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25% Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus} / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 CHAOS SHALL DESEND EDITED


What does it feel like having a cosmic being in your presence? If Alvis could answer, he would say that it feels like nothing in particular, similar to having a friend nearby. No, to be honest, it's more like having your father-in-law with you.

"Respectful Great Watcher, what brings you here to my humble room?" Alvis asked nervously. What the fuck would bring a cosmic being here? He couldn't comprehend why.

Checking the Watcher up and down, Alvis can say that Marvel made a lot of reworks for this being. From civilization to abstract entity, it's quite a lovable and honest character. Hopefully, he still is.

"Interesting anomaly. So you're the creature who broke the casualty in this universe. We all thought new multiverse powerhouses were born. Who would have thought small humanity did it? And you seem to have noticed the framework of dimensions. What's your name, human?"

The Watcher didn't explain why he's here but asked back first. Alvis can see the deep curiosity in the Watcher's eyes.

"My name is Alvis Bright. May I know your name?"

"I go by the name Uatu. Alvis Bright, you don't seem to be a creature from our multiverse. Are you from beyond?" the Watcher asked. Alvis's nervousness broke the rooftop. 'Am I going to get erased or locked up?' he thought, activating emergency protocol.

"Mmm, Uatu, am I going to get erased or locked up?"

"No, I don't interfere in creation itself. It goes against my rules."

'Yeah, yeah. You broke your oath over 400 times, and now you broke it just now. Sigh,' thought Alvis. 'Process: Scan him, 1k {OE}, proceed.'

'Process scanned.'

Name: Uatu The Watcher

Life: incalculable

Energy {E}: incalculable

Race: Watchers/Cosmic Being

Level of Power: 2-A: Multiverse level+

Concept: Unknown

Knowledge: Science (C+), Unknown

Talent: Unknown

Superpower: Energy Manipulation {ENM}, Telepathy, Reality Warping, Mind Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Telekinesis, Cosmic Awareness

Process Description: Dead without leftovers

'Lost one thousand energy points to know I would be erased faster than what I can perceive, so I'm dead either way.'

"Mmm, Uatu, what do you mean about Beyond? As Beyonders or Beyond as a hierarchy from outside?"

"The second one. You seem to know more than what you're supposed to know. Beyonders still don't exist for now. Or do they?"

Fuck! What confusing cosmology! Cursing in his mind, Alvis cursed Marvel for their confusing cosmology and unnecessary remasters.

"Yes, I'm from beyond. I answered. Now, may I know why you're here?"

"Maybe because you broke the dimensional barrier. Your approach is quite right. If you'd forced yourself into someone else's dimension, look," the Watcher moved his hand, fixing the dimensional wall that Alvis broke.

Process: Thought Acceleration. Alvis channeled Omni-Energy to his eyes and began to watch Uatu. Seeing that, after fixing the Dimensional wall, Uatu seemed to poke a hole into the Mirror Dimension. No, to be exact, he removed a square from space and connected both the materialistic world and Mirror Dimension, leveraging reality to Mirror Existence.

'I see there where I was wrong. I shouldn't have punched a hole that forcibly connected both of them. This will lead to dimensional reversal, not dimensional manipulation, leading to reality collapse. Again, sigh I would have destroyed the universe. Fuck, scary overthinking,' Alvis thought.

Process Thought Acceleration shutting down

"Um, Uatu, why, when teaching me, didn't you say you wouldn't interfere in creation?" Overthinking Alvis thought of something scary, remembering someone's speech about the Watcher's being experimentalist scientists.

"Nothing in particular. It's just that we don't see creatures from beyond a lot. Many of them create troubles before being erased or exiled by the Living Tribunal. You creating a hole between dimensions is not a really acceptable thing. But your particular existence removed the casualty of the whole universe, even making the hands of all cosmic beings out of this universe," stopping the explanation for a second, Uatu checked Alvis up and down, lowered his floating to Alvis's height, and said with a weird tone.

"And if they were here before, they would have come to you. But now, no cosmic being can come into this universe, Alvis Bright. Casualty works in all beings under multiverse level."

With a sigh, Uatu spoke with a voice fueled with passion.

"Your existence broke it for the whole universe, making it the best to ever or will ever be to live in. No destiny or fate works anymore. Everything is going into the infinite possibilities. This alone made me start liking you." 'Why are there so many perverts? Here is a cosmic one!'

"Sigh, so am I being treated like an experiment?" 'If you say yes, when I'm strong enough, I will make you look better,' Alvis vowed.

"Not really, Alvis Bright. But you make it easier for anyone to achieve multiverse level. This excitement and information alone make me want to lock you up and see where this universe's future would go. But it seems I won't be able to. If I do that, you would die together with me. And you seem quite sure of that, ain't I right, Alvis Bright?"

The Watcher's tone changed from being a lovable and cheerful guy to questioning reality as a cosmic being. His cosmic awareness let him feel a throbbing feeling of threat and death from Alvis.

Alvis' nervousness vanished, replaced by a face of pure chaotic expression. He knew something about Himself. Alvis Bright never starts problems, but if it comes to him, he will let chaos and destruction welcome it.

Looking at Uatu, Alvis calculated his winning rate. Then, Alvis said with a tone devoid of any emotions but with a hint of chaos still present.

"Uatu, from my information about cosmic beings, you all have a soft spot for death. And, to be honest, fighting against cosmic beings will only lead to more troubles. Going from one to two enemies until having all cosmic beings as my enemies," stopping for a second, Alvis checked Uatu's expression and saw nothing. He said in disappointment,

"I hate troubles more than anything else. I want to find answers to my questions, and having enemies will slow it down. I would appreciate friendship over having more enemies. So, would you like to lower the nonexistent hostility?"

Without waiting for an answer, Alvis began to train his newly profound knowledge about dimensions.

Uatu, seeing that, didn't answer Alvis' previous conversation and said to him,

"Alvis Bright, from the minute I have come here and you saw me, I smelled the breath of chaos and craziness. I hope the next time we meet, we wouldn't be enemies. I would like to have someone with your creativity as a friend."

Having said that, Uatu the Watcher opened a weird blue dimensional portal and left.

'Process close. Emergency protocol.'

Without changing his face, Alvis sighed and continued his training.

In his thoughts, that was scary. Having a cosmic being in his presence without power was even scarier. Will This universe would become a playground of chaos, fate, and destiny, free choice and will, wisdom and intelligence. What will the winner in the end be?

In the sci-fi-looking spaceship, Uatu the Watcher existed The portal looked into the deep space, and said

"Eternity, Infinity, are you really unable to control anything anymore? How could you not control your own body?" Uatu was speechless. 'Not being able to control your own body? This is a really good joke coming from abstract entities.'

A voice from the void answered, "This universe has become the center of the whole multiverse. The Living Tribunal gave an order that this universe's cosmic barrier shall not be touched. Then he left without explanation." Eternity's voice had a hint of questioning.

"It's really interesting... Then let's wait and see what will happen. Will new multiverse powerhouses be born? This universe, no, the whole multiverse, chaos is near..." Uatu the Watcher really enjoyed seeing the situation. Everything had a plot, but now something broke it apart.

A week had passed by since Alvis's speech with Uatu the Watcher.

The materialistic world is made of matter and energy Right? Questioning Alvis sighed, wishing Einstein was here to help. "Fuck dimensions, Einstein, where are you? I would be more than happy to have a chat with you. You said that matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move. Maybe that's how it works there, but here it's something else. Or maybe this is how it all works."

"The Ancient One never gave me the Sling Ring for a reason. Now I know why. Understanding dimensions using the Sling Ring to create portals and Mirror Dimension will make the situation more complicated."

Sighing, Alvis wondered why dimensions were so complicated. They looked like space, but they worked differently. Why couldn't they be more gentle?

Process Status:

Name: Alvis Bright

Life: 10080/10080

Omni-Energy {OE}: 20160/20160

Race: Singularity

Level of Power: Low 7-C: Small Town level / 3-A: Universe level via Reality Collapse

Concept: Physical/Mystical/Dimensions

Knowledge: Science (M+), Language (∞), Mystical Arts (M+), Magic Runes (H), Dimensions (L+), White Magic (M)

Talent: Process (Omni√knowledge) {AB}, Absorption (1)

Superpower: Energy Manipulation (Linked to Knowledge) {ENM}, Mindscape

Passive Skills {PS}: Automated Meditation {AUM} - Acquiring 1440 Omni daily

Active Skills {AS}: Energy Blast, Energy Ray, Omni-Energy Body, Collapse Death, Dimensional Reversal

Spells {SP}: Comprehensive Line Magic, Compressed Magic Shield, Shield of the Seraphim, Mirror Dimension, Portal Creation, Comprehensive White Magic, Enchantment

"Is it a comprehension problem? But that spell that Help Comprehension couldn't be understood at all. What soul power energy limit interaction increase Comprehension Ability, What the fuck is that? Sigh. Still, how could dimensions be a puzzle and strings at the same time?"

Alvis was inside the library, after spending the week compiling his studies. Here, he studied everything he could understand be it white magic, space, and dimensions. He could say he become Knowledgeable sorcerer in them, but he still couldn't grasp their control over them.

Alvis left the library and went to the Ancient One's room. Maybe she would know. Arriving there, Alvis knocked on the door, but no one responded. "Is she gone somewhere? Sigh. I should ask Mordo."

Alvis made his way to the training ground, finding it deserted and in disarray. He encountered an apprentice who was running in a hurry, clearly distressed. Alvis asked what had happened and where everyone had gone, including Sorcerer Supreme and Mordo.

The apprentice informed him that Mordo and the other apprentices had gone for training outside but were caught by a demon trap. Sorcerer Supreme had gone to save them. Alvis cursed, realizing that more than one demon was trying to breach and they needed to activate the enchantment.

Frustrated and confused by the events of the day, Alvis closed his eyes and channeled his Omni-Energy to his mind to locate Alice's location. He hoped she wouldn't be angry with him, remembering that she had mentioned going for training. With his ADHD, Alvis had marked her location in his mind.

Coordinates: z1su8l. "Fuck, is this even on Earth?" Alvis pondered. He realized that it's Not on Materialistic Dimension To Find there Location would require him to calculate dimensions, something that had always been a challenge for him.

His method of calculating dimensions was peculiar, different from the usual way. By running all the runes together with Omni-Energy and utilizing the Mirror Dimension magic circle, he attempted to find the exact location. If he was lucky, he would succeed.

Controlling Mirror Dimension was easier for him because he had its runes and could still manipulate it.

After some intense calculations, Alvis discovered the exact location. "Fuck, Hell Limbo (Otherplace)? How the fuck did they end up there? Sigh." Alvis activated the emergency protocol.

A chaotic smile appeared on Alvis' face, if an eldritch being was here IT could perceive the pure concept of chaos emanating from Alvis, channeled his Omni-Energy Around Himself causing black and purple energy to bloom over his body Constructing an armor similar to the Toppa Gurren Lagann mech Enchanting runes adorned the armor as Alvis punched the space Infront of himself.

"Dimensional Reversal & Mirror Space. Click!" A hole in reality appeared.

Looking At Red Hole Appeared With Chaotic Face Alvis exclaimed "BASTARD DEMONS, HERE I COME! HAHAHAHA!" ready to confront the demons

Ten minutes earlier, in Limbo (Otherplace), the Ancient One was in a confrontation against multiple opponents. She was left speechless at the sight of demons collaborating with each other.

"Since when do demons collaborate with each other?" the Ancient One asked, astounded. Those greedy bastards united together. This meant either two things: someone stronger made them do it, or the benefits were higher than their hatred.

"Hehe, Ancient One, you wait here until Mephisto opens the door for us. Then we can enjoy the uniqueness of that universe," Satannish taunted.

"Yeah, Ancient One, stay with us," Belasco added.

"Greedy bastards. Mordo, protect the apprentices! Hell Lords, since when did you have the dignity to speak?" the Ancient One's face looked grim. They had been calculated their arrival was a plan from the start meaning that there are traitor inside The Sanctuary.

Mordo heard the Ancient One and realized they had a chance to escape. Now he needed to be prepared. He glanced at the apprentices, seeing them hold their own, casting spells and defeating demons.

Mordo nodded to himself and thought, "They are good candidates for training. Alice is particularly strong; she could become a sorcerer soon I wish Alvis was here His help would be appreciated."

The Ancient One opened the Eye of Agamotto, and the green glow of the Time Stone enveloped the red space. When the Hell Lords saw that, they clicked their tongues. "Bastard sorcerer, cheating with treasure's," they muttered to each other, understanding that they needed to go all out.

An intense green light flashed through the space as soon as the light dissipated. Hundreds of Ancient Ones appeared, and numerous magic circles manifested. "Fuck, Ancient One, you don't play cards according to the routine," cursed the demons aloud.

Being bombarded by hundreds, if not thousands, was not a pleasant feeling. Satannish, known for his hellfire magic, seeing that he was circled by many magic circles, channeled hell energy around his body, illuminating the space with fire. In the process, he eliminated the time magic around him and bombed some of the copies surrounding himself, escaping the confinement.

Belasco, on the other hand, wasn't adept at using Hellfire. But as a wielder of dark magic and a pawn of the Elder Gods, his power was immense. Chanting strange words, black light surrounded Belasco's body, as if darkness itself descended into reality, swallowing the magic circles and copies of the Ancient One, erasing them.

The Ancient One, witnessing this, didn't look particularly surprised. One was a sorcerer for the Elder Gods, and the other was a known Hell Lord. But what she wanted was to keep them occupied in space for some time to complete her spell.

"Hell Lords, welcome Vishanti magic, huh?" Behind the Ancient One, the image of the Vishanti appeared, a large golden magic circle embodying their power, with many runes and a weird blue eye in the middle of it. The magic circle locked onto the enemies. The Ancient One noticed that the spell was completed, but its power was lower than half of what it usually was.

What she didn't know was that the space of Limbo they were in was part of their own universe, making it harder for anyone to influence it from the outside.

The demons looked at the Ancient One with a weird smile. They understood something at that moment. However, defending against the Ancient One's spell was still difficult.

Seeing the upcoming golden light shot from the magical eyeball, Satannish burned his own dimensional energy to tank it. A red light bloomed around the space, creating a zone around him with a nigh-omnipotent shield. Then he turned his head, looking at the Ancient One with a perverted smile.

Belasco defended against it with an even weirder chant.

"Oh, by boundless darkness, Great Chthon, arise. Unleash your might where chaos lies. From realms unseen, through mystic gate, grant me power, let worlds vibrate."

A dark magic circle appeared around Belasco, and strange chants echoed, possessing power over reality, canceling out the upcoming magic as if it had never appeared at all. Belasco turned his head to the Ancient One and said,

"Hahahaha, Ancient One, what can you do now? Even your great Vishanti can't help you. Hehehehe."

Click. Click. Click. The answer to Belasco was the sound of the dimensional barrier being broken, and a weird laughter filled with chaos reverberated throughout the space.

Belasco, Satannish, the Ancient One, and everyone else stopped fighting and looked up with solemn expressions. Enemy or friend? That was the question in their minds, and the answer arrived.


Hearing the voice, Satannish and Belasco looked even more solemn. But If they turned their heads to the Ancient One, one could see her hand shiver for a second before returning to normal. The apprentices looked happy, but Mordo had a solemn expression, similar to the Ancient One. It seemed he remembered something.

Exiting the dimensional door, Alvis appeared in his cool black and purple armor, his eyes fueled with chaos. He glanced at everyone, taking note of the injured apprentices. He saw that Alice had lost an arm, Mordo's clothes were damaged, and he had cuts on his face. Alvis assessed their conditions and stated in his mind while looking at the Ancient One, who seemed to be doing well.

"So, you're the bastards who took my friends hostage. HAHAHAHA! So, demons, how would you like to die?" A chaotic expression appeared on Alvis' face.

Process Scan Hell Energy: Affirmative.

As Alvis looked at the demons, he pondered how he could make them appreciate pain to the highest possible level. Wait, do demons feel pain? Overthinking chaos, Alvis considered the question.

Satannish and Belasco looked at Alvis and spoke in unison, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU? PURE CHAOS DESCENDED?" Both of them seemed scared due to Alvis' presence. They could perceive more than what others saw—pure chaos and destruction. No, it was even higher than that. Belasco could swear that even Chthon was not as scary as this.

"Mmm, I'm Alvis Bright, a sorcerer and student at Kamar-Taj. So, respectful demons, can you answer my question? How would you like to die?" Alvis responded. "Hell, you're a human sorcerer!" Belasco cursed, while both Belasco and Satannish looked at each other and made a decision. They would fight and then attempt to escape. Demons never believed in oaths or alliances. Never mind the materialistic world. Survival was the question at hand.

Belasco began to chant a weird incantation, and the Ancient One, seeing this, cast a triple combo of spells. Images of Ikonn followed by two avatars of the Ancient One, who looked incredibly real, appeared. Both avatars cast the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to lock their opponent. Belasco, seeing this, canceled his chant and received a backslash, but he managed to handle it, cursing in his mind. He chanted spells, and black light flashed into the Ancient One's spells, blocking them.

However, the Ancient One's avatar wasn't just for show. The avatar cast the Cleansing Light of the Seraphim. "Fuck, Ancient One! You use white magic in Hell. I curse you by the name of Cth..." Before Belasco could finish his curse, Alvis appeared behind him, Burning Omni-Energy. Alvis delivered a powerful punch, amplifying his strength tenfold, knocking Belasco into the ground, creating a large crater.

Alvis turned his head to the Ancient One and asked her to deal with the other guy. black magicians were harder to deal with than demons, and he didn't want an Elder God to descend. He wanted to end Belasco first.

Glancing at his energy levels (9000/20160), Alvis knew he had paid Ten Thousand for both Dimensional Reversal and Mirror Space Combination, as well as for thought acceleration (610). He sighed, longing for infinite energy. When would that be?

Overthinking chaos, Alvis glanced at the pit where Belasco had gotten up. Alvis said, "Belasco, I never liked those extradimensional beings in particular, and you're a worshiper of one. I would like to torture you, but time is not waiting for anyone, am I right?"

"Fucking liar! What human sorcerer can hurt a demon with his bare hands? Are you a new demon or a dimensional god descended into a human body? Don't fucking lie to me. I can smell your chaotic essence from here," Belasco retorted.

Human, my ass. The smell of chaos permeates this space. Thinking hard, Belasco couldn't name anyone other than Chthon, the Lord of Dark Magic, who possessed this chaotic power. But why would Lord Chthon fight himself?

"Oh, you can see that. Interesting. I thought I covered it up. Enough chitchat. I would like to give you a one-way ticket to Lady Death," Alvis replied. The scent of chaos was still alive. He sighed, deciding to clean it up later. Channeling Omni-Energy, Alvis focused the energy within his body, increasing his physical power to 6-C: Island level.

Hehehehe, a good punching bag is here too. Let's have some fun!

With semi-perfect control over his body achieved through thought acceleration, Alvis boomed with his physical body, appearing next to Belasco. Being a Worshiper Of Elder God's Chthon Blessed Belasco With physical strength superior to that of a human, and his reflexes were heightened as well. He noticed Alvis' disappearances and sonic booms.

Using his sixth sense induction, Belasco chanted black magic in his mind, burning his life energy. Runes appeared around his body, catching Alvis' punch. However, how could the demon know that the energy Alvis wielded was higher than anything else? Boom! Belasco was sent flying with a sonic boom.

HAHAHAHA! Fun! Dark red color bloomed around Alvis' body, the chaos of a higher dimension descending. Reality around him began to collapse.

The Ancient One, witnessing this, began thinking about how to stop Alvis if he had gone crazy. Satannish, seeing the chaos unfold, desired to break the dimensional barrier and run. However, the price was higher than he could pay.

Alvis stopped in place after noticing the curvature and glitches in reality around him. He began channeling energy to his eyes, allowing him to see the changes in reality, dimensions, and space. They transformed from lines and squares into puzzle pieces. "So, this is dimensions From higher Dimensionality Looks Like. It's a puzzle," Alvis thought.

Looking at Belasco, who had stood up once again, Alvis stepped forward faster than anyone could perceive. He appeared beside Belasco noticing that his soul was on the verge of leaving his body.

Alvis did what cosmic beings do. He curved reality, switching space and time to his desired destination. But the energy burned like fuel, costing him 2k of his Omni-Energy.

Looking at the bewildered Belasco, Alvis raised his right hand and made a simple punching gesture. With that, the reality around Belasco began collapsing.

Belasco looked at his collapsing body and glanced at Alvis, who had a butcher's smile. With mixed emotions, he said, "Great being, it's an honor to die in your hands. Reality shall fall into chaos." Hearing that, Alvis' smile faded, and he existed emergency protocol, making Chaos Conceptual Power Going offline.

The smell of chaos, the color of chaos that couldn't be recorded in any spectrum, disappeared as if it didn't exist at all. Belasco, seeing this, looked even more scared, for Alvis' words had struck at the core of his being.

"Slave for power is still a slave. Power itself was never wrong or right. If you couldn't handle a small concept of chaos, how could I, Alvis Bright, see the end?" Arrogance or perhaps confidence, Belasco thought, as he welcomed the hands of Lady Death.

Satannish and the Ancient One heard the voice and reacted differently. Ancient One sighed in relief, while the Satannish calculated his survival rate, realizing it was slim. Satannish being a Hell Lord had a card up his sleeve but he didn't want to use it now. Instead, he wanted to use it for something else.


"Oh, how could we leave our brother Satannish to die? That's impossible, right, brothers and sisters?" a chorus of voices responded.



Many voices filled the space in Limbo, and tens of avatars of Hell Lords and dimensional gods appeared.

Then Alvis' voice resounded, "Interesting, more punching bags have appeared. Ancient One, take the others to Earth. Maybe today Limbo will cease to exist."

Alvis looked at the Ancient One, the other apprentices, and Alice, who was in a coma. Their situation had gone from bad to worse. The minions of the Demon Lords were not statues waiting for their turn to fight; they were ready to attack at any moment. This wasn't a game of chess pieces move one at the moment.

Punching reality in front of himself, Alvis opened a hole between dimensions. The Ancient One glanced at Alvis for a few seconds, then warped time power around everyone. In a flash, they disappeared.

"So, it was all about me from the very beginning. The trap was set for me, not for Kamar-Taj, am I right?" Alvis said, looking at the many avatars. His gaze focused on one in particular—it was Mephisto.

While Alvis was at Kamar-Taj, he had subconsciously scanned the apprentices, discovering the name Mephisto. He had calculated everything from the start, realizing that the trap was set specifically for him.

"You're a smart human, or better called an anomaly. Your existence is the excellent tonic for anyone, be it Hell Lords or dimensional demon gods. It can help us achieve multiverse level just by consuming you. Hehehehe," Mephisto taunted, fueling the crowd. Alvis glanced at the many avatars, his energy at 5500 out of 20160. The scan was completed, and he could {AUM} Hell Energy.

Accuiring around 10k{OE} Daily , Alvis knew Hell Energy was semi-infinite energy source. Staying here could recharge and increase his energy limit significantly, but it would mean certain death.

Looking at the enemies in front of him, Alvis thought about the black hole he had created with Mordo before leading to a reality collapse between two dimensions thinking If it weren't for the Ancient One's time manipulation, the universe would have been torn apart. And that was two dimensions will be erased.

Calculating with all the runes he knew, Alvis theoretically could create multiverse-level destruction. However, that would surely attract the attention of the OAA, leading to his certain death. So, destroying Limbo was not an option Fucking Nexus Reality damn it!

In his thoughts, Alvis noticed Demon Lord And Demon God leaking saliva Looking Grim To Them Alvis Channeled Omni-Energy Around Himself Demons on the other side saw that and begun to Distence themselves from Alvis They had observed the fight from the beginning, from the chaos concept to the dangerous feeling of energy and the cosmic trick at the end. They didn't want to be the first to enter the fire pit.

Looking at the many beings in front of him, Alvis asked the process, 'Can I use Mirror Dimension and Omni-Energy to assign dimensional reversal and hit everyone in the thier main dimension and then escape?'

The process calculated it as possible. Alvis' body would return to Earth in a coma state, but the time was uncalculatable.

Emergency protocol activated.

In the center, Alvis' body bloomed with red, black, and purple colors. Reality around him began to collapse. Hell Lords and dimensional demon gods saw this and thought Alvis was going to die along with them. They distanced themselves from him.

"Why is he laughing?" Mephisto asked. His cosmic awareness was sending warnings, not just to him, but to everyone.

"HAHAHAHA! APPRECIATE MY GIFT FOR YOU ALL!" In seconds, everyone tried to cut their connection with the avatar. But they found that they couldn't; they seemed to be locked in casualty. Mephisto shouted, "FUCK CASUALTY! HIT HIM FAST!"

But Alvis moved faster. Omni-energy chaos Conceptual Power Dimension reversal & Mirror dimension.

CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. More than ten dimension walls were broken. Hell, Nightmare, Dark Dimension, and many more dimension barriers were hit hard, becoming open targets for many.

What was even scarier was the voice of laughter, filled with chaos, echoing around many dimensions. Some even escaped outside the universe wall and into the void of the multiverse.

sorry for hatius life problem's Sigh Idk if i will continue writing but i will try to continue love beyond

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