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Chapter 48: Yuki Tsukumo

Thoughts and memories, like the wind could be fickle. As brittle as glass and as flimsy as string. Messing with such things without knowing what one was doing was bound to cause more harm than good.

The mind, after all, was a complicated thing.

Taking his hand off Frank's head Hoshi let out a small sigh, While his technique let him feel souls and have control over how they interacted with a body he couldn't really change them. He could feel a soul's intentions, such as if a person was good or bad. But he couldn't read their thoughts or feelings.

It was frustrating, there wasn't much that he could do to help Frank back to his right mind.

Of course, he might be able to learn a bit more about his technique. For now, all he could do was make sure that his soul wasn't being affected by his broken memories or the object that was inside of him.

Staring at Frank for a moment, Hoshi felt that some memories tried to make themselves known, tried to show him something but they just couldn't.

He remembered flashes of his father, flashes of something that seemed so… relevant but he couldn't put it together. For now, it was best to pretend that he knew nothing until he knew more about what was going on…


Stepping off the the mirror dimension that he made Atlas looked at the back of Mizuki as she walked ahead of him. "So you wanted to join Tokyo?" Atlas asked, confirming something he remembered her saying.

"Yeah, I mean so far you're the only person who I think could properly teach me so I figured being at the school you're at would be best." She explained, having calmed her nerves after Hoshi explained that she wasn't under Kenjaku's control and didn't seem to have a connection with him at all.

Although he couldn't confirm her memories being real it was best to let her keep thinking that they were, they didn't matter much for now after all.

"I'll take care of it. For now, just get your stuff ready and I'll be back this afternoon." Atlas said as he stepped into space after exchanging quick goodbyes with her.

It was time to start figuring out what he was going to do with the time he bought. Hunting Kenjaku was going to be almost impossible… he would do his best to not exist for a while. After all, everything was already in place for him to start acting.

The only thing he was missing was Geto's body, but he was sure that there was some way that Kenjaku would try and work around that. After all, it was unlikely that the man only left himself one option. That just wasn't like him.

For now, Kenjaku was a dead lead, he had done what he could. Now he just needed to prepare Jujutsu Society for when he finally came back.

Kenjaku wanted to create a new golden age. He would, but it would rise to stop him. Not by his creation's hands.

Approaching the yard he saw the second-years training. Geto and Gojo spare each other slowly, practising the flow of movements in hand-to-hand combat without the use of energy or weapons. Simply practising how to fight. As Atlas had always preached, a solid foundation of basic knowledge would make it far easier to adapt a style to your technique.

Why just at energy and technique to normal attacks when your technique could create opportunities for so much more.

Seeing this Atlas nodded his head, leaning on the railing. They would be part of this golden Age, Gojo himself being the one to lead it… he just hoped that Geto would stay by his side.

Yuta and Kinji would also be people who would be able to bring about this new age. Megumi and Maki as well later on.

He really should check in on Megumi again, he had been so busy…

And he needed to find and talk to Yuki. She hated the Higher-Ups almost as much as he did apparently from what he knew, so she should have a somewhat positive view of him. If he could persuade her to side with him that could be possibly beneficial.

A lot of strong people were going to be emerging soon, and Atlas was excited about it.

Pulling away from the railing Atlas went to find anyone else at this school, especially the now third-years since they would be in the same year as Mizuki.

It didn't take long for him to find Torio who was just back from a recent mission. Seeing the boy Atlas started to approach, ready to greet him but the air around Torio was so much different than he remembered it.

There was a heaviness to it now. Atlas could guess what it was…

He had known for a while now because of passing comments from Gojo and Geto but quite a few of the older years had died since he left. The missions he normally was taking were being passed off to them.

Getting to Torio Atlas said, "Yo. Torio, it's been a while." Trying to be friendly, his face staying neutral.

Turning as he heard a familiar voice Torio looked at Atlas, his face quickly going through a cycle of emotions. Confusion, sadness, anger… relief. "Atlas? Yeah… It's been ages. How have you been?" He said, his voice soft, although the small smile that pulled a the edge of his lips was clearly forced.

"I've been better all things considered. I assume you have heard the news about recent events." Atlas asked as he started to make his way toward the dorms with his old friend.

"Yeah, Principal Yaga announced it shortly after the meeting with the Higher-Ups came to an end… I'm still wrapping my head around it all." Torio admits as he looks at the floor. Shoving his hands in his pockets.

Nodding his head Atlas didn't know what else to say, it was a... very depressing atmosphere right now. "And you?" Atlas said, settling for the simple question.

"Yeah, I've been good," Torio said, a clear lie but Atlas didn't pry. He knew why Marcus wasn't here. Clearly, it had been affecting Torio greatly over the last year. "Busy, keeping myself going with missions and all. You really lightened the workload when you were here." Torio started to say, quickly however changing the topic. "How was China?"

"Terrible." Atlas admited. "Sure I got some things from it but that place was like a living nightmare. The amount of Spirits that were there was simply… astronomical." Atlas explains. Not ashamed to hide the details. It had been tough after all.

"Well, I'll let you get some rest then," Atlas said seeing his friend wasn't responding. "Cya around Torio." Atlas finished before letting Torio walk to his dorm room. His head hung a bit.

"Cya Atlas, it's good to have you back. And not a curse-user." Torio said, completely serious about what he said.

"Yeah, it's good to be back," Atlas said, his voice lowering.

Things had changed quite a bit it seemed. Turning Atlas made his way towards Yaga's office, he needed to talk to him about Mizuki. He needed to keep on moving.


It didn't take long before the arrangements were made to transfer Mizuki. She would become the second third-year. Learning that Atlas was kind of shocked, just last year there had been 4 in that class. He had even met 2 of them when they did the exchange event.

Hearing about this Atlas asked, "Who passed away?"

"Kojika, Nobu and Tatsuo. Chikako is the only one still alive of the third-years." Yaga revealed his voice holding no emotion as he said this. Just stating a fact. "She wants to drop out and become an Assistant Director," Yaga revealed.

Nodding his head Atlas stood up. It was a shame, but he couldn't get too attached and let it drag him down.

"Well then let her, if she doesn't want to fight anymore she shouldn't have to," Atlas said, it made sense to him. Sure their numbers were short, but it was better than sending her to her death or letting her panic get someone else killed.

Leaving the room since Yaga wasn't responding he wandered his way down the hall. Thinking to himself.

It was 2006, and a lot of events had changed already. He had changed the fate of an entire world with a few actions and he was ready to suffer the consequences if they came.

Nothing was going to happen for years now… In about 4 years considering Yuta's age, Rika would die and become the queen of curses and follow Yuta.

Then it would be another 6 years before he joined Jujutsu High.

He hesitated to assume that he would have time to do anything. Knowing his life as soon as he thought that something big happened. Sighing he just teleported to the top of a mountain somewhere and sat on it looking out over rolling hills and cascading seas of trees.

He would get stronger, he would save the two girls that Geto saved originally and keep on training his students. He would keep hunting Kenjaku, never letting the pressure off him. Best case he would kill him, if not at least he would have to stay in hiding and watch his moves.

--- One-Year Time Skip Summary ---

The sun shone down brightly through the leaves, casting dancing shadows on the ground that moved and ebbed with the sway of the trees. Sitting to the side Atlas watched from a distance as Gojo stood in front of both Geto and Ieiri.

He had managed to master it, faster than in the original. He had mastered it a few months ago but hadn't been satisfied. Smiling at the progress Gojo had made Atlas watched as he demonstrated it to his friends.

"All right," Gojo said as he caught the pen and the erasure that came at him. The pen had been easily stopped by infinity and the erasure simply bounced off him.

"Huh?! What was that?" Ieiri asked, face morphing into one of annoyance. If she was right about her guess then she wouldn't be able to randomly smack him anymore…

"You've made infinity automatic, haven't you? I thought you were focusing on long-range teleportation?" Geto said, his eyebrow rising as he smirked at his friend. It was good to see that his projects were coming along.

Watching this Atlas smiled. That was good. Geto was in a good mood. He had been going on missions alone, sometimes taking Mizuki with him over the past year. That was when she wasn't bugging Atlas to help her with her property.

"Yep, what was once manual is now automatic. Anything that might be dangerous and hurt me will automatically be stopped without me having to apply conscious thought. I can keep limitless activated indefinitely while using minimum resources." Gojo said proudly.

"So I guess Atlas helped you figure out how to get reversed cursed technique running round the clock?" Ieiri asked, leaning a hand on her hip as she raised her eyebrow at him.

"Bingo!" Gojo says, pointing the pen at her as he continues. "With that, I am preserving myself and have a fresh brain at all times. I've perfected minimizing the hand signs needed for red and blue and can activate them both simultaneously multiple times. I can even apply them to infinity but that requires conscious thought still. I don't know how I would even make that automatic." Gojo says as he walks over to them.

"And yes, I have also leant long-range teleportation. It wasn't that hard with Atlas' guidance in the end. But it requires a bit of time for me to teleport still." Gojo confessed as he patted Geto on the shoulder who just shook his head.

Smiling Geto said. "What about your domain?" His voice teased as he raised his chin a bit.

"I believe that working in things as gradual steps gets a better result," Gojo argued back. He was still a bit bitter about Geto getting his domain before he had unlocked his. He didn't know why Geto had suddenly hyper-fixated on getting his domain but he had. It was probably something to do with that Mizuki fourth year.

Atlas had been forcing Geto to take her on some of his missions over the last few months. It was probably just to get her away from him.

"Oh come on, that's just an excuse." Geto teased back as he wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Says the person who can't even use the reverse cursed technique yet. Need to hurry up on that or even Shoko will become stronger than you." Gojo said as he pushed his friend away with a laugh.

"Oh very funny…" Ieiri says as she turns and starts to walk away. "You're not getting any more of my lab rats."

Chuckling Geto shook his head as he followed his two friends as they made their way inside. A smile on his face, yeah he was a bit annoyed that he was the only one in the group that couldn't use positive energy but Atlas had explained it simply to him.

His energy was much different because of the spirits he absorbed. It would be a lot harder for him to be able to learn to use it than it was for someone else since in a way his energy was just more negative.

As Gojo went to keep on practising his domain, more annoyed by Geto's comment than he let on Geto went about his day. As the afternoon approached he found himself at a vending machine. Putting in some coins he picked out a drink, the clunk of the metal in the tray sounding as he picked it up.

"Mr. Geto! How are you?" A cheerful voice said as it approached him.

Looking to his right Geto smiled as Haibara got closer, his face far too cheerful for someone in this profession. "I've been well, what can I get you to drink?" Geto said. Smiling Haibara asked for a coke after a moment of hesitance.

"My mission tomorrow is pretty far away. Atlas said he would come with me though to help me get there and back. Nanami is going to take it off and have a rest, the summer has been tough on him. Then again it's been tough on everyone!" Haibara said, his voice excited as he gestured around with his hands wildly.

"That so? I'll be expecting a souvenir then." Geto responded as he took a sip from his can. His eyebrows raised a bit as he heard that Atlas was going to tag along. For a grade 2 Atlas going along was almost unheard of. He was probably trying to escape Mizuki again.

"You got it! Something savoury or sweet?" Haibara asked.

Chuckling at his juniors enthusiasm Geto responded, "Satoru will probably have some too, so maybe someth-"

"Who cares about what Gojo wants, he can ask for his own stuff. Pick what you want Geto." Atlas says as he approaches them from down the hall. He knew that this would happen sometime soon and was glad that he had managed to catch it.

He didn't need Yuki planting any ideas in anyone's head even if the current Geto wouldn't actually do it.

Looking up at Atlas who suddenly stormed in Geto said, "Alright then, get me something sweet."

"Can do! What is about you Atlas, Do you like savoury or sweet?" Haibara asked seamlessly including Atlas who had shown up out of nowhere. He really was a people person.

There was no way that Atlas was going to let him die, yes he and Nanami were stronger than they should be. But it still wasn't enough for a first grade. Responding Atlas says, "I guess I prefer sweet too-"

"What about your taste in women. You're Atlas and Geto, right? What kind of girls are you into?" Someone said from behind him, right on time.

Turning to face Yuki Atlas was about to say something but Haibara spoke first saying, "I like girls with healthy appetites!" Without hesitation.

Looking confused at the once empty corridor he had been in Geto wondered what the fuck he was doing to be suddenly being surrounded by nutcases. Haibara was the only decent person in this corridor, that included himself. "Who are you?" He asked, looking at Yuki.

"It's fine Geto! She's not a bad person. I'm a pretty good judge of character." Haibara says, his beaming smile still as honest as it always was.

Raising an eyebrow Geto looked at Atlas and then back at Haibara as he said. "Yeah? Is that so."

"Someone strong with a good figure preferably," Atlas says from the side. Holding his chin as he nodded his head, as if he had said something sagely.

Smiling Haibara said, "Oh! Like Mizuki! She is super strong isn't she Geto."

Looking at Atlas and then back at Yuki, Geto just sighed.

Standing up Haibara said, "Well I've gotta go. I'll cya Geto! And cya tomorrow Atlas, thanks for offering to help out!" As he left, he said his goodbyes for now.

"Such an honest kid, as a sorcerer he shouldn't be so trusting," Yuki says. "And you, Geto? Aren't you going to answer my question?"

"How about you answer mine first. Who are you?" Geto asks again, leaning back against the wall as he stares at her.

Responding she said, "Special-Grade Sorcerer Yuki Tsukumo."

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