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Mike's head was aching drastically when he started to gain a conscience. He hadn't remembered falling asleep here so he grew curious about his current predicament. Gradually, he opened his eyes and started to look around where he had woken up. To his surprise, he was back at the elevator, reading floor 13B. Mike could've sworn the floor number had changed though he wasn't in the state to be questioning the floor number of all things. Bit by bit he started to stand. He quickly realized that the gloomy feeling he felt from the hallway was no longer there. Instead, the hallway was bustling with people completely juxtaposing the ambiance before. If the hallway earlier described hell's gate then this would be seen as heaven's staircase. Down the hallway, Mike could see multiple crowds chatting, he has overheard the word "new" at least 3 times since he had awoken. He was seriously starting to think they were talking about him over there. He sighed to himself and started to wonder how they didn't see him lying on the floor. Normally someone would go ask a passed-out stranger if they're alright but obviously, this office worked with different mindsets. Mike wondered if it was due to the fact he was a C- class raider. From what he read online around 85% of the workers were C+ and above, this was also one of the main targets to even join the raid unit. His overworked brain must be running a relay match with how much information he has learned today. Mike began to think about the man he met in his vision. dream? whatever it was. Maybe he wasn't even there in the first place. The stranger's eyes were a Deep Dark red, a direct connection to them. Mike knew getting involved would prove troubling but he already knew he would end up meeting the stranger again, he really didn't want to think about this any longer. To distract himself he thought about the moths he encountered earlier. The moth's image danced around in his head. Even whilst out of the dream he could see the moths vividly. The moths alone had cured his monotonous life slightly leaving an indelible mark on his brain, he wondered if he would ever have the pleasure to see them again. He was actually starting to miss them.

Mike got out of his fantasy and started to walk down the corridor for the second time today. His dream almost looked like a mirror compared to this hallway. The only difference was that one was ominously creepy and repulsive whilst this one was well-maintained and cleaned. You could probably run a finger down any of the shelves and you wouldn't find a single spec of dirt. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a part of the wall where the paint was significantly lighter, this wasn't in the dream he was in before. The lighter areas were in the shape of a box, it was safe to assume a painting had fallen here, but probably nothing too much to worry about. As Mike reached the transition point into the office he noticed that the desk he found interesting was no longer there. If this was Killian's floor why was his desk moved? He started chuckling to himself. After all, he wasn't even sure if his dream was real but he was comparing reality to it almost like he was sure it actually happened. Mike noted that when he got home he would have a long night to sleep through to avoid any more possible hallucinations.

A loud voice breached Mike's ears and a warm hand found its place on his shoulder. It was a woman with eyes as dark as an ocean experiencing a storm. Mike wondered if her personality was just as explosive as the color of her eyes .additionally, she had long black hair, and it was almost reaching her elbows, despite having it in a high ponytail. Her hair looked silk smooth, it almost reminded Mike of the elegant moths that swarmed him earlier. He quickly shook his head and got back on topic. She wore a short black skirt and a complimentary black top. She wore her blazer over the clothes she was currently wearing. The blazer she had was identical to the mysterious man he met in his dream. It was probably a form of the uniform they were given to prove they worked here. The woman was slightly tanned and wore barely any makeup.

"Hello there!" said the voice enthusiastically prolonging the L's in hello." You must be that new kid everyone is chatting about behind your back!" Ah. a very pleasant welcome Mike thought scoffing at the attitude displayed. Does everyone at the office have it out for him or something? At least the stranger had confirmed his theory about people talking about him.

"yeah, that's me. got something to say? other than y'know making me feel down of course?"

"Oh? Quite the attitude! I like you already new guy." The woman responded with a laugh. "My Name is Ophelia. Im a B- raider. Say. is it true you're a C- raider and you got the job? That's impressive! You must have some skills. OH! Not to mention that Killian personally invited you to work here. That guy's a mystery you can never read him y'kn-" The sound of someone clearing their throat became apparent at this moment.

Another employee had stopped Ophelia from making a statement about Killian it seemed. The employee wore the exact blazer Ophelia had on too but this time it wasn't a dark blue but rather a dark green, the man had messy curly black hair with a paler shade of blue eyes.

"Ophelia. please don't trouble the young man, he hasn't even got to his desk yet." The voice made an audible sigh and turned to face Mike.

"Sorry about her. " Said the stranger with a serious tone, "We are your guides. My name is Jack and that girl's name is Ophelia, but you already knew that. If I may, let me take you to your desk" The voice, Jack, stated.

"wait a minute.' Mike responded in a stern tone.

"yes, what is it?" questioned Jack.

"Have any of you ever seen an old man who uses comet moths?"

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