source of the request. For the first time, the Academy City's highest echelons had placed this contract directly.

The higher-ups in the science side had always employed intermediaries, or brokers, when it came to matters like this. To maintain their reputation and distance themselves from the unsavory dealings of the dark side, they had historically relied on these middlemen. It was the preferred method for conducting their clandestine affairs while maintaining the façade of moral conduct. However, this time, the situation was different.

No middlemen, no intermediaries—just a direct and audacious demand from the academy city itself.

"Higher risk, higher reward, huh..."

The target of this outrageously generous contract was none other than one of the fabled Level 5 Espers—the esteemed "Princess."

She held the position of the eighth and final Level 5 in Academy City. Her true identity was shrouded in mystery, her facial features concealed from the public eye. 

Given her striking appearance—her majestic figure, long moon-white hair, and regal bearing—she had earned the moniker of "White Princess," affectionately shortened to "Princess."

However, the revelation of her face had been disseminated, making it possible for bounty hunters to identify her. 

As this knowledge spread, some within the science side's covert circles began to speculate on the reasons behind the Academy City's desire to eliminate her.

Rumors emerged that she was one of the clones from the notorious Misaka Clones Project because of her similarity with the number three, the level 5 esper Misaka Mikoto. 

The mere possibility that the Academy City had succeeded in creating a Level 5 clone sent shockwaves through the dark side, as it implied the existence of an unparalleled masterpiece. This revelation enticed not only those driven by the promised bounty but also individuals seeking to possess her as a laboratory subject.

The existence of the Level 5 clone had never been entirely secret from the start. The clone had been involved in the dark side, whispers of her existence had circulated long before her official debut as the newest Level 5 Esper.

Only a select few were privy to the knowledge of her existence, and even fewer were aware of her origin, with the Scavenger group holding the exclusive secret of her origin, selling it only to the highest bidders.

Due to their unexpected encounter with her, the Scavenger group had surmised that she was part of the enigmatic "Dark May" project. While there was no concrete evidence to support this theory, it was widely accepted as fact. This conclusion was drawn due to the seeming necessity of such a project to explain the clone's immense and refined powers as a mere clone.

The question that confounded all, whether they sought the bounty or the scientific marvel, was why the Academy City wished to dispose of its own masterpiece. The answer to this enigma remained elusive.

But then no one dared to waste time in answering those questions at the moment. a sole target had emerged, offering immense benefits to whoever could claim her first, whether alive or dead.

The predator and prey game has BEGUN.

Part 3:

September 20, 4 AM

It was a peculiar hour, a time when most of the world was deep in the embrace of dreams. The darkness of night still held sway, yet the promise of the impending dawn lingered in the air.

Tsuchimikado was by a window, his back against the wall of the dimly lit hotel room he was using as a place to spend what remains from the night. His reason for sitting against the wall was simply the shocking news he just received.

He had expected to be resting peacefully after the recent Ledvia and Oriana incidents, savoring the victory that had saved Academy City from a looming crisis. However, his tranquility had been shattered.

"God...Aleister, what did you do?"

He sat there, back pressed against the wall, his sunglasses doing little to conceal the turmoil behind his wide-open eyes. His lips quivered, wrestling with the words that desperately sought release.

Slowly, he lowered his cell phone, allowing his head to fall back, the ceiling above capturing his vacant gaze.

"Ledvia is dead... a war has ignited... the magic side will likely target the clone, assuming she's one of Academy City's trump cards... and instead of protecting her, he's effectively pitted the dark side against her? What the hell is he thinking?"

The room remained still, its silence an eerie backdrop to the turmoil in Tsuchimikado's mind. As minutes passed, he contemplated his next move. There were many questions, and one person held the answers he sought.

"Will she be okay?"

That was the last question his tired mind conjured.


Meanwhile, in a devastated, high-end hotel room situated in the upper echelons of District 15, a man with shoulder-length, dirty blond hair reclined on a tattered couch. His eyes remained hidden beneath a soothing, warm towel, his head tilted toward the missing ceiling. His disheveled appearance was marked by a dark maroon suit and a white collared shirt, both unbuttoned. The clothing revealed a red V-neck underneath, creating a stark contrast to the chaos that surrounded him.

The room itself was a stark contrast to the man's attire. Debris from the obliterated front of the apartment had allowed the cool dawn breeze to permeate the space, carrying with it the chill of early morning. The room's luxury had been traded for destruction, with shattered glass and remnants of high-end furniture scattered haphazardly.

The man's breathing was steady, betraying no signs of urgency or distress, despite the chaos that had transpired within those walls.

Not long after, a melodious voice, belonging to a beautiful girl, pierced through the whispering wind, reaching the ears of the disheveled man.

"You really should stop your hobby of destroying things when you're angry"

The girl, despite her youthful appearance of around 14 years, exuded an air of sophistication. Her wavy, bleached hair cascaded gracefully around her, and she adorned herself with an array of jewelry that shimmered and sparkled in the limited light. Her attire was reminiscent of what one might expect a woman from a high-class hostess club to wear, embodying elegance and allure.

The girl name was Gokusai Kaibi.

With an exasperated tone, the disheveled man responded, "Don't bother me when I'm sleeping."

The man was Kakine Teitoku, one of Academy City's Level 5 espers, It ranked number 2, and he also happened to be the leader of SCHOOL, an organization active in the city's dark underbelly.

"I would do, but I'm sure you'll be interested in the news I just found."


He shifted slightly, moving the towel from his right side, just enough to take a glance at the phone screen that Gokusai was pointing at him.

The phone's screen displayed a series of messages and alerts, illuminating the dimly lit, ruined hotel room. Kakine squinted to read them, his vision still adjusting to the sudden intrusion.

Gokusai began explaining the situation, "You see, it seems that Academy City is offering a bounty. A rather massive one, I must say."

Kakine raised an eyebrow, finally sitting up and placing the towel aside. "A bounty? For what?"

"Ah, that's the interesting part," Gokusai continued with a sly grin. "The bounty is for a Level 5 esper."

Kakine's interest was piqued, and he leaned in closer to get a better look at the screen. "A Level 5...?!!"

The moment Kakine saw the name associated with the bounty, his eyes widened, and a surge of anger coursed through him. He snatched the phone from Gokusai's hand with unexpected speed.

"That motherfucker!" Kakine seethed through gritted teeth.

Gokusai allowed him a moment to process the information, then spoke calmly, "Seems like someone wants to clean house."

"It doesn't make any sense... Why would he want to get rid of something like that?" Kakine questioned, frustration evident in his voice. In a fit of rage, he threw the phone aside, watching it shatter against the already battered walls.

(Agh... That was my fifth phone this month that he destroyed)

Gokusai shook her head, her expression serious, "I don't know, but it's Academy City's call. There's always some hidden agenda or experiment going on. Maybe they've found a more convenient replacement, or perhaps they see her as a threat."

Kakine's eyes narrowed as he stared at the phone, "Either way, it doesn't change the fact that we can't let them have her. This is too valuable to be wasted."

"Are you going to protect her? Just like that little girl from Befo—"



Gokusai's sentence lingered in the air, a risky edge to her words. Yet, Kakine's response was a swift, sharp look, a cold stare that cut through the tension. Six angelic wings materialized behind his back. Gokusai wisely chose silence, descending toward the ground with a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken boundaries.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean anything. I got carried away,"

The angelic wings hovered closer to her neck, a subtle warning from Kakine.

"That's your last chance. Don't get cocky because I give you the closed eyes most of the time."

"I understand. Thank you for your kindness."

Kakine, with his six angelic wings reflecting the moonlight, walked towards the shattered facade of the room. His expression was unreadable as he gazed down at the sprawling city beneath him.

"Call those two, we have a pry to hunt before the others."

Gokusai nodded obediently, "As you wish"

Part 4:

In the hushed pre-dawn silence of District 15, a girl with long, flowing white hair moved gracefully through dimly lit hallways. She wore a pristine white "Walking Church" priestess's attire, her steps echoing softly against the cool, silent surroundings. The district, usually bustling with activity, now slumbered beneath the watchful gaze of the waning night.

Misaka 10000 has finally made her way back to the academy city, after an exhausting long hours of nonstop running.

Though she ran across the ocean back to the land in just 17 minutes, covering about 300 km of the expansive water at a speed of 1050 kph(≈ 651.7miles/h). She was capable of even greater speeds, but only for short bursts, as her muscles couldn't handle such velocity for an extended period.

She had to pause momentarily to heal her body throughout the entire journey, and it was incredibly exhausting.

That was only one of the two reasons why she took so much time to get back.

The other reason was that, as she reached solid ground, she got lost...

She forgot how bad her sense of direction was, and because of that, she spent a quiet time asking and searching for directions back to the academy.

She traveled from Hamamatsu to Osaka, to Nagoya, going to Niigata, and finally back to Tokyo, following the trace of a plane that was heading toward Academy City, she found her way back. The overall distance she ran was about 1100 kilometers + 300 kilometers of the ocean which means approximately 1400 km or 683.5 miles.

(That's really the perfect dress)

Misaka 10000 reached to touch the fabric of the dress, admiring its softness and warmth. The dress she was wearing belonged to the late Lidvia Lorenzetti.

Before the crash of the Jet plane, she had stealthily taken Lidvia's clothes, initially planning to wear them temporarily for modesty until she found a more suitable outfit. However, as Misaka examined the dress, she discovered its remarkable features. Not only could it withstand intense heat and explosions, but it also had the unique ability to adjust its size to perfectly fit its wearer's body measurements.

She had initially considered discarding the stolen attire after finding something more appropriate, but as she experienced the comfort and adaptability of the dress, she changed her mind.

(I wonder how Aisa would react if she saw me in this dress)

She thought as she glanced at her reflection in one of the side building's glassy windows.

(Nah, that would be awkward. I'll go to the base to change and visit her. The hospital visitors are allowed starting from six in the morning; there are still two more hours to go.)

Misaka 10000 gracefully navigated through the empty streets, the soft hum of the city beginning to stir as the dawn approached.

Not long after she reached a large open plaza, in the middle of which stood a skyscraper. The base Misaka was heading towards was situated on the higher floors of the building.

The plaza was eerily empty, bathed in the soft glow of lampposts that dotted its periphery. The light flickered intermittently, casting long shadows that played on the ground. The usual hustle and bustle of this public space was conspicuously absent, amplifying the silence that enveloped it.

As Misaka approached the main entrance of the building, she couldn't help but notice the absence of security guards. A tinge of uncertainty crossed her mind; she hadn't returned to the building at such an hour before, and she was unsure if this was the norm or an anomaly. Perhaps the guards were stationed elsewhere, a change in their usual routine.

Entering the building, the resident host was also conspicuously absent. Misaka surveyed the lobby with narrowed eyes before moving toward the elevator.

Remaining silent, her eyes closed, she waited for the elevator to reach its destined floor. The hush around her felt pronounced. Given that it was dawn, and everyone should be asleep, such silence shouldn't have felt strange. Yet, her instincts whispered that something was amiss.

Upon leaving the elevator, she headed toward the door of her apartment. Just as she was about to insert her electronic card into the door lock device She stopped, and her nose started sniffing. 

A sudden shift in the air caught her attention.


Unfazed, Misaka remained motionless for a moment, absorbing the gravity of the situation. With a measured breath, she pressed the card onto the lock device.

As the door swung open, an unusual, almost ethereal sizzle reached her ears. Casting a cautious glance into her apartment, Misaka's eyes widened at the surreal sight that met her gaze. The space was overrun with a myriad of peculiar dolls—covering the walls, draping from the ceiling, and occupying every inch of the apartment.

The bizarre spectacle momentarily stole her attention, diverting her focus from the odd sizzle noise she had heard from within. Before she could fully process the surreal scene, the entire building shuddered with an unexpected shock.

In an instant, chaos erupted.

The apartment she stood in became the epicenter of a violent explosion. The force blasted through the apartment, sending shards of debris and a wave of heat in every direction. The once tranquil plaza below was instantly transformed into a scene of turmoil as flames billowed from the shattered windows above.

As the chaos unfolded, the distant rooftop of a neighboring skyscraper provided a vantage point for the unseen architects of destruction.

"That is Art! AHAHHAHA!"

A girlish voice echoed through the windy dawn, belonging to a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, reveling in the spectacle.

"Good job, Frenda, finally, you did something right."

A dry and cynical voice responded, emanating from a tall and slender figure—Mugino Shizuri.

"Ehhhh! But I am always doing things right!"

"I doubt that..."

Another retort was thrown into the mix from a young girl of 12, with short brown hair in a bobcut—Kinuhata Saiai.

All these figures were from one famous group from the dark side, ITEM, with Mugino Shizuri, the ranked three, level 5 esper being their leader.

The group of four, with Takitsubo Rikou being the last member, but she didn't seem to be with them at the moment.

"Now that we've gotten rid of her, we can enjoy our free day—"

"Don't jump to concluding like that; we aren't finished yet."


Before Frenda could finish her sentence, Mugino cut her off with a stern expression. The explosion had left chaos in its wake, but Mugino's sharp eyes caught something amidst the flickering flames. Within the fire, a figure stood, seemingly untouched by the destructive force that had engulfed the apartment. The unique church outfit the figure wore showed no signs of damage.

Mugino narrowed her eyes, a smug look on her face, "Now, that's a worthy prey to hunt."


(A/N): 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

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