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Chapter 83: Chapter 80

"Aren't you supposed to be in your common room? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, coming around the corner and revealing himself.

"Harry! What are you doing here?" Dean asked, startled.

"It's none of his business Dean. We have to keep looking," Ron said defensively, pulling Dean away.

Dean stopped Ron. His eyes hadn't left Harry. "Wait! Ron. He's in Ravenclaw. Her house. Maybe he has some idea."

They told him what'd happened. Apparently, the afternoon had been a Charms class for all four houses, and Ron had somehow ended up sitting beside Hermione, who'd tried to correct his pronunciation of the levitating spell. Defensively, Ron had mouthed her off, and she had run off crying.

She wasn't in the feast when the troll was announced, so Ron, feeling guilty, had asked Dean to come looking with him.

Quest Alert!

Save Hermione and defeat the troll! BONUS: Keep the troll alive


6000 exp

10 house points

BONUS Reward: Skill book!


Death. Of course.


Selecting yes, Harry sighed, "You sure seem to have a habit of touching people's sore spots Ron."

"I said I'm sorry alright!" his face twisted. "She was being all bossy and acting like a know-it-all and I said whatever came to my head! How was I supposed to kno-"

"Harry, we have to go look for her now." Dean interrupted, "Hermione doesn't know about the troll and chances are that it won't take much time for it to find its way to wherever she is. Do your Ravenclaw friends know where she is?"

"I haven't asked, and we don't have time to go back to the common room and ask!" Harry replied. Why in the world did this game not have a mini map?!

"The second floor girls bathroom!" Ron suddenly exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hermione is in the second floor girls bathroom. She has to be! I heard one of the Patil twins say to the other that someone was crying in there while coming down to the feast. One of them is in your house isn't she? She's Granger's friend right?" Ron asked frantically.

Harry nodded. "Alright, you two get to the bathroom and warn her. Just get her, run upstairs and hide. I'll keep a lookout in the corridors. If the troll tries to go up, I'll warn you. Keep an ear out for me."

"Harry that's a troll! If you find it you won't be able to get away faster tha-"

Harry cut Dean off, "Trust me on this one. I'm fast enough. And remember, trolls stink like all heavens. So if you smell something, just run."

They nodded and started running towards the stairs.


You have unlocked a title!

Leader- Allows the user to control his followers easily and gives a +10 to all stats for all followers.

Harry immediately attached the title onto his status and instantly noticed Dean and Ron become faster, taking longer strides. They were being boosted by his title. He watched them disappear into the second floor and quickly activated his Unicorn Boost perk.

Unicorn's Boost- Allows user to run as fast as a unicorn for a brief amount of time. Speed and Usage time upgradable.

Usage time - (Dex + Wis) minutes + (Mana Pool Capacity) seconds

Looking around once to make sure no one was looking, he zipped down the first floor, checking rooms and corridors faster than any human could move. In almost no time at all, he'd searched the entire first floor.

It was entirely empty.

He was about to go up to the second floor to search it in a similar manner, when suddenly he heard a scream rip through the air.

Quickly zipping up the stairs and into the second floor, he ran full tilt towards where the scream had come from. Looking down a corridor, he saw that Dean and Ron were desperately trying to pull open the bolt on a door.

Harry slowed down and ran at human speeds to them. "What happened?"'

"Harry! Harry, we have to do something to get this door open! The troll is in there!"

Harry looked at them as if they had lost their marbles. "Are you mad? It's locked in, and we don't even have to get away. Find Hermione and let's get out of here. Where's the girl's bathroom?"

Dean's face twisted. Ron's face had lost all color. "Harry, this is the girl's bathroom. Hermione's in there."

Harry paled.

Whipping out his wand, he incanted at the bolt, "Alohamora" The bolt blasted apart and the door banged open. Harry nostrils filled with a disgusting smell, a mixture of old socks and the kind of public toilet no one seems to clean.

Much taller and hunkier than the trolls he'd faced in the ID, this one stood at well above fifteen feet tall, and had his massive club dragging along the floor. And there, beyond the troll, crumpled under a broken sink, pitifully whimpering, was Hermione who was shrinking against the wall opposite to them, looking as if she was about to faint. The troll was advancing on her, knocking the sinks off the walls as it went.

Harry used observe.

Mountain Troll










A vicious mountain troll that wants to kill anything in its way. It is incredibly resistant to magic, has tough skin and incredible strength but is very dumb.

Harry tried to use his mana to push blood control. But a window popped open.

Magical ward detected, no magic can be done on the target's body.

He couldn't even blood control the troll! He was willing to bet that Quirrell had warded the troll so that the teachers would have a hard time taking it down using magic.

"Damn it!"

If only he'd been alone, he could have gotten her out with his Unicorn Boost speed. But not now.

"You get her out," he whispered to his companions, "And I'll distract it." They nodded, not being able to think of anything else.

Harry steadied his breath and whipped out his wand. "On my mark then. Three…Two…One…Go!"

The two boys took off towards where Hermione was lying and Harry yelled at the troll, "Take this! Periculum!" A shower of red sparks flew right at the troll's face. The troll let out a massive groan and dropped its club stopping a few feet from Hermione.

"Spongify" Harry cast at the troll's club turning it as soft as sponge. No point in taking any risks with the troll's weapon.

"Come on, run, run!" Harry yelled at Hermione and the two boys helping her up, shooting another spark spell at the troll's face. They dodged the troll's flailing arms and shuffled as fast as they could out of the bathroom.

The shouting and the echoes seemed to be driving the troll berserk. It roared again and started toward Harry, who was nearest and had in his efforts to distract the dull creature, boxed himself in between two stalls and the troll between him and the door. Once they were out, Harry made to move towards the door, when he suddenly realized his situation. He'd have to get out of here.

'ID Create' he thought.

You cannot enter the ID when in fight with a boss level enemy.

Harry gritted his teeth. He couldn't use anything except wand magic now. He couldn't risk anyone else knowing about his powers! The distraction of Harry reading his screen was enough for the troll. It swung its club sideways, managing to hit Harry. The Spongify on it managed to prevent any serious injuries, but it was still enough to send him flying off his feet. He slammed into a stall wall and onto the ground. A wooden splinter dug into his palm, making it sting. "Status" he whispered.



Groaning, he looked up and caught sight of the troll raising its club one more time. 'Soft or not, one more hit like that and I'm dead' Harry thought, readying his wand and trying to pull up mana to protect himself.

Suddenly, Ron's voice filled his ears. "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!"

The club flew suddenly out of the troll's hand, rose high, high up into the air. Harry, realizing what was going to happen, mustered the strength to raise his mauled wand arm and incanted, "Lapify," countering the Softening spell's effect and making the club hard again.







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