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Chapter 59: Letter

The AvLee forest, a place of abundant, towering trees, held within its depths a hidden treasure trove of natural resources. Yet, these magnificent trees were not a resource that could be harnessed with a simple swing of an axe. They required a transformation, a journey from standing giants to processed timber, before they could find purpose in the construction and repair of equipment. This was the mission that had brought Alexander to this lush wilderness, dispatched by Xeron to seek out a sawmill, the key to unlocking the forest's potential.

As Alexander and his small team of demons embarked on their quest, the forest seemed to close in around them, nature's embrace. While Alexander focused on his thoughts and plans, Leo, a vigilant sentinel, scanned the skies for potential threats, ready to sound the alarm at the slightest hint of danger. His senses were acutely attuned to the environment, not only keeping a watchful eye but also a keen nose out for any lurking adversaries.

In the midst of this contemplative journey, Alexander's mind raced with strategic considerations. The pegasus knight unit's relentless assault on Xeron's demon army, particularly their single-minded determination to annihilate the siege equipment, hinted at the presence of an elven settlement nearby. It might be a city or fortress, but one thing was clear: the city's defenses were likely not as formidable as they could be.

A straightforward deduction unfolded in Alexander's mind. The pegasus knights' actions indicated their belief that the demon army's invasion was targeted at this city. To protect it from capture, they had thrown their might into thwarting the siege equipment. The logic was simple, and Alexander believed that Xeron should recognize it too.

However, Alexander's desires diverged from this straightforward path. His concern lay not with the elves themselves but in preventing them from taking refuge behind the walls of their fortified cities. The safety of the Gold Dragon Queen, Xeron's true target, depended on the elves misunderstanding the demon army's intentions.

As Alexander ventured deeper into the forest, he realized that making the elves aware of the real threat was imperative. But it was no easy feat. As a demon, appearing near an elven city meant certain death. Even if he somehow found the opportunity to speak, the elves were unlikely to trust a demon. In their eyes, demons were the embodiment of deceit and malevolence. Despite the occasional truth spoken by a demon, it was often dismissed in a world where appearances and prejudices carried substantial weight.

Amid these ponderings, Alexander's luck seemed to elude him. The direction he had chosen yielded no sawmills. The search for this crucial resource was a slow, laborious process without the modern conveniences of satellites and GPS. Yet, he couldn't venture too far in any single direction, compelling him to employ a back-and-forth approach.

Ultimately, he decided to take to the skies. High above the forest canopy, he spotted a sawmill hidden away amidst the wilderness. Its camouflage was so effective that there were no elven guards in sight. As Alexander and his demon entourage descended upon the hidden treasure, they could hear the rhythmic sounds of wood being cut and shaped.

Over twenty loggers, their faces etched with determination, were diligently at work, turning the forest's bounty into a valuable resource. They trimmed branches, stripped bark, sawed round logs into rectangular blocks, and then transformed them into flat, squared pieces. The labor was a testament to their craftsmanship.

However, as the loggers laid eyes upon Alexander and his demon crew, shock and confusion swept through their ranks. Panic set in, and they scattered in all directions, their cries echoing through the forest. It was a frantic bid to escape the unexpected intrusion.

In the chaos that ensued, a tragic incident marred the once-peaceful scene. A particularly ravenous hellhound, driven by its insatiable hunger, lunged at a logger. In a moment of horrifying brutality, the demon ended the logger's life and devoured his soul, a grim reminder of the perilous nature of this world.

When the group of trembling loggers eventually stood before Alexander, they resembled a flock of quivering quails. The demon, towering above them, reassured, "Don't worry! As long as you cooperate, I won't hurt you. Now, this sawmill is under the control of the demons. I want you to continue working and producing wood."

Alexander, looking down at the loggers, couldn't help but wish he could convey his message with a kind smile, but he knew these loggers wouldn't easily believe in his benevolence. Instead, he adopted a more assertive tone, fully aware of the challenge ahead.

With that, the loggers found themselves under Alexander's control. They diligently worked to produce wood, which, under Alexander's orders, the ten hellhounds and twenty little demons transported back to the demon camp. The loggers' production efficiency was modest at best, and everything was done by hand, without the aid of machinery. Until they had produced enough wood, Alexander had no choice but to bide his time.

These loggers were civilians, primarily elves, but predominantly elderly, as Alexander observed. Under his watchful eye, they were understandably nervous, and some even inadvertently injured themselves. Ignoring their anxiety, Alexander singled out the elf who served as their foreman and demanded, "You, come here!"

The foreman approached, trembling. "Yes... Sir... Your... Excellency, what do you need?"

Alexander questioned, "Can you read? In your elven language. Do you know how to read and write?"

"Of-of course!" The foreman nodded frantically.

"Good! Fetch a piece of paper, parchment will suffice, and write in elven language what I'm about to say. Any questions?" Alexander inquired.

"No!" The foreman had no questions. As long as Alexander didn't intend to eat him, he was willing to cooperate.

When the elf returned with parchment and a quill pen, Alexander began dictating, "Write this: 'Arrogant AvLeeians...'"

At the first sentence, the foreman raised his head in astonishment, his thoughts racing. How could we AvLeeians be seen as arrogant? Are the AvLeeians as prideful as these demons? Caught off guard by Alexander's fierce glare, he quickly got back to work and transcribed Alexander's words.

"Arrogant AvLeeians! How dare you stand in the way of the demon army entering the kingdom of Erathia? Now, in the name of high-rank demon Lord Xeron, I hereby announce that we sentence the AvLee elves to death. We will destroy your cities and slay the queen of the gold dragons. As long as you continue to obstruct the iron hooves of the demon army, the bloodshed will not cease! Your world shall burn at my feet!"

The foreman, trembling but resolute, transcribed Alexander's bold declaration in the elven language. With the ink dried, he presented it to Alexander with both hands. Taking the parchment, Alexander scanned the beautifully written characters. He didn't understand the content but was confident that the foreman wouldn't dare to fabricate anything. He stowed the parchment away; it was now a challenge letter meant for the elves.

Alexander chose to use Xeron's name, recognizing that the elves would likely dismiss him if he wrote in his own capacity as an undercover agent in the demon army. They might even suspect a scheme and bolster their defenses. Hence, Alexander crafted this challenge letter with a resolute tone, ensuring that the elves would take it seriously when it reached their forces.

Now, the only remaining question was how he would deliver this challenge letter, adding an element of intrigue to his mission...


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