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Chapter 2

Sleeping was a strange feeling, especially considering my condition.

There is no tiredness, just full wakefulness. When I try to fall asleep, it happens immediately, too. How much of that was due to my current mental state (heh, get it? Since I seem to be a mental construct), and how much was due to my powers?

Our powers.

Honestly, it's a little hard to imagine that we're all the same person, or at least were the same person.

A college boy named Ryan, 18 years old. Nothing special - no girlfriend, no best friend. Just acquaintances and faces in the crowd. The family wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing either.

All of us remember that, but for some, the memories may be a little fuzzier.

We don't really resemble Ryan at all. Some here see themselves as girls, some as boys. Some as kids, some as elderly, and everywhere in between.

In the end, it didn't really matter.

We were able to piece together the CYOA that we did, which gave us powers. As far as we can tell, it didn't bode well for us.

Frankly, the drawbacks outweigh the perks. Ten perks and forty-five disadvantages plus no skills, just what we already have, which isn't much.

Still, the perks were helpful. Blindspot, Riddle, Mental Barrier, and Undercover The first gives immunity to clairvoyance and prediction effects. The second was immunity to Thinker Analysis, and finally the Mental Barrier was Master Immunity. Undercover helped hide my immunities unless we told them or the powers were specifically used against us.

The most important perk we had was called "Negentropy" Limitless energy from nothing. This really helps us with our powers.

On the other hand, the disadvantages have also caused a lot of problems. For one, Case 53 makes us get stuck in our monstrous form. The curse of laziness makes our bodies sleep for 12 hours, otherwise our powers will be weakened. A shattered psyche that got us into this mess.

Fortunately, all wasn't lost. In return for all the suffering, we have powers. Strong powers. Thanks to an advantage, they have all merged into one, amplifying their power and making things even better than we had hoped.

First, the power that made us this giant is Cronus, a power that transforms us into Titans and removes the limits of our powers.

Second, with Higher Priest we can gain any power, having up to five strong 'main' powers, and we can choose what kind of power that is.

The third power is Aliena, which gives us a maximum of 125 weak powers or 17 medium powers.

And finally, the power that was used against the little man earlier, "[Query][Response]," the ability to communicate and exchange data with the beings behind the powers. It even allows me to change my power with additional data.

The last three are extremely powerful on their own. Together, they're terrifying. However, with Cronus, they have reached a whole new dimension by removing their limits.

Those weren't our only powers, but the others we have are basic passive powers, such as not being able to take more than a certain amount of damage at once (lasers aren't counted as a 'single' attack), as well as a regeneration power that heals us as long as we can maintain a connection to our power source.

We can even take on the powers of others around us, although the power is half as strong if we aren't in direct contact with the person.

Because of all these powers, I felt that personal safety was our least important concern. Instead, I'm more interested in how we proceed.

We could learn how to move. This requires majority approval of a goal or action. This doesn't mean that all heads must vote, but only that there are more supporters than opponents of the decision.

From then on, our minds are strengthened and much more interconnected, so that we can debate and vote on actions in less than a hundredth of a nanosecond. Even then, our actions aren't very smooth or sophisticated.

This isn't limited to our bodies; our powers are affected as well.

We can't choose a power without enough agreement. Some wanted more protection, others wanted to dominate the population and act as gods, and still others had other goals and reasons.

This is also the reason why we stopped after our struggle (if it can be called such). Granted, another reason was the sudden need for sleep, but that wasn't much different than what we'd have done afterwards anyway.

Currently, no one knows what to do. We can't remember much about this world, and it's not for lack of trying. In the CYOA, Ryan seems to have chosen a drawback that resulted in our not being able to remember the 'plot."

So everyone had a different idea of what to do. Some wanted to hide, others wanted to get more information.

That's why the arguments never stopped. Honestly, it's tiring. I can't even tell you how long it's been; time flies when you don't have access to your senses.

Now that it looks like we're not going to come to an agreement soon anyway, I might as well get some sleep.

I'd have done it if we all hadn't just noticed that we got some new powers. A new power like that meant that a person with a power nearby. But that wasn't the problem, no, it was what the power was.

It was a weaker version of our Higher Priest.

Immediately, everyone started arguing about what we should do. Some immediately decided to use force, while I and a few others wanted to get more information first.

The majority voted and gathering information won. Physically, the body didn't move, but our powers activated. We sent a probe to the source of the powers, to get a better picture of what was happening.

And we found a corpse. Mutilated and being drained.

We retreated immediately.

Cue the screaming of [Fear/Disgust/Confusion/Amusement]. Wait, what was that last one?

Not important.

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