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Chapter 29: Leisure

[Word Count: 2506]


With the task at hand completed, Leo found himself waiting in the comfort of Kishibe's car while Kishibe handled the necessary logistics regarding the glass devil. The bureaucratic process seemed needlessly long and tedious to Leo. In his mind, all it took was to secure the glass devil in a heavily guarded truck and transport it underground, and problem solved.

However, it appeared that the higher-ups insisted on extensive paperwork before even thinking about relocating the glass devil. Despite being severely beaten and on the verge of death, the bureau seemed unwilling to take any chances regarding its potential escape. Leo couldn't help but roll his eyes at the unnecessary caution. As long as the glass devil remained devoid of blood, escape would be near impossible for it. But, perhaps, the bureau knew something that Leo didn't.

Leaning the car seat back, Leo observed the adults bustling about, engrossed in their bureaucratic tasks. The weariness of the day's events washed over him, and he allowed his eyes to drift shut, using his dress shirt as a makeshift eye cover.

Time seemed to pass slowly as the sun reached its zenith. Leo was still dozing when Kishibe returned to the car. Peering through the window, he spotted Leo ruining his sleep schedule while he was busy doing Public Safety stuff.

Opening the driver's side door stirred Leo from his slumber, but the sound of it closing didn't seem to faze him. Kishibe rubbed his eyes, feeling the fatigue of the day settling in, before turning the ignition. He couldn't have anticipated the twist the day had taken with the unexpected encounter, keeping him busy for a significant portion of the day.

As the car roared to life, Kishibe decided that his first priority was to grab lunch. He needed to replenish his energy and take a moment to process the events that had unfolded. With practiced ease, he reversed out of the alley and merged into the busy street, skillfully navigating his way to the nearest diner.

Finding a parking spot with ease, Kishibe pulled into it without disturbing Leo's slumber. Stepping out of the car, he made his way to the trunk and retrieved a bottle. With the bottle in hand, he headed towards the cozy diner.

As Kishibe entered the nearly empty cafe, a gentle bell rang, signaling his arrival. He bypassed the booths and headed straight for the cashier, taking a moment to scan the menu placed on the counter.

While waiting for someone to attend to him, Kishibe perused the menu, weighing his options.

Soon, a staff member emerged from the kitchen and spotted Kishibe, making their way over to him. They greeted him with a friendly smile and asked, "Know what you want?"

Kishibe, having made up his mind, replied without hesitation, "Grilled Cheese."

The staff member continued, "Sides?"

"Fries and hashbrowns," Kishibe replied.

"And drinks?" the staff member inquired further.

"Two coffees," Kishibe stated.

"For here or to go?" the staff member asked, noting down the details.

"To go," Kishibe decided.

With the order finalized, Kishibe paid the bill.

As the waiter poured the coffee, Kishibe interrupted when the first cup was filled, requesting the second cup to be filled only halfway. The waiter gave him a perplexed look but complied before moving on.

With the waiter gone, Kishibe took out his fresh bottle of booze, popping it open. Carefully, he poured the contents into the coffee cup, combining his guilty pleasure with the rich aroma of the coffee. Afterward, he refilled his flask, ensuring he had a sufficient supply for later.

Some of the patrons couldn't

help but notice the distinctive sound of the bottle opening, their curiosity piqued. Observing Kishibe's actions with amusement.

Satisfied with his impromptu concoction, Kishibe disposed of the empty bottle in a nearby bin. Leaning back in his seat, he savored the first sip of his unique beverage, the warmth of the coffee mingling with the comforting kick of the added spirits. He drank leisurely, allowing the aromatic flavors to envelop his senses as he patiently waited for his order to be prepared.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the comforting scent of melted cheese, creating an inviting atmosphere that embraced the diner. The soft murmur of conversations and the occasional clinking of cutlery filled the air, enhancing the cozy ambiance that enveloped the space. Leaning back in his seat, Kishibe allowed himself a moment of tranquility.

After what felt like an eternity, the waiter emerged from the kitchen, carrying a bag that held Kishibe's order. With a warm smile, the waiter expressed gratitude for Kishibe's patronage as he bid farewell. Kishibe disposed of his coffee cup and gracefully made his way out, clutching the bag of food in his hand.

As Kishibe opened his car door, he placed the coffee cup on the roof for a brief moment. Seizing the opportunity, he tossed the bag of food onto Leo's lap, causing him to startle awake. Leo rubbed his eyes through the makeshift eye cover, gradually removing it as he yawned and blinked, his gaze now fixated on the bag that had abruptly interrupted his slumber.

Catching sight of Kishibe holding a cup, Leo turned to his right and accepted it, bringing it close to his nose before placing it in the cup holder. As Leo stretched within the confined space, he released a tired yawn, attempting to wake himself up fully.

"We done?" Leo asked, settling back into his seat.

"Yes," Kishibe replied, his voice calm and collected as he got into the car.

With the ignition turned, Kishibe guided the car back onto the road, continuing their journey. The ride through the streets was accompanied by the occasional sizzling sound emanating from the bag resting on Leo's lap, a tantalizing preview of the flavors to come.

As the car smoothly navigated through the city streets, the surroundings gradually transformed. The bustling cityscape faded into the distance, replaced by serene suburban streets adorned with meticulously maintained gardens and charming houses. The change in scenery provided a welcome respite from the intensity of the urban landscape.

Leo sat beside Kishibe, observing the passing scenery with a mix of fatigue and anticipation. The late afternoon sun cast a warm golden hue on the landscape, imbuing it with a sense of tranquility. The closed windows kept the inviting scent of the freshly grilled cheese contained within the car, teasing his senses with its savory essence.

Soon, a familiar sight came into view—a school nestled amidst lush greenery. The entrance gate, adorned with a welcoming sign, swung open to reveal a pathway leading to the main building.

Guiding the car to a stop near the entrance, Kishibe brought their journey to its destination. Leo gazed at his school with half-lidded eyes, a mixture of weariness and resignation evident in his expression. Without much ado, he stepped out of the car.

Placing the takeout bag on the roof, Leo swiftly donned his dress shirt, leaving it untucked. Draping his school blazer over his shoulders, Leo retrieved the bag from the roof and leaned down to meet Kishibe's gaze.

"Next week?" Leo inquired.

Kishibe simply nodded.

"Cool," Leo muttered, closing the passenger door with

a soft thud.

Facing the school entrance, Leo took a moment to survey the surroundings, ensuring no one else was present. Satisfied, he embarked on his solitary journey, walking along the sidewalk, his footsteps marking the path that would lead him home.

As Leo continued his solitary walk, a gentle November breeze caressed his face, carrying with it a cool yet refreshing sensation. The scent of the grilled cheese permeated the air, teasing his senses and intensifying his hunger, a promise of the warm and satisfying meal awaiting him at home.

Strolling past familiar storefronts and quaint restaurants, Leo found solace in the familiar sights and sounds of his neighborhood. Shopkeepers greeted him with nods and smiles, and friendly faces exchanged waves of recognition as they went about their day.

Lost in his thoughts, Leo meandered along the well-trodden path, finding comfort in the simplicity of the moment. The encounter with the glass devil lingered in his mind, interwoven with the anticipation of a peaceful evening spent savoring the flavors of the grilled cheese.

Approaching an intersection, Leo's attention shifted to an elderly couple seated on a nearby bench, basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun. Their faces radiated contentment and wisdom, reminding Leo of the beauty found in life's simple pleasures, such as enjoying a comforting grilled cheese sandwich.

A few more steps brought Leo in front of a familiar high-rise building—home.

Leo pressed the call button on the intercom outside Yuki's apartment, his finger hovering for a moment before making contact. Weariness weighed heavily upon him, his body may have been physically unharmed, but his mind was depleted, drained by the events that transpired.

A crackle emitted from the intercom, followed by Yuki's voice, laced with concern. "Leo? Is that you? What happened? Are you alright?"

Leo released a tired yawn, his exhaustion was evident in his voice. "Shower."

Without hesitation, Yuki swiftly buzzed him in.

Crossing the threshold into the lobby, Leo chose to ascend the stairs rather than rely on the elevator. Thoughts of the comforting grilled cheese intensified his hunger, propelling him upward, each step bringing him closer to the much-needed respite awaiting him.

Upon reaching Yuki's apartment, Leo gently knocked, his tired hand meeting the door with a soft thud.

Yuki swiftly swung open the door, her eyes instantly scanning Leo's face for any signs of harm. Concern etched across her features, she watched as he removed his shoes, ensuring his comfort and well-being.

"Are you alright?" Yuki asked, her voice laced with genuine worry, her gaze shifting from one side of his face to the other.

"Peachy," Leo replied, his tone carrying a mix of exhaustion and gratitude.

Yuki exhaled deeply, her own fatigue mingling with a touch of relief. She leaned back slightly, her hand instinctively reaching to run her fingers through his hair. But before her touch could meet his scalp, Leo swiftly intercepted, gently grasping her wrist to halt her motion.

"I wouldn't do that," Leo warned, his voice carrying a note of caution.

Yuki's eyes widened slightly, her brows knitting together in curiosity and concern.

"Leo, what happened?" Yuki inquired, her voice gentle yet probing, her hand descending to pinch his face, seeking answers.

"Glass devil," Leo answered simply, his words carrying the weight of an experience that required no further explanation.

Understanding dawned upon Yuki's face as she absorbed his response, her touch lingering on his cheek for a moment before releasing its grip.

"Oh..." Yuki murmured softly, a mix of empathy and concern coloring her tone.

Yuki's mind raced, contemplating the implications, before she instinctively pinched both of Leo's cheeks, as if to ground herself in the reality of the moment.

"You didn't make another contract, did you?" Yuki asked, her voice tinged with concern as she sought confirmation.

Leo shook his head, reassuring her. "No."

Yuki breathed a sigh of relief, her tension dissipating as she let go of Leo's face. Stepping back slightly, she took a closer look at him, her gaze shifting from concern to a hint of amusement. In her eyes, he resembled a weary middle-aged man returning home after a night of drinking alone.

A faint smirk graced Yuki's lips as she allowed herself a moment to appreciate the subtle transformation. But her maternal instincts quickly took over.

"You hungry?" Yuki inquired, her concern shifting to nurturing as she noticed the bag Leo had been carrying.

Leo raised the bag, displaying his prized possession. "Grilled cheese."

"Ah," Yuki responded, a soft chuckle escaping her. "Well, go take a shower. I'll leave this in the microwave so it stays warm."

Leo nodded appreciatively, deflecting Yuki's unconscious attempt to ruffle his hair, and made his way to the shower. Yuki watched him retreat with a lazy, closed-eye smile.

Entering the bathroom, Leo was greeted by the inviting warmth of the steam-filled space. He shed his

clothes, letting them fall in a haphazard pile on the bathroom floor, before stepping under the revitalizing spray of water.

The gentle cascade massaged his weary muscles, washing away the residue of the day's turmoil. With closed eyes, Leo surrendered to the soothing rhythm, allowing the water to cleanse not just his body but also his mind and spirit. As the water cascaded down his skin, he felt the weight of exhaustion gradually dissipate, leaving behind a renewed sense of vitality and clarity.

After the rejuvenating shower, Leo cocooned himself in a fluffy towel, reveling in its softness against his skin. He made his way to the kitchen, guided by the tantalizing aroma of grilled cheese that wafted through the air, drawing him closer to the much-anticipated feast.

Taking a seat at the table, Leo's anticipation reached its peak as he beheld the golden-brown grilled cheese sandwiches, accompanied by crispy fries and perfectly cooked hash browns.

With each bite, the flavors danced on his tongue, bringing him a sense of comfort and contentment. The warm, gooey cheese mingled with the satisfying crunch of the bread, offering a delightful contrast of textures. As he savored the familiar taste, the weariness of the day melted away, replaced by a profound sense of satisfaction and nourishment.

Leo immersed himself in the simple pleasure of the grilled cheese, allowing its comforting embrace to heal not just his weary body but also his spirit.

As satisfying as the grilled cheese was, all good things must come to an end. Leo savored the final bite, the lingering taste of melted cheese and toasted bread teasing his palate. With a tinge of reluctance, he reluctantly set aside the sandwich, left only with a lone hashbrown and a handful of crispy fries. They weren't grilled cheese but they were alright.

Reclining on the couch, Leo settled into its welcoming embrace, allowing himself to sink into its soft cushions. The day seemed to slow down as he patiently awaited the natural conclusion of its events. Seeking solace in the background noise, he reached for the radio, its familiar dial offering a gateway to a world of melodies.

As the radio came to life, a medley of tunes enveloped the room, filling the space with a gentle ambiance. Leo listened attentively, letting the melodies weave their way into his thoughts, providing a backdrop for reflection and introspection. The songs carried him through the remaining hours of the day.

With each passing song, Leo found himself drifting, carried away by the rhythms and melodies that resonated deep within. The music provided a soothing balm for his weary mind, offering a temporary respite from the challenges and uncertainties of life. He allowed himself to be lost in the tunes.

And so, with the final notes of a song, the day drew to a close. Leo sat there, the evening sun glowing through the drapes as the day came to an end.

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