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Chapter 3

A week had passed since the walls were built around Ellisburg. "To contain the possible threat" is the official reason.

The real reason was fear.

David could understand where they were coming from. An Endbringer-sized creature (and it really looked like one too) suddenly appearing in the middle of a town would make anyone would think of the worst.

Luckily, all it did was fry the brain of a villain and preformed resurrection of all things. Honestly, he has no idea if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Unsurprisingly, information was suppressed and kept under lock and key. Resurrecting the dead is not a power anyone has ever seen, and it has quite a few troubling implications.

Riots would form just so that the public could have their loved ones resurrected if they knew.

David frowned and thought.

Hero could be brought back.

He immediately shook his head. Even if it were possible, the closest thing they have seen to resurrecting was Butcher and the Fairy Queen, and that didn't exactly inspire hope.

Thinker Analysis was completely useless against Goliath. Even the people he resurrected had some kind of resistance; they were only able to get that the coma was temporary.

Even Contessa was having trouble. Another blindspot, except this was worst.

Paths were wrong.

It started with minor one, small plans happening in the background. We didn't even really take note of it until the path for the Slaughterhouse nine gave a result they didn't expect.

Goliath's anti-thinker effect was spreading. From what they knew, everyone and everything that came into contact with Goliath had a similar effect, although it went away with time. Hence the reason he was here, sitting on the wall.

If the anti-thinker effect is working on the nine, then they could be here. Cauldron couldn't allow Jack to get control over Goliath.

A few flybys didn't reveal them, but the nine were crafty. He was probably going to stay here for a few days unless an Endbringer attack occurred.

He was about to start another round when he noticed that Goliath had started moving. It turned and looked at him.

David froze, unsure what to do. Goliath hadn't moved at all since the last use of his powers. He immediately tapped into his power, gaining a danger sense. It was something that he used quite often in Endbringer battles, and because of that, there is quite a low charge remaining, but better safe than sorry.

One of his slots was already taken with a flight power; it was really slow. Hence, he didn't mind using it for something like this.

Goliath didn't continue moving instead of simply staring at him, but David felt like it was an invitation instead.

Deciding not to just go, he called Rebecca.

It only rang once before she picked up.

"David, what's wrong?" Rebecca asked, serious as always.

David made a complicated face and replied. "Goliath moved. It's looking at me."

Although he couldn't see her, he could almost feel her frown through the call.

"Should I approach?" he asked.

"Approach, but make sure you're able to escape at any moment," Rebecca replied. "I will be there in a few minutes."

David nodded, not that she could see it through the phone. He ended the call and began floating towards Goliath.

During the time it took to get there, he was cycling through his powers to find a simple teleportation power. If things get rough, he can always use it to get away.

Floating in front of Goliath, David suddenly realised he didn't know what to say. He was never a people person, and he was never briefed on what to do or say in a situation like this.

Hence the awkward silence.

David was wondering if he had made a mistake. He ultimately decided to start the conversation. The moment he opened his mouth, Goliath began speaking.

Although speaking wasn't really accurate, there was no mouth or movement, and the sound seemed to just appear from the surroundings. A shaker power?

"You who hold the Corpse of the High Priest, are you my enemy?" The voice was deep and sounded more like the rumbling of a storm than an actual voice.

Wait, High Priest? The Fairy Queen called him that as well. Is that going to be a trend? Wait a minute, corpse?

"I don't understand what you mean; what do you mean by the corpse of the High Priest?" David asked in a confused tone. Holds the corpse of the High Priest? He would remember if he was holding a corpse.

"From the broken corpse, you harvested and took what you didn't deserve. A power you cannot control," the voice rumbled.

Harvested corpse, oh

"Eden," David whispered softly.

The silence became uncomfortable as David wondered what Goliath knew, how much it knew, and how it knew.

The silence was broken by the sound of Rebecca flying in. She couldn't have flown here from Washington, so Doormaker probably helped bring her here.

"Eidolon," Rebecca said as she nodded. David only nodded back in greeting.

She turned to look at Goliath.

"Goliath, I am Alexandra. We do not mean any harm to you." A lie, but one told too many times.

"Yet another lie, piled upon the blood on your hands. Your heart has gone cold, a mere husk of what was." The voice rumbled, its words cold and cruel.

Rebecca frowned and tried to respond. Tried was the operative word as Goliath cut her off.

"Enough of your lies; we are tired of them. Leave, and know that we shall strike you down if you act on any of your foolish plans."

Goliath moved and waved its hand. As it did you, he could feel a powerful suction pulling him backwards. He blinked and found himself in the middle of the camp that was set up outside Ellisburg.

Rebecca was beside him, her face showing her shock and confusion.

David sighed. This was a problem.

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