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28.12% Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus} / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Collapse of the omniverse

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Collapse of the omniverse

Marvel Multiverse

Alvis's laughter echoed chaotically through the void, piercing the boundaries of the cosmic wall and extending into the vastness of the Marvel Multiverse, Its echoes breached the confines of known reality, transcending even its own limits, reaching multiple hierarchies beyond.

Numerous cosmic beings teleported in front of the MCU cosmic wall, and the strongest dimensional demons descended, their avatars peering into the Marvel Cinematic Universe to see what had happened there.

What they witnessed was the scene of Alvis fighting against many demons, with the noticeable presence of Chthon and Shuma-Gorath's magical energies. Eternity embodiment of Time stood alongside Infinity embodiment of space, Death the embodiment of Death, and Galactus Devourer of Worlds ,glaring at the avatars of Chthon and Shuma-Gorath, but remained silent, continuing to watch.

Observing Alvis break through the dimensional walls of various latitudes, the demons chuckled with delight. Hearing this, Eternity sighed and uttered with a speechless voice, "Throughout history, humans have repeatedly shown that their ingenuity knows no bounds, especially when it comes to creating problems." Receiving nods of approval from others present.

Just as Infinity was about to speak, multiple breaches in numerous universes caught her attention. Being the embodiment of space, she felt her authority over space being deprived, and in horror, Infinity spoke, "This human has broken the dimensional space of the multiverse... Now we are connected to other spaces beyond... Multiple universes are being breached right now."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of cosmic beings and even the demon gods changed dramatically, glancing at each other with concern.

Different thoughts filled the minds of everyone present. The demons were happy, anticipating new sources of sustenance, while the cosmic beings felt a throbbing sensation from their cosmic awareness, sensing that unpredictable times and impending destruction were looming in the near future.

Eternity gave solemn orders, "Infinity, find the breached spaces and try to fix them. If that doesn't work, lock down those universes. Call Watcher, he will find escaped anomalies. Galactus and Death will assist you in containing them." Glancing back at the MCU, observing all the issues caused by Alvis, everyone memorized the appearance of this unique entity. After all, multiverse destruction is not an everyday occurrence. Soon, everyone bid farewell and disappeared.

The demon gods couldn't comprehend why the cosmic beings didn't intervene or Neutralized it. Chthon the elder god and creator of dark magic pondered for a moment, then raised his hand, summoning a huge red magic circle around the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With a click, the spell fell apart, and Chthon's avatar collapsed.

Observing this, the demons found their answer. Backlashes occurred, and it reached to multiverse level. Sensing the danger, every avatar of the demons collapsed as if they were never there sending back information to the anthology.

Eternity teleported to the Timestream and Nexus of All Realities , witnessing everything is normal, except for the blurry future of the MCU. His thoughts drifted to the absence of the Living Tribunal, who usually appeared to intervene when the multiverse was in danger. Reflecting on everything that had happened, Eternity made a judgment that this script was unfolding without their knowledge. Goosebumps tingled across Eternity's manifestation as it collapsed, sending back information to the main body.

In front of the MCU, Stan lee A.k.A the One Above All (OAA) Creator God of Marvel Hierarchy was seen looking at Alvis, relieved to see his kind safely returned to Kamar-Taj. He then shifted his gaze to the void, where numerous brightly shining dots illuminated the space with different colors from known and unknown spectrums Each dot represented a universe of its own.

Lost in thought, OAA heard everything everyone said or didn't say. Eternity seemed to be growing smarter after being weakened. OAA hoped that they understood their roles Protecting the Muiltiverse.

Glancing back at the MCU, OAA stretched out his seemingly elderly hand towards it, appearing weak from a distance. Closing the space between them, OAA's hand increased in size to unimaginable heights, attempting to crush it.

As soon as his hand touched the MCU, OAA encountered resistance similar to Chthon. His eyebrow rose in intrigue. "Interesting," he thought, echoing Stan Lee's sentiment in mind living tribunal protection have fallen and there's something or someone protecting it on Omniversal level.. weird but then his expression turned emotionless, and he said with a speechless voice, "The Presence, what brings you here?"

Stan Lee/OAA looked towards the Presence, unable to comprehend why his multiverse had become a tourist attraction of singularities.

Soon as OAA voice fell, In the void particles of white energy merged and combined, forming the enigmatic manifestation of the Presence Creator God of DC hierarchy in its first appearance. Adorned in a black tuxedo, the entity emanated a timeless elegance. A crisp white shirt, black trousers, and polished black leather shoes completed the attire, creating a striking contrast against the backdrop of the Void Darkness.

Receiving a side-eye from Stan Lee, the Presence coughed, momentarily dispelling the awkwardness. Glancing at the MCU, the Presence observed the chaos concept leaking from Alvis, who seemed to be in a coma. Deeply studying Alvis' ethereal soul and activating the main world protection, the Presence raised an eyebrow and said, "So, this is the problem maker. Interesting. A newborn singularity. We don't see that quite often nowadays." The Presence marveled at the uniqueness of a newborn singularity that was still alive. Outer Gods wreaking havoc across the Omniverse had made such occurrences rare.

OAA looked at the Presence and then glanced back at Alvis, speaking with uncertainty, "Alvis Bright, that's his name. A transcendent achievement singularity. An interesting guy. If he had descended during the Golden Age, he would have achieved what we failed to do." Hearing this, the Presence looked at Stan Lee with disbelief. The Golden Age was the worst time for the Omniverse. Morality existed little to none at that time, and everyone wanted to be the strongest. Wars between multiverses were a daily occurrence. Sighing, they pushed the sorrowful memories aside.

The Presence informed Stan Lee about its appearance, garnering his attention. It explained that the chaos concept was leaking out of the Marvel Multiverse into many realities, causing them to become connected to this multiverse via dimensional portals. Hearing this, OAA looked back at the MCU. Utilizing his omnipotent authority, he discovered that Alvis's universe's Spatial was expanding and it's dimensionality is being raised. Calculating probabilities, OAA realized that the MCU is becoming a multiversal Space Scale within a universal space. Hearing that the Presence did the same thing achieving the same answer.

OAA and the Presence looked at each other, seemingly understanding one another. Both of them unfolded their powers as creation gods, scanning the Marvel Multiverse and the DC Multiverse next to it and multiple realities near them. They discovered that probabilities were being manipulated on an Hyperverse or maybe even omniversal scale. Assuming that they were being manipulated into battlefield, no, they were certain that they were being played into a huge script. The duo's facial expressions turned into outrage.

Instantaneously, OAA transmitted data to the Living Tribunal, securing the Multiverse's defense, with a specific focus on Alvis's universe. Acknowledging the Presence with a nod, the two humanoid figures witnessed the dissolution of the void enveloping them. Their forms transcended the spatial confines of the Marvel Multiverse, transitioning into the vast expanse of the Omniverse.

In the far reaches outside the Marvel Multiverse, distant from its grasp, within the profound obscurity of the Omniverse, a sentient entity encountered Alvis' laughter. This laughter was imbued with chaotic rules, and upon hearing it, the entity stopped in position underwent a transformative shift. It transitioned from a radiant orb akin to a circulating sun, casting luminosity across the darkness, into a singularity that collapsed upon itself, mimicking the birth of a new universe. This implosion erupted in a profusion of colors reminiscent of the Big Bang, painting the void with a palette of hues.

Within this explosion, an apparent predetermination materialized, as light escaped in various shades, forming the contours of a humanoid, athletically sculpted body. Simultaneously, an event defying the laws of physics unfolded, birthing a square head from the very singularity that birthed the explosion. This square head levitated above the body.

Following these intricate changes, the configuration of the body's frame solidified, preserving the core of its newfound shape. The square head, suspended in place, quivered briefly, seemingly adjusting into position. Eventually, the physical structure materialized in its entirety, revealing open eyes: one eye bore the ∞ symbol, signifying infinity in white, while the other displayed Ω, reminiscent of omega, in red. As the omega eye closed, the infinity symbol eye began to tremble and move, as if imbued with life. This being, while undetected by OAA or anyone else, calculated the far-reaching consequences across the Omniverse, tracing Alvis within the Marvel Hierarchy on a scale that spanned dimensions.

Upon locating Alvis, the entity opened its omega eye, causing both eyes to emit a radiant glow, indicating its active engagement. Observing resistance, the being pondered the situation. It acknowledged the existence of a singularity and protection from the primary world, interpreting these as accomplishments. However, its eyes intensified in luminosity as it delved deeper, tracing Alvis's historical and timeline records from his initial descent to Xeir within the Akashic Records. The being found it intriguing that the Calculative individual would permit the emergence of a newborn singularity, adding a layer of oddity.

Listening to their conversation from inception to conclusion, the timeline progressed until Alvis and the Ancient One's discourse. At this point, the square visage of the being executed a 360-degree rotation, revealing a smile. As the timeline continued, encompassing the conflict between Alvis and demons, the smile gradually dissipated.

"Remarkably power," the being mused, witnessing Alvis shatter the dimensional barriers spanning across multiple realities. It regarded this accomplishment as unusual, deeming it improbable for Alvis to achieve despite possessing near-omnipotent talent. Such an achievement should necessitate the power of a Boundless character or the creator of a Hyperverse hierarchy. Engaging in probability deduction and casualty assessment, the being's infinity eye radiated a dark hue distinct from its nature. Aligning with the conclusions of both OAA and the Presence, the being recognized that a manipulative force was at play across the Omniverse, utilizing Alvis as the focal point. This force merged multiple realities into a universe, crafting a Spatial Space where all could descend.

"Hahahahah! It's creating a battlefield for all of creation," the being laughed. It found this newfound situation amusing, deeply marveling the Trickster Plan. The being couldn't let others have all the fun alone Looking at Alvis Bright at the bed in Kamar-Taj, raising it's hand ball of light appeared with Slap Gesture sending it to alvis it arriving in front of Alvis's soul in instant, traversing infinite distances effortlessly.

When the Being sent It's gift to Alvis the square head rotated it's head into the left Infinity and omega eye shined Brightly it felt someone is looking at it but nonetheless didn't find anyone "weird felt like im spied on that's impossible there's not single multiverse near me at the edge of the Omniverse hummm" looking upward the being flashbaged by the sight there was...

Within the confines of Alvis's consciousness, a white sphere materialized, seemingly present since time immemorial. Alvis, entrapped in a coma induced by an excessive surge of life and energy, remained oblivious to this intrusion. However, his innate talent mechanism registered the breach, even in his unconscious state.

The breach activated Alvis's mental defenses, prompting the cognitive shield to lock onto the intruder. Within Alvis's consciousness, a clash of reverberating sounds resounded as the sphere demonstrated its intellect. It collided with the Memetic Memory lock, smoothly evading the confinement. Positioned before Alvis's repository of memories, the sphere bypassed cognitive filters, effortlessly processing information that mortals couldn't fathom. As the processing intensified, an overload ensued.

The sphere's ability to break free suggested the presence of a superior force. Faced with this failure in defensiveness, an emergency cognitive protocol was triggered, confirming the intrusion and necessitating a responsive action.

As soon as process applied this protocol Alvis mindplace begun collapse everything seem to fall apart first memory library begun collapsing glitching out of virtual state into bits of information it seem their is destination to it as the process ongoing books from multiple sections begun interacting with each other bits creating paradoxical and complexity nature destroying completely destroying nature of memories itself.

Subsequently, the space Alvis had constructed began to unravel, taking on an eerie and unstable quality. The very foundations crumbled, with walls, structures, and even the virtual sun disintegrating. The gradual transformation of the sky from white to yellow and then to blue mirrored the fading radiance of a dying star. Nature responded, as grass and trees withered, the ground quaked, resembling an earthquake.

Within this tumultuous scene, a novel concept that defied existence began to take form, manifesting as everything in the vicinity was drawn toward the collapsing library. Amidst this chaos, a singularity materialized, comprised of rotating information from transformed books. This singularity acted as a gravitational force, swallowing all into a consuming abyss of darkness. In the midst of this process, the sphere of light maintained its position beside the emerging black hole, neither drawing nearer nor distancing itself. As the annihilation continued, darkness returned, and the sea of consciousness reverted to a profound silence. The singularity and the sphere of light coexisted peacefully, standing side by side Amidst the stillness.

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