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12.12% Along The Path Of Vengeance(Sasuke/Mha) / Chapter 4: Chapter IV: Sasuke Vs Mina

Chapter 4: Chapter IV: Sasuke Vs Mina

After the Apprehension test, All Might met Aizawa on the school grounds and talked to him about Midoriya's potential, but it slowly veered into something else, "I can kick out anyone whose chances fall below that mark at any time. It's not a cruel thing to end the half-assed chasing of a dream."

"Just as I thought... We'll never get along."

Aizawa was gonna keep walking, but he stopped in his tracks and turned toward All Might. "Since you'll be teaching this year, there is someone you just keep a close eye on. You can probably guess who since you've met him before."

All Might's chin lowered, "Young Sasuke."

"That's right. I interviewed him and he came off as secretive and potentially vengeful. I don't know just what he'll do, but I know he'll try something stupid."

All Might put a hand under his chin, "Yes..." An image of Sasuke as a child crossed through All Might's mind. Crying, yet glaring ahead at All For One.

"He must still want to kill All For One." All Might felt the old wound on his torso and his smile shrunk, "All he'll do is get himself killed where I already failed. I'll make sure to keep a close eye on him." 

Aizawa nodded and continued walking. When he got to the administrative office he recalled that Ashido was talking to Sasuke a lot. Well, she talked a lot in general, but she was talking to Sasuke specifically. He also remembered when Sasuke was advising Midoriya.

He called Ashido down first and after a few minutes, she arrived. "Hi, Aizawa Sensei."

"Ashido, take a seat."

She did as she was told, but looked at him with a scrunched brow. "Don't worry, you haven't done anything wrong. I brought you here because I'm wondering what your relationship with Sasuke is like. Are you a friend of his?"

She straightened up and the confusion disappeared from her face. "Yeah, we used to be really good friends," she rubbed the back of her head, "I mean... I'm sure we're still good friends, but it's been a few years."

"Are you aware of what happened to his family five years ago?"

She looked down, "... I heard. He moved away from Chiba soon after it happened. They say that All For One was in Chiba for some reason, and Sasuke's parents were one of his victims."

Aizawa nodded, "Correct. Although it's strange to think that All For One would just kill random people in Chiba."

She raised a brow and Aizawa shook his head, "Either way, I'm fairly certain that Sasuke believes All For One targeted his parents specifically, and he wants revenge."

Ashido was taken aback, "Revenge?! All Might fought him that same night and he hasn't been seen since. Like how could he get revenge on someone who isn't around anymore?"

"I don't know. What matters though is the fact that Sasuke believes he's still around."

Ashido scratched her head, "So what do you want me to do about it?"

"You're his friend–probably the only one–just keep a close eye on him. Figure out if he plans on doing anything, and tell me if he tries anything stupid."

Ashido smirked and thought, 'Well I already planned on doing at least two of those things.' She did a mock salute, "Agent Ashido is on the case!"

His face stayed unexpressive, "Good, you're dismissed. 

All the students went home and the next day they started normal High School classes like English, cooking, etc. 

Although in the afternoon they did what they all came to UA for: The Foundational Heroics Studies.

"It's me! Through the door like a normal person!!!"

All Might walked into class wearing his silver age costume and explained the battle trial they'll be doing, along with giving them the gear that they all asked for.

The gear Sasuke got wasn't anything special compared to what some others were wearing. It was like a traditional Japanese outfit. (imagine his Shippuden outfit).

While they walked towards where they would be testing, Sasuke looked at Midoriya's outfit and couldn't help but smirk at how on the nose it was. It was just a green skinny All Might. 

All Might explained the rules for the Battle Trial and everyone picked their team's through a lottery. 

Midoriya's teammate was Ochaco, Bakugo was with Iida, and Ashido was with Aoyama. Sasuke's teammate was a big guy who looked like he was part rock. "Your name's Koda, right?"

Koda nodded and the first hero vs villain battle was selected: Midoriya and Ochaco vs Bakugo and Iida. 

They were guided into a room with a huge screen that showed them the fight from cameras throughout the building. 'Knowing Bakugo, he'll probably just rush straight towards Midoriya. And because Midoriya still can't manage to control his power, he probably won't use it at all rather than risk killing someone with it.'

Just as Sasuke predicted, Bakugo tried to ambush Midoriya which failed because he and Ochaco dodged. "Damn it, Deku! Don't dodge me!"

Mina noticed the look on Sasuke's face, "Not a big fan of grenade arms?"

"He's an idiot. He's just using this trial as an excuse to beat up Midoriya."

Bakugo tried to go for a swing, but Midoriya got close and grabbed his arm, using his momentum to flip Bakugo over his shoulder and slam him to the ground. 

No one could hear what they were saying through the monitors, but it looked like a back-and-forth argument.

The two old friends started fighting again while Ochaco ran towards the bomb. Midoriya ran around the corner after a small defensive exchange and sat there while communicating with Uraraka who was discovered. Midoriya managed to hide from Bakugo for a while, but eventually, Bakugo found Deku and when he did he pointed his glove at him and started to pull on a pin.

All Might announced through the comms, "Bakugo, my boy, stop this! You'll kill him!"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed at his words. 

The menacing smile never left Bakugo's face though and he let off an explosion that destroyed the entire hallway. 

For a while, no one knew what was going on. When the smoke cleared, Midoriya's face was tense with gritted teeth as he lay on his back with torn clothes. 

Ashido's hand covered her mouth, "He's really trying to kill him now!"

"Tch... He's a crazy bastard, but I can tell that he aimed that blast in a way that Deku wouldn't be hit directly by it."

The battle went on and Bakugo dominated most of the time, backing Deku into a wall. They were both yelling at each other again, and Deku didn't look nervous at all compared to his usual self.

They both swung towards each other, but Deku's arm was pointed towards the ceiling and he blew through it. Which allowed Uraraka to use debris to win the fight. 

All Might announced the victory of the Hero team. Midoriya was carried off on a stretcher and Bakugo had a dropped jaw and wide eyes all the way back to the monitoring room where Yaoyorozu explained everything everyone did wrong. 

Sasuke glanced at the camera where he could see Midoriya being carried away. Sasuke thought, 'I hardly recognize you compared to Middle School.

He smirked and Ashido took notice and had a smirk of her own. She leaned over, "Are you smiling cause Midoriya won?"

His smirk quickly disappeared, "I'm not smiling."

After that, the next match began. Although it ended almost as soon as it started when Todoroki froze the entire building, getting the win for his team instantly. Sasuke's eyes went wide after witnessing the power.

The next few rounds passed with nothing of note happening until it was Sasuke's and Koda's turn as the villains. Their opponents were Ashido and Aoyama.

Sasuke and Mina's eyes darted at each other. Mina smirked and stuck out her tongue with a half-smile, "No hard feelings when I win, right?"

He walked towards the building, "Tch, there won't be any when you lose."

Her face hardened, 'This is a chance. Maybe I can try to get him to use his first power.'

When they all got in position the indoor battle started. Sasuke walked toward the nuke and knocked on it. 'Hollow, that must be how Iida was able to run with it.'

He turned to his teammate who was fidgeting and looking around, "So what's your quirk?"

Koda rubbed his hands together and looked around the room. Sasuke sighed, "Stick to the bomb."

He left the room and crept around trying to find a good opportunity to ambush either of the heroes. 

On the other end of the building, Aoyama walked down the center of the hall with dazzle and Mina slid past him on acid. Although some of the acids got on his cape and burned a couple of holes in it.

He groaned after noticing the holes and she snickered, "Sorry, sorry. Meet you at the bomb!"

She kept on skating through the halls up the floors until she was one floor below the bomb. She quickly noticed a purple hand swinging around the corner and slid under it, "Woah, could have knocked my head off with that one!"

"You're exaggerating, it only would've knocked you out."

She threw some acid at Sasuke and he blocked it with a Susanoo hand. 'Maybe I should up the damage a bit.'

He charged at her and tried to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Throwing straights and hooks, but she dodged through them as if she was doing a dance routine. He tried to sweep her legs from under her, but she bounced onto her hands and kicked him away. 

She smirked, "Ha! You remember that one? I've always wanted to use it on you!"

He sighed, "Of course, I remember, I did it first."

Her smile got bigger, "I thought you said you didn't want to hear me talk about anything you used to do."

A barely noticeable red tent appeared on his cheeks, "That's different."

"Riiiight," this time she went on the offensive and slid toward him, but before she could make contact he manifested a rib cage to protect himself from the acid blast she threw at him while circling him. 

The blast was stronger this time though and slowly ate away at his rib cage. 'This is getting annoying,' before it could do more damage, Sasuke dug a purple arm into the wall and pulled, causing her to trip on rubble. He seized the opportunity and grabbed her with a purple arm and threw her into the opposing wall.

She fell to the ground and groaned in pain. She rubbed her head with gritted teeth and Sasuke's eyes returned to normal. He tried to walk towards her, "Mina, are you"— She pointed at the ground below him and lifted her head with a smile, "Gotcha."

He looked down and noticed that the acid she slid on while circling him had almost completely eaten through the floor, and before he could react the ground beneath him collapsed and he fell through the rubble.

She stood up and cracked her neck. She took a good look down the hole to make sure he wasn't too injured, and to her relief, he was just dazed. She let out the breath she was holding and whispered down, "Sorry!"

In the monitoring room, Yaoyorozu said, "Shooting Acid while circling him to melt through the floor, I didn't expect her to do something that cunning."

Kirishima raised a brow, "You thought she was dumb?"

She waved her hands, "No no, just… straightforward."

Ashido made her way up the stairs and saw Koda guarding the bomb. When he saw her he reeled back. She slid toward him and wrapped the capture tape around the wrist he used to protect his face.

She had the chance to touch the bomb now, which would signal their victory. But she didn't. Class 1A looked through the monitors with some confusion. Kaminari smirked, "She should be able to win now, is she gonna troll him or something?"

Sasuke stood up and shook his head to try and get rid of his daze. After he felt normal he looked around and then up, 'She knocked me down a whole floor, I didn't expect her to try that hard,' he coiled purple energy around his legs and jumped up back onto the floor he was on earlier and ran towards the bomb floor.

While running his brow scrunched, 'Koda didn't seem like much of a fighter, so the test should be over already unless maybe Koda is a good fighter.'

One floor below Sasuke, Aoyama could be found. Still doing a slow fancy walk down the hall.

Sasuke arrived in the bomb room and noticed Koda was gone, and Ashido was standing next to the bomb. 

Sasuke sighed, "You've won."

She tilted her head, "Are you so sure about that?"

"There's no way I can stop you at this point when you're this close to the bomb, so you might as well touch it."

She sighed and held her hand inches away from the nuke. "C'mon, Sasuke. You could very easily take the bomb away from me right now. You know how to."

His eyes narrowed, "What are you..." he froze for a moment before gritting his teeth, "I already told you to forget about that!" 

She reeled back but quickly regained posture. "How do you expect me to just forget about that?! You used to love your quirk"—"It isn't my quirk!" he clenched his fist and Ashido's brow scrunched, "Not... your quirk? What do you mean by that?"

It's none of your concern!" 

She stepped forward, "None of my concern?!" she scowled, "You've been my friend since we were in Elementary school! You're... You're my best friend. How would it not concern me?! I know how you want to get revenge on All For One already. I don't know what happened, but that quirk is something unique to you you've had for years. You've saved people including me with that quirk, that's all I need to know for it to be yours! Just let me help!"

In the monitoring room, Kaminari spoke up, "They look almost as heated as Midoriya and Bakugo were earlier."

He glared at her, "This is my burden, it has nothing to do with you!  If all you're gonna do is try to pry into my past then..." he bit his lip and clenched his eyes for a brief moment before returning to a glare, "Then don't bother coming anywhere near me again! You can keep all that helping hand bullshit to yourself! I don't need help to avenge my parents!"

Ashido froze. Her bravado evaporated into thin air, and her once-clenched fist lay limp at her side. 'Don't talk to him again? He'd take it that far just to keep what happened to him a secret??'

Her eyes tensed and became watery, but she wiped them away to hide them and put on a fake smile. She looked down and rubbed her arm, "Ok... I'll drop it then..."

Sasuke felt the capture tape wrap around his wrist and heard a posh voice, "Monsieur Sasuke, is captured."

Sasuke already felt like he lost as soon as he entered the room, so he didn't mind. In the monitoring room, Mineta scowled, "What did that bastard say to make that babe look so sad?!"

Sero said, "How should we know? None of us can hear."

Ashido's smile faded, 'I want to know what happened to him, even though he said he would stop talking to me... I just need to know. There's no way he can deal with all that by himself... But does he just not care about our friendship anymore?'

Sasuke noticed the look on Ashido's face and left the room abruptly with his hands in his pockets. 'Why can't she get it? Does she want to die or something? All For One wouldn't hesitate to kill someone like her! She'd just be asking to die.'

Aoyama and Ashido also began to make their way back to the monitoring room. Aoyama looked at her out of the side of his eye and noticed her looking down at the ground. "I heard some of what you guys were saying."

She blushed and rubbed the back of her head, "Yeah... Could you not tell anyone about that?"

He traced his fingers across his lips, "My lips are silencieux. You shouldn't be sad though, maybe he just doesn't want you to get hurt."

Her eyes widened and she thought back to some of his expressions during their skirmish. A real smile crossed her lips, "I hope you're right. Thanks, Aoyama."

He gave a thumbs up and they arrived in the monitoring room. Kirishima asked, "Mina, are you good? You looked down earlier"

"Of course! I just had a sneeze that wouldn't come out. Man those are annoying!"

All Might started, "The best in this match was young Aoyama! Who knows why?"

Yaoyorozu raised her hand, "If I may, All Might Sensei. The reason why is that Aoyama was the only one to consistently stay on task." Aoyama winked and widened his smile, "Koda did nothing to protect the bomb and failed to communicate with his teammate. Both Sasuke and Ashido started strong, using strategy and fighting without a lot of excessive violence unlike the first round, but Ashido decided to not win the round and chose to argue with Sasuke about something which he let happen. Which was just idiotic and extremely reckless if this was a real situation. Aoyama, even though he could have shown more haste, managed to stay on task the whole time and won the match for them."

All Might gave a thumbs up, "... 100% right again, young Yaoyorozu."

All Might took them outside and congratulated them, Sasuke couldn't focus on what he was saying though. All he could think about was what Ashido said earlier, "You've saved people including me with that quirk, that's all I need to know for it to be yours!"

He shook his head, '... Stupid.'

At the end of class as everyone was getting dressed All Might rushed to the Nurse's office, 'I wanted to ask young Ashido what she talked about with young Sasuke, I'm almost out of time though. I'll have to ask some other time.'

A few days later, a bartender with a head made of black mist and metal was standing across the bar from a young man covered in hands, and a tall muscular black creature with exposed brains. The man covered in hands spoke up with a raspy voice, "Hey, what do you think would happen, once the Symbol Of Peace got snuffed out by villains?"

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