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42.85% The traveling Alchemist / Chapter 2: ch2

Chapter 2: ch2

'Where is my mother? She held me in her arms before I fell asleep.'

I look around.

'I seriously hate how bad my vision is as a baby. I mean, I was very short-sighted in my previous life, but this is just ridiculous! I can barely see 5 meters clearly in front of me.'

-On the day of Jack's birth-

When I woke up I saw a light.

Before I could figure out where I was, I felt a pressure that forced me towards the light.

After this, I felt a pair of hands hold me and people speaking in Japanese, I believe.

I, for some reason, screamed and felt another pair of hands hold me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a blurry woman with black hair and sobbing before I fell asleep.

-back to the present-

After squinting, I saw enough of the room I was in.

It was a decraped room full of baby cribs and beds.

Most cribs were occupied by babies, and the beds were occupied by children.

The range of age of the children was 5 to 14 years.

'I wonder where the children above 14 years are?'

The room had a bad odor, the walls had seen better days, there was only one dirty light bulb, and the only window I could see in this room was locked shut.

'This room looks very depressing.'

I'm most likely in an orphanage.

'I better go back to sleep.

After all, if I waste my energy now, I won't have any for tomorrow for exploration.'

-After his sleep-

After I woke up, I had the urge to cry because of hunger and cried.

'Ouch, my pride.'

Luckily, before I cried my throat sore a rough man with a bushy beard came and picked me up. While carrying me to what I assume was the kitchen, he talked to me, and this gave me an idea.

'I guess it's time to test my ability 'knowledge in sight' or for short 'KS'.

I hope this works on language.'

I instinctively used the ability, and it gave me a massive headache.

'Ouch! My head, my head.'

-pov the rough man-

Halfway to the kitchen, the new baby started to cry even louder than before for no apparent reason.

*sigh* "You are going to be a troublesome one, aren't you."

After going into the small kitchen, I prepared the baby formula for the baby, and he calmed down after shoved the bottle into his mouth.

-pov Jack-

After the rough man shoved the bottle into my mouth, I calmed down.

I drank the baby formula to be full, but it was hard since it was so bland.

During my meal, another guy came and talked with the bearded man.

"Hey Takamura, how's the new one doing?" The new man asked the rough man.

"He's fine, Ishida."

"Good, this should mean we don't have to give up on him, like the unhealthy ones. Say, will we finally get more staff, because we finally got the right number of kids for the government to finally give us some more funds."

"No, they won't for at least another three months."

"Come on, I'm sure they will do it earlier than that."

"When you have been in this for as long as I have, then you'll stop hoping for the government to solve any problem. They aren't what they used to be 20 years ago."

"*sigh* I guess you're right. 'He looks at me with sad eyes.' Sorry, little one, I guess not only do you have dead parents but also a world that has only a few things left to offer your generation."

-2 years later, in the year 2102-

It's been two years since I came to this world, and I might be in trouble because in those two years, my caretakers noticed my intelligence.

One might say that's a good thing, but in this world, smart people are scarce, and the government might take me away from my home.

The reason for this is that the government passed a new law that forced orphan children under 5 years of age, with early signs of higher intelligence to be handed over to the government agents.

The relevant thing about this is that I have been chosen by the government because Takamura suggested a pair of agents they take me.

You might be asking now how do I know this as a 2 year old.

Well, I know about the law because the only thing that we can do to entertain our selfs is to play with old toys or watch the news.

Takamura is not willing to change the channels on the TV because the streaming service demands extra fees for other channels.

As for how I know about the agents, a pair of them just adopted me, and when they were in the car, they complained about their mandatory adoption of a child.

It seems that the marriage between those two agents was mandatory too because the population was dwindling, and the government was forced to step in ever since the devastation from pollution in the year 2080 majorly reduced immigration.

The reason my new parent were being forced to adopt me was because they didn't want to do the deed since they only met and married each other about a month ago and weren't too comfortable with each other yet.

The worst part about this is that for the people of this world, it was normal, but at least they could switch partners if they were too incompatible with each other.

The weirdest thing about it is that it seemed l to work thanks to ai development

being able to determine good pairs.

I just hope my new parents will be good.

-1 hour ago, pov of the soon to be mother-

"*sigh* Sanji, let's go. We need to pick a child."

"I still don't understand why we have to have a child so early. Seriously! The others had a lot more time to get to know each other better before having any children, while we were barely a month into our marriage, Nami!"

(A/n: Yes, they are Sanji and Nami from one piece, and no, it's not because I ship them. I mearly choose them because everyone knows how they look and I'm too lazy to come up with new characters.)

"I know how you feel, Sanji, but you know as well as I do that it can't be helped since the paperwork took longer for them than expected.

Now smile and behave yourself.

We don't want to give Mr. Takamura a bad first impression, after all."

Sanji just looked annoyed at my words but listened to my words.

"I seriously hope we can get a child that isn't too difficult to deal with."

Sanji nodded at my words.

"I hope so too."

Weltraum_Geist Weltraum_Geist

This chapter is supposed to show a first glimpse of how screwed the world is, and I think I did a good job. If you disagree, comment why. I'd be interested in your thoughts about this.

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